Empaths: (How To Manage Your Sensitivity)

Physical Ascension Symptoms Relief (Free E-Book)

Physical Symptoms Relief

99% of the time, being a sensitive empath seems like a cruel, cosmic curse…


I will be the first to admit it.

Growing up I was so extremely sensitive to nearly, all things, that I felt like I had a consistent flow of palpable, anxiety flowing through my circuits at all times.

Only in the recent years have I come to into a sort of, mastery over my empathic nature.

As a lightworker, trying to survive in this modern world, I have come to use my empathic nature as an asset, finally, rather than a chink in my earthly- armor.

I have created this post to share my revelations about how to actually, use your empathic nature and natural, psychic abilities to achieve high levels of mastery over the earth plane…

and experience…

almost… unimaginably, greater depths of joy, love, and earth-awesomeness.

– See more at: http://21stcenturyseeker.com/index.php/2016/03/28/empath-guide-how-to-use-your-sensitivity-to-awaken/#sthash.M98rb2MT.dpuf

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34 thoughts on “Empaths: (How To Manage Your Sensitivity)”

  1. Im having trouble. My aunt told me that i have a special gift(she is an empath) but i have different traits to my empathy. I can see a persons bad thoughts. And their anger and sadness. And i hate to say this. But i can see when a person takes his or her life. Or when someone kills someone. I can also tap into peoples mind and read there thoughts. I have to cover my right eye to stop the tapping into a persons mind. I know that i may sound crazy. But it is a very bad thing that is on my shoulders. My family has a empathic trait line in my family. I self medicated to stop the visions of suicide and pain of other people. But im doing better at the no self medicating thing. I just cannot control this gift. I call it a curse. I just need to ask for advice from anyone please. I cannot control this curse.

  2. My hero- thank you so much for using your time to help people. it is appreciated beyond belief. I’m at the beginning of my journey, I have just found out I’m a heavily self destructing empath. Can’t wait to learn and conquer. I want children some day but want to insure that I’m the best I can be. And this gives me hope that I’ll be able to achieve this.
    Again, thank you

  3. I've noticed that I only feel my girlfriend..I feel everything off of her and it can be very stressful.. because I don't know what to think about it..I become so negative because things Cross my mind like is she talking or seeing another guy etc things like that..I don't feel anyone else but her..I know when she's asleep and I know when she wakes up which sucks because I don't want to know any of those things..I tried to pray it away and I tried to ignore it but I can't.. When I feel her it feels like someone is punching me in the stomach.. and a feeling like someone is twisting my intestines.. Can anyone help? I don't know what to do and I don't know how to control it..I feel her but I never know what's going on..I noticed that when I ask her what is wrong the feeling won't go away till she tells me the truth.. Any help is very appreciated

  4. I ❤ how you take such a different approach & perspective on things. You mentioned about the fact that when things go wrong in your life that u should ask yourself "why did I create this". I've never thought about it that way. I have to say it really gave me some peace knowing that because it turns me from being the victim & helpless to being accountable & in that comes strength to accept & grow. I also think it makes more since to face your problems & deal with why u have them instead of shielding them. This was the first video I've seem of yours & it really got through to me. Thank you for your much needed advice! 😊

  5. I have to call BS, horrible negative things happen to good and pure people. I rebuke the fake thought pattern that the bad in your life was caused by the same bad in yourself! There is true evil in this world and it smells the pure of heart. Please tell me what evil the children that have been sold into the sex trade have done, what evil did Jesus do to be nailed on a cross? This stinks of AA brainwashing!

  6. I’ve never considered it through this lense. I usually experience I t in terms of being able to feel other people’s vibes whether they’re shitty or positive. Interesting to think maybe their shit energy is registering with me because I’m on a low vibration as well and I didn’t even know it.

  7. Through this process my emotions are soooo strong. Tug of war in my body all the time. Are empaths needy? The FEW in my life I need to respond at times or my world feels like its crashin, but I will want to be alone for periods of time. When I NEED I NEED. When I can hot handlepeople, I NEED to lock myself in my room. I wish I had help..

  8. I listen to binaural beets, and understand consciousnesses effect on matter, so disharmony would be a way, to prevent a Mass, evolutionary leap, for humanity

  9. Do you think technology and frequencies that technology televisions computers, produce, can affect, our own ability to balance our own frequency? Disharmony

  10. Nice with the 11:11. Was in high school when I began seeing 11-11,eleventyone as well. And I solved what it was before I even knew there was information on it at all. Kept convincing myself it was imaginary then started actually learning the feeling before I’d look at the digits and would know exactly what the time was, then I stumbled into my first tarot deck, crystal ball as well as instructions that it was left for me specifically. There were gloves in case I was afraid it said. Tarot were made the year I was born, thought that was weird, had a chain of readings, 9 times in a ROW, on the eleventh card, OUTCOME, on my deck, and was the fool! On the 12 reading, the feeling the outcome was the fool again, was gone as I felt something altered frequency

  11. Im so glad that I came across this video. I was meant to find it. I feel like you were speaking from my head, and articulated beautifully. I was thinking of trying ayahuasca.

  12. I find as an empath that professionals are always telling me I need therapy… I resisted it for years for a few reasons plus I wasn’t ready. What would you recommend now? I feel I have so much to unload and it might be time to do therapy but I’m also worried I will label myself without knowing as ‘broken’ or that I need fixing. I need opinions?

  13. Wow dude! I never realized but you are totally describing me! I’m completely floored. Fortunately, I’ve learned to control a lot of it but also because an addict to control and numb all those feelings out also! Sobriety at first was the worst because of the flood of suppressing everything for so long. I didn’t know there were people out there like me and never told many people in fear of judgment! I take an antidepressant that helps control the flow of others feelings emotions and any other vibes they toss out. My aunt also showed me a few ways to control it. Which I can share but it’s a long process of an amazing epiphany I was lucky enough to have with the lord! Thanks so much for sharing!! Plan to watch you more. The more I know the more I learn there’s more people than just me and there’s a way to control it.

  14. I am awakening and was told by someone wiser than me that I’m a strong Empath and that’s I don’t know how to release all of the emotions I’ve taken in and that it’s causing my constant anxiety, panic, depression, and many other things. I don’t know how and she said I need to find someone to teach me. I’m also Clairvoyant. It’s all making so much sense. I had a dream that I wrote down, right before this all started unfolding, but I knew my dream was about self discovery.

  15. I've been watching random videos today and it led me to these kinds of videos. I think I'm an empath. It all just makes sense why I've always been so different and aware and in tune with pretty much anyone I come across

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