5 Tips You Should Know if You’re an Empath

Are you an empath? An empath is someone who is easily influence by the feelings or emotions of others. Sometimes, to the extent the weigh of the world can be on their shoulders.

Because of this, an empath needs to develop healthy boundaries and coping mechanisms. In this video, we try to give 5 strategies you can use.

Feel free to share your own experiences!

Script: Lyndsey Brauch
Voice Over: Lily
Animation: Abigail McMurray – http://moncinnamon.deviantart.com/

Feedback Editor: Risha Maes
Project Manager: Erin Bogo
Producer: Psych2Go

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46 thoughts on “5 Tips You Should Know if You’re an Empath”

  1. Thankyou for this vid! As an empath myself, I feel appreciated, and it’s something I’ve struggled with most my life ❤️

  2. When I was 7 years old I just met a shy quiet neighborhood boy from the West Indies, n I felt so sorry 4 him that I told him I would protect him n if any other friends bothered him 2 tell me,,,then I told our others friends they better treat Moggie right,,,I never knew why I felt so protective over Moggie, but I could feel his vulnerable humble spirit,,,so one day older kids invited us 2 swim in the East River, I said"Oh No Sir" but Moggie went, n a older kid pushed him in n he drowned,,,if I was there I maybe could have prevented that, cuz even though I was smaller than most friends they knew better than 2 get me upset, cuz I protect the weaker person,,,now I realize why,,,Ty👼❤️

  3. I can look at people and determine how they're feeling but I find it so hard to imagine what it'd be like to be an empath and actually feel what they feel. That just seems crazy to me like how woulds you even cope?

  4. I swear if i had to reject someone i would start crying, because i know how it hurts to be rejected, the person put all it's effort and had all of it's courage to ask it, and i just have to reject it.

  5. Empathy mixed with depression is…exhausting to say the least. I'm in my room alone every day, though I'm not sure if it's because I'm too tired to get out or too afraid that I'll absorb and magnify everything that everyone else feels with my own emotions.

  6. I think too much I feel too much I do too much sometimes I don’t know whats right or wrong cause I see from too many perspectives, I also like to self educate and read, I tend to naturally understand things more than normal people do, I’m extremely intellectual, although I’m pretty extroverted at the same time, I also keep all the emotions inside, at a young age I’ve learned about the law of attraction and all 12 universal laws, I’m good predicting no I’m no way saying I’m a god, I just do too much or too little I overthink to the fucking max i fucking hate it, its fucking sickening, can’t tell if it’s a blessing or a curse.

  7. I do have to say tho theres a difference between being empathetic and being an empath. Being empathetic is you feeling for others but being and empath is you feel what others feel and is usually a lot stronger.
    Either way, it is very draining sometimes but its also a gift too. You can help others and you can also protect yourself by knowing almost immediately where everyone is emotionally when u enter a room.

  8. Is this being an empath? I just want to confirm..

    – you’re in the middle of the crowd but still spot the loneliest person
    – you go out of your way to make someone happy knowing they will never ever will remotely even think about doing the same thing or even thought about how much effort or what I was dealing with prior
    – you always judge people right, you’re never wrong about your friend’s relationships. Not meaning to judge but we’re humans, it’s our primal instinct.
    – you observe too much. Literally I went to wafflehouse the other day and the waitress was acting overly not normal but trying to act normal u feel, well she told us that he cook didn’t know how to cook chicken and they didn’t have gravy but when he came over I analyzed him and noticed his name tag (the cook) has a button that said “Serving guest for 20 years.” Now how he work there for 20 years and don’t know how to cook the chicken. So yea, obviously knew she was lying from the start. I asked my friends earlier if they noticed that and they didn’t cause they’re a bunch of normies
    – I watch a person and I like to guess which path they will take of the room is full of people and the reason why and the things they’ll bump into (which they do) and the exact person they will say “excuse me” and “pardon me” to and I’m right lol.
    – I hate normies. Normal people who are so empty. Who are so unaware of their own mind and being. Like I can listen to your conversation and facial expression and figure out their character on that spot and see if they are worthy of my EMPATHY.
    – YES! that’s what I’ve been looking for.. people who are worthy of my empathy or people who understand my 1000000 million things that are in my mind..
    – tbh, I’ve been telling people that I have this type of “ability” which isn’t but I think it is cause they’re are actually stupid people in this world who would have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about and these thoughts would never cross their normie mind. People are so easy to figure out, especially the normies. Holy cow. It’s kinda disgusting and disappointing.. what a waste of human breath.. you never will unlock this side of the brain… sorry, guess we are kinda narcissistic, doesn’t matter, I know everything about human life anyways.

