Empaths ~ The Symptoms and the Gift

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If you are an empath, there is an amazing reason why you have this trait. This is the mission you chose, your life’s purpose, in this lifetime on Earth. You came here to help and heal as a true Lightworker. You are here to bring peace and love to the world as we all continue to evolve into a higher state of consciousness. The work you are doing is not easy and being an empath is not a weakness. Your work is needed and you are always Divinely supported. Only through your own healing will you be able to truly step up into the amazing power you hold within to work from your heart at the highest vibration you were always meant to be.

To read more about Empaths: http://www.treeofself.com/2016/01/05/empaths-the-symptoms-the-gift/


21 thoughts on “Empaths ~ The Symptoms and the Gift”

  1. Being an empath is just someone who has the gift of discernment. If you are an empath you are call to work in humanitarian professions.

  2. My mom was a Geomantic Empath. She knew, weeks ahead of time, when an Earthquake would happen, & sometimes where depending on the intensity.
    I, myself, am an INFJt-Empath.
    Well done 💫💫💫💫💫

  3. Why is it that Only Negative Energies are Listed, Empathetic Souls are Actually very Positive and Focus Solely on high vibrations. Negative Energies is something We avoid, recognize and distinguish from Our own Very QUICKLY! Yes We can redirect it Straight back if We choose so! It all Depends on how we are being treated.

  4. I've had to do a 180 and start to take care of myself and put myself first. I've been trying to give to others but just made myself totally drained and weak so I've had to change my approach.

    Now I put myself first. When I lift myself high and feel amazing I can then help others but I'm not there yet.

  5. I need help. I recently tried to help a girl who was having a hard time with her boy friend. Basically he dumped her, i knew from start that the girl lacks empathy n a bit selfish from start as i can sense her energy. My problem is that i try to help anyone who is sad for any reasons, i can't help it i just wanna see people happy. But problem started when i tried to help her, she wants her bf to comeback but he will not and she is just stuck to me like a leech. She keeps on msg n texting me not stop, she wants to talk to me 24×7 well i like to help people but she is kinda selfish person. She won't even try to understand what i am telling her. Her bf didn't want her back cause she cheated on him. But she wants me to get him back for her which i can't. What should i do? She keeps on leeching my energy. I don't want to hurt her feelings though by refusing to talk to her. But i can't take it too. I like talking to people whotry to understand views of others but she is one hell of a selfish person who doesn't give a shit about others. She just want to evade boredom by txting n chatting n if i don't reply she starts calling me. How should i deal with her?

  6. That is why im always exhausted 😩. I have all these signs. Before, i dnt understand why im feeling too much, i wasn't aware about being an empath. I thought i was just being too emotional when i was a kid and then when i was a teenager i thought i was just having a "PMS"😅. I feel the vibe of a place just by driving around. The people i passed by, the crowd, animals, and even plants and non living things (can u imagine?). It's hard to explain but i feel everything. I dnt knw how to handle it at times that's why i choose to be by myself most of the time and take naps when i feel really tired. It is both a blessing and a curse being an empath.

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