Empath-telepath: shared pain, emotions, sexual arousal:recognizing & handling it.

EMPATH CLASS/LESSON Author Debra Lynne Katz demonstrates how intuitive/unconscious processing of other people’s pain, emotions, thoughts, sexual arousal and sharing of morphic energetic fields can be informative and useful, but also destructive and difficult to handle.


32 thoughts on “Empath-telepath: shared pain, emotions, sexual arousal:recognizing & handling it.”

  1. I love what your talking about but you seem a little doubtful of how powerful the thought and the brian can actually make it reality because all of us and everything and I mean everything little thing that we can’t see with our eyes but it dose exist and all of us and the things you see and don’t see are actually all in one and the same thing of what ever this place and us are made of just like we know that we don’t have to tell our selfs to breath we already concisely have it programmed In us to do it

  2. Somewhere in March I got this sudden urge to go see a good friend of mine. I had quit talking to him because his girlfriend doesn't like me. His girl used to be my ex-husband's girl so bad ties.
    Anyway I just got this sudden surge to go see my friend.
    When I got there and found out his son had been shot in the head by his stepson that morning. Before that I hadn't talked to this guy in quite sometime. It was awful.

  3. This is why I feel so obsessed with this specific person but I don't actually feel this way about them. This only happens with this one specific person. I can tell all there is to know about someone in a glance. Not even a full on look… a glance.

    I tried to help a lot of stray animals when I was younger. They literally were attracted to me. I would feed them. 😊

  4. When I was about 14 I saw a young couple got bullied on the bus by 3,4 guys. I just felt so bad for them and I didn’t know why I started crying. I seemed I over reacted on it…and I didn’t like some people at work because I feel one or two are so odd about them.. and I definitely enjoy the mother natural like going to hike in the park or go to beach, makes me feel at east. So maybe I am an empath? Sometimes hard to pin point..lol

  5. I think I'm sensitive to photos…like if someone has some inner pain but trying to hide it I can see it in a photo. I've seen a few examples and felt so sad looking at their faces. One of which is an old close friend of mine…we grew apart after I had moved, when I looked her up I found a photo but all I saw was pain behind the smile and that made me cry uncontrollably. I hope she is ok..

  6. sebastian spence the canadian actor is an online sex predator using his
    fans as his victims on twitter. I am one of them, I know of several
    others he has targeted with this psychic sexual/telepathic stuff. There
    is a book by Mark Desade that explains what he does. its called the
    Psychic Sexual Command. Over the past year he targeted me.. when things
    got bad he started to get brutal with the energy he sent. its not sexual
    but a violent bondage type of thing in which he uses videos and focuses
    on me so I feel what is going on. I found out he has a mental illness
    and is addicted to porn. He has these realistic sex dolls that he turned
    into voodoo dolls to where I can feel a lot of what he does to it. He
    has a sick violent bondage fantasy and he continues to abuse me this way
    as some type of revenge. But all I did was retaliate against him for
    starting this stuff up on me to begin with. What he does and is
    continuing to do to me is not right and I want people to know because
    every day now for the past 7 months he has told me he was going to kill
    me.. Told me he was a witch and was using witchcraft and energy to cause
    me to have a heart attack, choke me or whatever it can do. He told me
    he has done this to his ex-wife and others in his life. This is just not
    right so people should be aware. I am experiencing it so I know its
    real and its possible..It is still continuing on today relentlessly. He
    is nothing but an online Psychic Sexual Predator and abuser..what he has
    been doing to me lately to keep his anger brewing is to mind control me
    by getting me to like him then gets mad because he’s in here *( my
    aura) to hurt me for what he claims I did to him, which is not true… so
    he then turns it and tries to make me hate him with another mind control
    method.  He knows I already hate him yet does this for his sick
    pleasure.. He has literally laid in bed with porn the past year and is
    now playing this sick new game for his own pleasure.. this asshole
    should be arrested..

  7. wow, I have been smoking alot of weed, recovering from foot surgery and recently broke down with a full case of cptsd. I have been obsessing over my parents and my past and I still live at home, and it's still a very dysfunctional and toxic environment. 😔I'm learning how to not react so much but I am filled with so much emotion. I am going to meditate and get as much exercise I can handle. I have been at home for 25 years, and it's a very unhealthy environment to say the least

  8. I'm just realizing I have this gift I just thought I was intuitive but it's stronger than that . I was at the theater in Colorado watching Batman during the shooting in the next theater . I felt extreme pressure in my chest and my ears were extremely hot I was so hot and mostly my ears . After being away from most humans recently I started to realize the universe sends me messages very clear that's how I ended up here ! Meditation and alone time gives me more power , it depends on the situation and the person but I see visions clear but I still doubt them even when I learn it's true

  9. Thank you for validating so many of my personal experiences that others who talk about empathic symptoms have not touched upon! It just feels good to not feel weirder than others. Lol.

  10. I can relate really well with this video. There are 5 specific people I’ve been connected with to a point of knowing when something big happens in their lives, 2 of which can do the same with me. I can relate with so much you’ve said, so I figured this would be the perfect place to ask this question….. has anyone ever had this nagging feeling to go up to a total stranger (or sometimes people you know) and give them a message that is being given to you in emotions or impressions instead of words? This is difficult to explain in words, but I was wondering if anyone has experienced this before? If so, is this somehow connected to being an empath or is it something else? And most importantly, how can I be sure that I’m translating these feelings and impressions into words correctly? That fear usually keeps me from saying anything, but the feeling that I need to or should have said something doesn’t go away for days or months… thank you for your video, lots of helpful information!
    – peace – love – understanding –

  11. How do I energetically let go of someone who I was partner with ? I feel like I let them go psychically but there might still be an energy attachment or spiritual

  12. I had three nightmares in a row about saving a female friend of mine, it got so bizarre I actually messaged her to see if she's feeling OK then she said that she had a panic attack on the same night, so I don't know why but I think I have a telepathic connection with her. I simply can't explain why or the reason behind it.

  13. Omg i love your video. Im struggling with this so much. It's so hard for me to block other peoples feelings! I just recently divorced a highly abusive man with a narcisstic personality disorder. And i just had to quit my job last friday because i couldn't take in anymore. All the colleages were stressed out. And i had a narcisstic boss who was gaslighting to my colleages about me. She was screaming at me because she wanted to force me to make up my resign paper on the workfloor and i refused to get forced! Sometimes i doubt if i'm the looney here…

  14. I been living 1 year in sweden and this is more strong that I ever feel it before, I think i was getting crayzy, but thanks for this that YouTube bring to my page. Meditation for 7 years is the why. Thanks a lot Debra.

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