Becoming an Aware Empath: Learning to Trust (and Strengthen) Your Empathic Instincts

Are you an Empath? Do you feel other’s emotions and pain deeply? Do you have a hard time letting go of pain and trauma? If so, it’s likely you are an Empath. 

In this first live webcast, you’ll learn how to: 

 – Understand when you are picking up other people’s energy 
 – Decide whether it is your energy/emotion or someone else’s 
 – Decipher the way that your body tells you what’s going on around you
 – Strengthen your intuition by listening to your instincts
 – Release negative energy so that you can stay healthy and happy

Take the Empath Test now: 

Find out more about the Empowered Empath Academy:


47 thoughts on “Becoming an Aware Empath: Learning to Trust (and Strengthen) Your Empathic Instincts”

  1. It is interesting what you said in clip 10:34 about knowing empaths diagnosed with a mental disorder and they don't have one. They are just picking up other people's emotions. I was diagnosed with depression at age 19. I am now classified schizophrenic at age 47. I stopped watching the news which I constantly watched sometimes up to 8 hours a day. I feel very deep!y others emotions and I isolate myself a lot. I love being in nature and dogs gravitate towards me for no reason. Several times when I walk my dog I have had other unleashed dogs following me. Lots of other things. I am going to investigate more about absorbing others feelings and how to block it. Thank you for the video!

  2. I still think it's a curse. To much data pouring in and takes away from my own character. Just learned I was empathetic a few days ago and have tons of positive work to do!

  3. Hi! I have a question. What if i was at home and watching tv and someone on tv starts to cry and then i start to cry, so would that mean I'm picking up on the person that's crying on tv's emotions or no?

  4. Very helpful TARA! Especially about making the body lingo dictionary…I never thought to do that! I do feel the bad stuff from behind me.It feels like muscle spasms all over my neck and back, also tingling and pins and needles. I get so many different pains and sensations in odd parts of my body at odd times…I thought I was a hypochondriac or something! I have always been "too sensitive". Better that than crazy. I have burst into tears upon meeting a few people…thought I was being odd. Turns out it was them! lol

  5. Do any of you Empaths get a awful feeling inside when you see roadkill? Especially recent roadkill? Like you can feel the pain they experienced, those poor innocent animals that dared to cross the road! It's really upsetting. I feel embarrassed to be a human driver on the road when I see that. I know it's a fact of life, but it is a regretful part of our world. Then another sad part of it is I eat meat!!!

  6. I used to fit the bill for an empath. I had a panic attack and would get frequent panic attacks and have been diagnosed bipolar or whatever.

    I'm super sensitive to light, sound, the inner workings of my body, I have extremely good eyesight, air and subtle sound sensitivity. In the past I would usually notice things others wouldnt.

    People used to dump their feelings on me as well.

    I am now in New York city and am scared all the time. My thoughts pop in about heights, riding the train, large buildings, highways, etc.

    Not sure if I'm actually picking up other people's emotions. Except for when I lived with family members that's more obvious but I could just have been picking up body language, speech, etc.

    I dont think this is some supernatural ability.

  7. I knew I was wired differently to people in my past they would bring me this feeling of wondering if they actually had a heart so I thought sometimes I was crazy and they treated me pretty much like that it's good to realize they were the ones with something wrong with them all those years I was treated like I was turns out I was a better stronger more caring person than they could even hope to be, around them I just felt so much anger and hatred it was there energy I was picking up on so glad i now understand it's very empowering thankyou for a great soul helping video nice to know I'm not crazy my hands start shacking and I get this over whelming gut feeling when I'm around toxic people

  8. Hi Tara. I prayed for guidance and found your video. What an amazing resource! I started my BODY LANGUAGE DICTIONARY immediately. Yesterday, 7-7-19, I was impacted by the negative energy of a man at my gym who started using a treadmill near me. From the little info that I have learned, I smile…thought positive thoughts, refocused of exercising and moved on…all while keeping an eye on his actions. Today, I learned that I did what is called TRANSMUTING his energy…in my body…from negative to positive!!!! I am so excited. That led me to learn more about my empathic abilities…and finding your video. I am heading to your website NOW. Thanks so much, Tara♡

  9. Love, Love, LOVE this video! This module is a literal Godsend to me, as an empath with a teenaged empath daughter. I am an example of the classic untrained empath (finally) learning empowerment, after years of searching for resources. I desperately want to help my daughter navigate her journey without the decades of wandering through life feeling broken.
    Thank you!!!

