How to choose a career as an Empath/Sensitive

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Calling all LightWorkers!! If you are highly sensitive and empathic…listen closely as I describe your likely purpose, calling and career path.


27 thoughts on “How to choose a career as an Empath/Sensitive”

  1. I’m an empath and I’m ready. I want to find a better career. I heard of a daycare and have been interested since. I’m kindve tired of being a hostess at a restaurant.

  2. Hi thankyou for this video. I have always found myself an Empath feeling the pain and suffering of people and animals in the world to the point it was unbearable. Since my amazing awakening a month ago I am now starting to heal from all the pain and negative energy I have absorbed. I am doing this through meditation. Now I feel love and light through me and connected to divine love so not alone in this journey of life. I still don't know my exact path yet but I am seeking and meditating and know I want to serve humanity through divinity and love. And help heal the world of pain and suffering. Love and peace to you 💛

  3. I kinda always knew I was an HSP / Empath but didn't know the name for it. Always being accused of being too aware and being weird. Feeling other people's emotions without wanting to even from miles away. After working on myself by myself for so many years I had to train myself almost to not care. Being that I have to be on either side of the fence and not sitting on it, I decided to not care and isolate myself from society. Like Wally, I've always been taken advantage of especially in love and no man has ever really loved me. I have never known what it's like to be loved like that. Lightworking always follows me and I try to ignore it. Society is going to h..l in a handbasket and I feel it's their own fault. Why do people come to me expecting me to magically heal them like I had some sort of power? Ugh….Now my sensitivity is retracting because I run and hide from people now. People try to make me feel crazy while other's try to make me feel like I'm Joan of Arc. What the?……

  4. Happy to have found this video – really connected to what you suggest as careers for sensitive/empath types.. I'm an INFP and have always struggled with my day to day jobs that i have never enjoyed. I'm looking to make a career move but am not sure where to start! I like the idea of a health and wellness coach. Thank you so much, Charlotte. xxx

  5. Being an INFJ, i struggle with being highly sensitive, highly emphatic, ADD-inattentive, and low energy. I'm currently getting medically tested as well just to see if I have any health concerns. It's been ongoing for several years. I may not have the time today, but I will look into your video training later. Thank you very much.

  6. Hi, I have always known that I was different, but did not know how to a knowledge what it was. I have always been a little shy and yet I shine when there is someone that needs help. I have had my share of really awful illness over the yrs and have Fibromyalgia more recently over the past yr I have been suffering chronic pain in my lower back area.
    The other night at a local store, a lady and daughter couldn't decide what lighting to get for their new kitchen a d asked for my input. We started chatting and she touched my arm……….. I was overwhelmed to tell her that her mum wasn't afraid at the end and that her grandmother had come to take her on her journey. …. wow it really did hit me and as I was feeling this, both women and my sister who was also there felt a cold breeze rush by them!!!!!! I didn't hear a voice from spirit telling me this, it was just an overwhelming feeling that she needed to know!!! Am I going mad Connie??? , what are your feelings on this, or anyone…… I would be grateful for any input. I have been very strongly pulled of late to become an animal bereavement counselor. Bright Blessings to all. Xx

  7. I am both kind of empaths and when my friend wonted to punch someone I did to. And there is this on kid I don't like for no reason and I can't pick up how hates him but I know I don't normally dislike him.

  8. Thank you!

    BTW, Are you from New England??

    Also, what's your opinion on taking medication to dull down a highly sensitive nervous system, such as that of an hsp and/or empath??

  9. Connie have you found a connection between astrology signs and empaths. I'm an Aquarius and every other Aqua I meet is one too. I just found out I was an empath 3 weeks ago after a roller coaster of other diagnosis that I truly didn't agree with. I am very consumed seeing this video bc I am at THE crossroads in finding my new career- working for someone or starting my own company. I NEVER worry really I just keep trying to better myself and look- today I found this video:)

  10. Hi Connie im 26 and decided to go back to collage and get a degree in social work I strongly believe I am a empath I've known this since I was about 8 and it's been really hard since I was in denial and now I'm trying to get this under control and I feel like I can make a difference in peoples like especially young kids with gifts like ours . I myself am learning to control the emotions I take from others…. Anyways I'd like to know if you have any advice for someone like me …

  11. Hi Teresita, I would say as effective as you want to be. As sensitives, while it may be more difficult to comprehend criminal acts, as we feel them more deeply, its more important than ever to remain detached and compassionate to their healing journey. And it may not be the appropriate environment. Sensitives thrive in peaceful surroundings such as nature, and so if this is your occupation, I recommend releasing those energies into the earth for healing and transmutation.

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