How to Become a Kickass, Empowered Empath in a World of Toxic People

Special thanks to Wayne who requested a video about empaths. Check out the Empowered Empath series on Mental Health News Radio:

Links mentioned in video below:

Are you an INFJ?

A book on empaths:

Myers-Briggs Personality Test:


The Art of Extreme Self-Care by Cheryl Richardson:

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46 thoughts on “How to Become a Kickass, Empowered Empath in a World of Toxic People”

  1. i liked your this video, very helpful. i recently came across your book, blog articles and videos and I got answers to a few of my many questions I was going through……thank you Shahida, you are a hope and inspiration when we are tying to see if there is any possibility of getting back to life after decades of extreme abuse

  2. Thank you for this info. I found it very helpful. I am a Cancer Sun and also an INFJ. I was advised by my intuitive counselor not to pigeon hole myself by the Myers Briggs results, but it’s interesting to know anyway. I do relate a lot to the INFJ traits. I always feel like a fish out of water around the people that surround me. I’m hoping to encounter like minded individuals within my community in the near future though. I know I’m not the only one!😜

  3. If I have told my cousins and aunts that I wish to be alone and don't feel like meeting or talking to anyone right now because I'm healing from the abuse, and if they still keep messaging telling me to try to meet them if I feel like or ask me to meet them outside, is that a violation of boundaries?

  4. I am a fellow empath. People can try to take advantage. I have set boundaries within the narcissistic family dynamic. It seems to have made them angry and think that I have become a :"BITCH". I no longer match with the family of origin at all. They are all narcissists except for me who is a co pendent empath. They do not like my newfound confidence. None of them even act like they like me at all because I refuse to be the scapegoat. Therefore, I have had to go NO CONTACT.

  5. Im an entfp but I deeply identify with being an empath because I do take on others emotions and problems easily and quickly. I’ve also been victim of a lot of narcissism and plain nasty emotional and spiritual abuse. This video defiantly helped me today to learn I have to work on getting out all the bad energy that I may have collected or subconsciously harbor.

  6. As an empath how do I stop internalising other people's energy after Narc abuse ? I have become stronger and I'm wondering if this is the key. I am learning self care and putting myself first.

  7. I love how you talk like a real person and don't just throw around a bunch of metaphysical terms that are guilt-inducing and blaming like "you have a matrix of lack" like another YouTuber (who I won't name) who talks often about being an empath that I recently unsubscribed from.

  8. I am an INFJ too. Have learnt to trust my instincts after many years of tolerating toxic people.I really appreciate your validating videos that provide solid advice.Hugs

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