Empaths and Anxiety – (5 – Tips For Empaths Dealing With ANXIETY)

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I had HORRIBLE anxiety! I was that guy that everyone could tell was visibly nervous, anxious, sweating, red face, the whole deal.

Not anymore!

I found ways to TRULY overcome my EXTREME anxiety and in this video I tell you what I did


31 thoughts on “Empaths and Anxiety – (5 – Tips For Empaths Dealing With ANXIETY)”

  1. I had to take four months off of work due to stress. I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety. Plus, a lot of illness within my family and I lost an uncle before Christmas due to cancer. I am still in therapy and I am trying my best to do better.

  2. I really resonate with you. I also suppressed my anxiety with opiods though and it was the only thing that ever helped me and im clean now but i have never heard another story like mine. Thank you❤💯

  3. I am 27 months clean from opiates I self medicated being an intuitive empath was so hard for me. Now I've gone through understanding everything good is on the other side of fear and am working w a shaman. I knew I had the gift of healing and will eventually be helping clear negative entities from drug addicts in recovery. thank you so much for sharing your time w all of us.

  4. you are awesome~ I am a new subscriber, an empath as far back as I can remember. Being a sensitive Pisces as well is like hell sometimes, I used to think I cannot change that, but I wanted to. Now I realize I don't have to, but embrace it to change my own life.

  5. A lot of your videos resonate with me, but not as much as this one 👌 Your genuine intentions to help others, shine through your expressions & voice. I appreciate that you can be direct, but humorous & personable at the same time. Love your work Victor…thank you!!

  6. Victor, thank you so much! I struggle so much with anxiety, red face and etc. You really inspired me now with these words, that we have to see it as the blessing due to our awareness on higher levels, so the solution now is going through this anxiety deeper and deeper until we come out on the other side of this apple where there will be only this state of awareness and harmony! I shoud not avoid this anxiety hallway and stay my whole life in the front of the entrance of hallway (and feel the fear anyway), I have to go through this so I could come to the light eventually and there is no other way to catch this light, only to face anxiety! Wow, what you said has so much meaning!!! I am so grateful that you share it with us! All the love to You!!!!! Thank you!!!

  7. You are great. I feel you all the way, in what you say, experienced, the old opiate addiction, and literally through the screen, I understand your energy. Anyway, this is an off question, but I was wondering if you are an INFP on the Myers Briggs. You just strike me that way. One thing I learned is that our anxiety is actually our intuitive, empathic, even “psychic” powers to “see” outside of us turned inward into ourselves. Like we are being attacked from all angles and it bothers the body. I always listen to good music and dance and feel myself playing different instruments through my hands and fingers until I am totally centered and fluid in peace serenity grace and then I take that energy out into public and because music is going through my head, I am more able to fluidly conduit my own energies and those around me and like my body just moves subtly like an instrument playing to keepi everything in balance within so I can use my hyper awareness for more psychic reasons so I can use my ability to heal outwards. This may sound whacked. I don’t know what words to use specifically 🌸

  8. I always questioned if I was an empath. I've been depressed and get horrible anxiety when in public. This validates what I've been thinking, Constantly feeling uncomfortable and it's most likely I'm just feeling other people's feelings.

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