  10. amazing……so much info falling into place, for me… the way Americans say….."have a wonderful ….'Rest of your Day" it always stops me in my tracks….
    l feel this info could change the course of my life.
    have a lovely ""rest of your day"!

  11. I'm not getting a good vibe of you.. What's with all this obsession about this institute?? You're not genuine… And you're definitely not an empath… Stop The bullshit

  12. It is difficult to experience the emotions that others are actively and subconsciously repressing. The cultures that teach boys not to express their emotions (except anger) are reinforcing very toxic energy patterns. I am now in a place where I cannot, as an empath, be able to be around any white heterosexual males (in particular) at all because of what I call the emotional backlog of shame, grief, pain, sorrow, weakness, failure, jealousy etc that they seek out empathic females to "put those feelings on". I don't want to be sexist but this is a gender issue that really needs to be changed for the well being of men and women. The reality that girls growing up are more often allowed, even encouraged to show their emotions while boys are not is not right and it is not fair. When I experience the repressed emotions of these men there is no possibility of talking with them about "it" safely, as they invariably react with abusive denial or violence. I think God made us empaths so we can "diagnose" quite easily the ailments of those who cannot articulate them. Demonizing and pathologizing this capacity is throwing away a great gift.

  13. I don't think I can do this anymore, I'm brilliant of what I do = take peoples World on my shoulders. Make people happy & connect with each other/read people so easily = everyone comes to me…. I am so mentally drained at the moment, people feed off me…. Sophia, I don't watch TV ect, its always bad news which drains my spirit xx

  14. Really enjoyed this video! Really opened my eyes to being an empath. I can relate to all of the info you gave. The feelings, the wanting to help people whether they wanted it or not, having to play peacekeeper, getting out of bad situations, knowing if something was wrong, soaking up everyone's emotions, feeling drained….all of it. I also can't watch the news or hear about traumatic events. Usually leaves me to tears. Thanks for a wonderful video, Tara!

  15. Im an empath and I'm trying to learn how to manage it. Every time I'm around my brother or any negativity, I get this very bad vibe that I just want to stop what I'm doing and just get the hell away. The worst part is that my brother and I live in the same house. 😔😫😫

  16. I felt this priest's soul or demons probing me like tentacles (felt like ping pong. balls lightlightly being thrown up and down the front of me.) He began fractionation hypnosis and mind games and sexual harassment. He looked like a different person every day. I Think that he was a narcissist with demons. They sent him to a treatment center. It has taken me 4 years to recover. He sucked the life force from me. I should have run. He did not deserve my help. He was evil. I thought that he was good and under attack. I saw demons around him and at another place he went. This never happened again. He called me on the phone 6 mos ago and I would not talk to him. I had been very fond of him but fell apart after he left. Do you have any thoughts?

  17. Not everybody experiences are like hers and th others on her making money off our natural abilities..please research and meditate you definitely will find your way!..🙌🏽💪🙏…they all want money off your born given talent!..fuck these leeches!

  18. This was so helpful as I’m just figuring it all out. I’ve always seen this as a curse but I truly pray daily for God to use me in a helpful way. I’m not there yet but I refuse to give up. There is so much pain in this world so I know that there’s got to be a way that I can be helpful. I was in Las Vegas this past weekend. We were on Fremont St where there are so many “interesting” people. I wasn’t there 30 minutes until I had to find a bathroom where I could cry my eyes out. One disadvantage ( among many) is that you have to hide to cry so people won’t think you’re crazy. I wish I had someone in my life who understood.

