The Wounded Empath

Over the past few years I have come to see a connection in my work that is not often talked about. Many people know about the narcissist and the codependent dynamic, BUT I have found that the codependents are often a “WOUNDED EMPATH”. Many highly sensitive people find themselves in this relationship dynamic and eventually trace it back to a parent with similar characteristics. They were not emotionally validated or understood as children. As a wounded healer myself I can tell you that the empath CAN be empowered and the codependency will end.


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20 thoughts on “The Wounded Empath”

  1. I was married for 15 years and that ended in divorce (14 years ago) was single for 7 years as I was devastated by this and I have now just ended a 5 year relationship. At 51 I finally realise I am an empath/codependent. Looking for love and validation from men as I never received it as a child. I had an abusive dad and emotionally unavailable Mum. I have always chosen narcissistic (selfish/self centred) men who could never give me what I truly longed for.. Thank you for all of the information you have given in your videos Candace. Life is so short and I want to learn all I can to heal myself and finally get the love I know I want and I know I deserve. Look forward to seeing more of your videos 😊

  2. Try having ADHD AND being an empath. The two illnesses have MANY similarities. In fact they are accelerated, sometimes I wonder what it is like to be normal.

  3. I'm tired of being alone from being an empath. The high sensitivity has costed me relationships. My ex-fiance used to make fun of me when I would cry, little did I know it was because I could sense as she laid with me that she was cheating/hiding things from me. So now, I learned if a SO cannot accept me as I am, I will just continue on as I always have. Alone. my last relationship I was called crazy when I explained myself as an empath.

    At the beginning, they tell me, I want a man's man, then halfway through, no I want a sensitive man. Then it's oh you're too sensitive, well FUCK man what do you want?! I can't be two people! So I guess I need to find another empath. But I've gotten so used to beling alone and alienated, I just sometimes get this crippling depression and even though I can walk it off or ect. it's just sometimes, at the age of 32, it would be nice to know what it's like to have a true partner who doesn't stray or laugh at me.

    There has to be more to life than being alone.

  4. Yep. This is totally me. This explains everything. This is the root of my suffering. After DECADES of pain. After 13 YEA4S of deep introspection into the pain and wreckage in my subconcious and putting together puzzle pieces in the dark NOW I FINALLY UNDERSTAND WHY!!!

    The final piece was put into place.

    Now I know what to ask for.

    Universe, I humbly and sincerily ask for the manifestation of soul level healing for me, this wounded empath, so I may be whole again to fulfill my mission on this planet.


  5. This explains much of my life and gives me a place to begin again. All the years in therapy could have been answered if someone had simply taught me this and given me a way to move forward.

    I feel understood. I was always right about what my feelings told me. I have to learn better to love myself now and not require external validation.

    I am crying. I hope we can all heal. Much love.

  6. Hi, Thank you for your videos! My family always told me I am ''too sensitive'' i always hated this label and still do I understand they were saying it from good intentions and trying to help me but I understand that now that by trying to do good they did more damage. huh anyway thank you!

  7. Dear lovely Candanc Van Dell,
    I 😍 the way you are…. I just don't know I have observed myself alot of time key I can't follow the societal norms so easily & bear it …. I want to meet you personally one time if you don't mind would it be possible… I want to have an appointment with u as I am frankly speaking I want to meet some people like you / I don't have single friends who is Highly sensitive like me and I need it……. But I am not able to get someone and my real side is Parents are forcing me to remove my Sensitivity….which I 😍 from bottom of my heartπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’‹πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜ love you sweetheart… Miss u /and I would pray for you …
    Your Vedios are amazing Keep it up…. I want to make sure key I see you personally face to face that can make me feel happy """" Wow there is someone like me"""" ….which I am thursting for years now…
    I would see u after 1 year as I am not going to use πŸ“± and Internet because too much Information processing is creating stress and anxiety for me…..

  8. Hey Candace, I feel the spiritual path is really heavy and boring. That is not popular to say in these circles. I dont like psychology, it makes me confused. Going into my feelings is confusing too. Where is all the fun and joy beyond all the chatter of concepts. I dont like the journey, I just want to wake up now, over and done with the blablabla. Like a little kid in the car "are we there yet?" Spiritual people are so adult. Its all about getting quiet, sitting still, being good. Sounds like school to me. Or sitting in circles talking about wounds or dancing in hippie clothes. And I like dancing and hippie clothes, but it becomes this `right style`…another Fit INN. Yes, I may not sound sensitive, but I am empathic to the point that I in my daily life process SO many peoples emotions that I feel really fed up! And I have my own codependent stuff thats seems difficult to process from so many hits-and-run. And the amount of corporate-spiritual-language is overwhelming. Anyways, I actually love your videos (I have ADHD as well…and aspergers autism)…just hitting a wave here. Much love

  9. Great explanation
    I think I’ll share this with my spouse of 25 years. I’ve already stated I’m leaving. Manifesting the funds to do so. I think he thinks I’ve changed my mind. Not. It’s not a partnership. There’s zero spiritual connection. Entirely different frequencies.

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