  9. I’m an empath and one of my biggest pet peeve is when I tell someone that I am one and they suddenly have the audacity to say “Okay since ur an empath, tell me what I’m feeling/what are my emotions right now.” 😂

  10. I have been doing pretty damn good at school and it wasn't until I found out one of my family members was having a very bad time. She lost weight, started having panic attacks and all that jazz. I have only seen her a couple of times and she just sort of rubbed off on me. I really don't know her personally and I don't know her actual issues but since then i can't seem to just let her go. It was as if I let her personality stick. She even commented how "perfect I was" since I am in school and everything. It's kind of frustrating. I have to remind myself I am not her and I really don't have a reason to panic. It's pretty stressful. Maybe it is because I care about her, but clearly she needs some help from a therapist. Like something inside me wants to resolve her issues just to see how can I stop feeling her insecurities myself but I just can't. This has been going on for a while now. Acknowledging that I am not her, I am not her insecurities, I am not her responsibilities should do it. But maybe there is something I see in her in which I reflect myself on. I feel like her parents stress her out a lot, and I suddenly feel like I should keep away from my parents as well to just not feel that stress, but I then realize I have a good relationship with them. I just end up coming off as an asshole.

  11. I take on the emotions of people that I'm around all the time. So, being in a big group of people really confuses me about what I am actually feeling.

  12. YES! SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS! I feel guilty taking the prescribed days off by my doctor but then again, i need them to recharge to be the best i can be. How else do you think i am so calm and composed in the call center job i have? From coworkers who are energy vampires to customers with their sad stories or anger, i have to deal with a lot. I use any means to recharge, protect and so forth. Thank you for this video.

  13. When people are laughing behind me,I always thought that there's something funny about me but Im sure that they are not laughing about me😣maybe I just pick uo the emotion of the real person that are been make fun off.And I always tired after everytime I when to a sosial interaction,It tooks me days for me to have 'me time' until I feel like to talk to my friends again.I still need to control these ability

  14. Hey I'm an empath looking to test and heighten my empathetic skills, if any one is willing to try and bounce back each other's emotion past or perception please comment

  15. Hello. I think I am an empath but I am not sure about it and if I am an empath I am sure that I am tired. It's like can feel what are people feeling but when they have depression or something like that I can't feel anything it's like a shield is infront of them and it's so empty then. I like being around people but I always get a tired feeling then. I wanted(want) to be in a psychologic job in my future because I always want to "heal" people to make them feel good again to make them happy. It's just that sometimes I don't know what I am feeling and then I think I am sad but I am happy and it's really confusing. And I can scene if someone is doing somdthing not good, sometimes. I like being alone sometimes too and just read. ….so am I an empath or not ?

  16. I’m an empath and I try not to be. I hate it. Certain songs will set off my feelings. And I feel sad when I don’t want to. I wish I wasn’t. I try to not like people but I just started to like this one girl and I haven’t liked someone like this i a long time. It’s making me scared and I don’t know why. Some one help me

  17. Wow, that's why I feel people's moods and auras. My boyfriend is often strict and blunt with me. When I tell him that it makes me feel sad and misunderstood he denies it saying that I'm too sensitive and I must get used to his "normal" tone.

  18. What should i do if i feel that my father is the one that drains my energy?
    I tell him that i dont feel good by his presence or something but i really dont know how to express myself with this.

  19. woah I came here and the comments section had 666 comments

    Anyways my actual comment was going to be that I find it kind of annoying when you explain to someone what an empath is and they're just like "me too!" like no that's not what I mean. There's a difference between being empathetic and empathic.

  20. But… Whenever I try to spend time with myself or do those things these days.. I feel guilty that I'm not helping the other person though

  21. It's hard being a teenage empath at a school. In my opinion, teenagers can be the most judgemental age group and the most insecure so when you're an empath in a good mood, they will recognize your positivity and they'll take it, giving you their negative mood.

  22. Im a very empathetic person, but I dont want to go out there and try to help everyone. I know that makes me sound rude but I cant honestly

  23. Im an emphath AND extrovert so I need to be with people to not get depressed, but when Im with people I can feel negative emotions and it hurts so Im tired either way. The struggle is real

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