  19. I’m going to make this quick bc right now I just came home from being around a LOT of friends who were REALLG. NOT. OKAY.
    Last year during gym after two warm up laps I sat down and started crying. I got heated. I remember not feeling like anything in particular was setting it off. I felt in despair, and I felt like I lost someone. It was Valentine’s Day, which I took note of because it reminded me of my abusive ex. But this is not the point. Last year, Valentine’s Day is on a Wednesday, so my school was on 44 minute class periods, so 8th period started at 2:31. That day I came home to hear about the tragic Douglas parkland school shooting, which killed 17 children. This year on Valentine’s Day I woke up with so much pain and crawled onto my mother’s bed. She watches the news every chance she gets, and me being an extreme empath hates it. I tune it out when I feel this way as much as possible. I heard a strong ringing and looked up and the news caster was talking about the year anniversary of the shooting. I thought, “this is why I am in pain.” After school, I came home crying. I decided to check, hoping that maybe they have a timeline of that day and when the shooting started and ended.
    Gym gives an extra three and a half minutes to change.
    It was a warmup lap, meaning the beginning of gym.
    The period started on 2:31
    And kids were texting on 2:35 about a shooter.

  20. Tara ur methodology and the way with which you share and educate is something I'm able to recieve and actually respond well to.
    My entire life I've been hyper aware of others motives and potential actions and feelings.
    It wasn't until a few years ago ( when I was able to escape my narcissistic husband of more than 20 years) that I was able to connect with myself and started to become aware of empathic and thoughts and feelings.
    Unfortunately or fortunately depending how u look at it, I had the opportunity to live with 19 women with substance abuse disorders. I became super aware of my intuition and was able to b In touch with my feelings and was able to discern what was coming from the other women or mine.
    Sadly the thing I became very good at was intuiting who was going to use drugs next and either die or ne asked to leave next.
    It became " the only thing I was never wrong about "
    I thought I was going crazy and it all came to a head when my best friend relapsed used once overdosed and died in our home on my birthday.
    I now work in the drug and alcohol field and dedicate my life to helping others anyway I can to b saved from the ravages of active addiction.
    I need to learn alot more about empaths and how to detach more and do more self care.
    Thank u so much

  21. I love Tara. She really knows herself. Most people are afraid of themselves.

    Love You Tara!

    Your genuine person!

    You are a rarity among people!

    I Thank the Universe for sending someone like you!

    I don’t know if that has anything to do with being an empath. I don’t know?…

  22. I had to get off facebook because peoples posts were draining me. People sharing stories of missing kids, abused animals, murders of law enforcement , the illness or death of a family member.. I felt it was so overwhelming I would get depressed and start crying. So I just deactivated my account.

  23. The last generation
    To all empath and spiritualminded people.

    To all those that feel the awakening of the light that brings truth and knowledge, understanding wisdom and insight.

    The time has come where we are being targeted by those who have no love and are empty inside. They hate what they can’t be and what they can’t obtain, TRUTH WITHIN.

    We have a real spiritual fight on our hands for these Narcissists have no mercy or empathy and want to hurt and destroy us, they do not care about the lies they spin and tell. Learn more about Narcissists and toxic people.

  24. BE AWARE! Narcissist are after all empath and those that have a spiritual connection. I am dealing the three narcissists who have trapped me in a community with people who have the potential to be full blown narcissists. It's been the worst three month of my life only to realise they have had my body and mind for years but my mind and love was to strong for them. They created a very big lie to get a small part of the community that were easily convinced of all the stupid and fabricate lies. I mean extreme, very sick, hurtful and mean, they tried to get me to distrust all my family and friends, tried to change my history, the community has seen through them with me sharing videos like this, or yours. But have found themselves trapped as well, I have been punished, tortured, humiliated and my life torn apart all based on lies, illusion. It's only down to love why I can write this now, for the empath within me is strong 😊.
    I am still trapped in this web of lies and it's all those that watch and see it happen that show me how lost our society is and is becoming. I found myself alone and different to others which is why I guess all agreed to trap me in mind and body going through my life history to find any excuse to kill me, finding none but trying to create many.

    please spread the word to all that can see. BE CAREFUL OF NARCISSISTS. Send spiritual love my way for the battle is still on going. If I die my soul is still free. For that they can't have xx start a new movement a spiritual war is here

  25. Wednesday I tested my Empath abilities with a spiritual medium, for the second time, and I hadn't even started scanning myself at the feet when my heart was literally pounding and the my head started throbing, not in a painful way, just activity, with my ears muffling as well. I told her my physical feelings and she confirmed she's been having heart issues and worried and praying about it. And also confirmed her head was extremely bombarded with stuff. Confirmed I'm a Medium as well; I'm not that surprised because I've known for years I have gifts. Will embrace my gifts but now know what to do to help myself.

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