How To Be An ASSERTIVE Empath

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25 thoughts on “How To Be An ASSERTIVE Empath”

  1. Thanks Josie, what u said rings so true, it's been hard to change habits of constantly feeding ppls energy, I now realize that you come first no matter what for your own physical and overall health no matter what.

  2. Fantastic message.
    I went through half my life saying, "I can do that." every time someone told me of a problem they had. Often they would say, "Ok, let me know when you're done.", leaving me thinking, "I didn't say I would, I just meant I was able."
    Relationships degraded to talent barter contracts that I regretted, since I am a terrible negotiator, and have low material ambition; I eventually got a reputation as one who works for cookies.
    Now my policy is, "Start with 'No', then possibly change my mind." I've watched allot of users walk away, and I also say, "Good Riddens".
    Now I need to learn when to say 'Yes'.
    What are some cues for when I have found someone who can reciprocate my generosity and talents in a good way?

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

  3. Thank you. I'm always too nice and I always feel drained. My boyfriend is even worse, people always ask him to fix things and he charges very little or does it for free and spends so much time and energy on things. I tell him to say no, or at least compromise. He is usually very level, even controlling but when it comes to pleasing other people he always does it. Then he comes home drained and grumpy and complains to me, and nothing gets done at our house or in our relationship. Thanks for uploading this. I wanted to see your webinar but I live in Australia and it was at 3am on a work day (morning/night). Guessing this was part of the emphatic protection thing. 🙂 Thank you for using your kindness and energy to help others, I appreciate it xo

  4. I needed this today, my son betrayed me recently once again only this time is different it's seemed nasty deliberately . I feel hurt and you are right I need to say no more often ,I have two carers who absolutely exchange energy and I adore them and I find I have no real friends that live close to me and I have always been a little reclusive and I am totally ok with that, the friends I do have I've had for over ten yrs and we visit when she is in Sydney but mostly we do face time and I am so good with it. I find my family absolutely have no regard for me at all and I tried to understand why but my son told me two days ago , it's me with the problem not all of them… He is right I won't deal with the sneaky nasty ways my brothers and sisters have . So thanks for today xoxo

  5. Great video Josie 🙂 thank you 🙂 I am an empath …but I learnt to say no to those who drained me …. They ended up walking away… It was sad as these people had been in my life for many years… But it was a wake up call about who I wanted to be around… Loved this video and very much needed to hear this.. As I was starting to question if I had done the right thing 🙂 xx

  6. Hi Josie ! In sanscrit , negation does not exist ! I watched the video " The Pledian video that triggered m'y Kundalini awakening". I is about spinning 33 times 3 times a day ! I never feel drained anymore for doing that spinning + St Germain's breathing technique of sun energy 3 times a day also , energy just flow through my being . I am mastering this principle ! And when I do these spiritual communions , at the end , I always have these 2 taughts" 1- I share all of the benefits of this spinning with all of creation ! 2- I share the pure love and this light with all of creation ! For the Sun , à portal of the Great Central Sun , give His light to all ! But I understand that sometimes I say yes but bla bla bla I explain , educate and tell people they are draining energy so on front of them I call upon the beings of the angelic realms aloud ! Try this dear readers and you will all be surprise of the results ! My mother use to tell me that one can never love to mutch and I beleive she is right for love is all there is ! That is where i'm at in my journey . I am à blue ray in service . I bless you all ! ! ! ! !

  7. I was watching the video that you did about resistance , I liked it but we need more information about the topic it really slows down our progress on many levels . josie can you please do more videos on resistance

  8. Great video Josie Thank you ..I am guilty of just giving and giving just can't say no to pple who are not worthy & just drain my energy & stress out myself .. Me eyes are opened now that It's ok to say No and protect myself ..

  9. Thankfully, saying no is the easiest for me:) hey josie, wanted to ask about your decision about making your videos did respond saying you'd start in october..

  10. It's a tricky situation as we're in this bind of going against our default nature. Also its as much about breaking a habit too – and pushing out into a slightly uncomfortable zone. But that said, as you suggest, this has to be the way to recuperate our health and have sufficient energy reserves for our own creative expressions and influence in the physical world. Sometimes in wanting to help others we give too much of ourselves and then become ill. Finding the right balance is probably key – which means being quite disciplined with the time we put into helping others. Then also establishing a quiet space where all external drains are removed and we can rejuvenate in thought and action too – I personally find this by taking long walks in nature as far away from the man-made world as is possible. I call it my 'thinking time' – when knotted emotional problems are unravelled and my balance is realigned. Maybe others have similar ways of getting back to themselves?

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