Empath Daily Meditation

Empaths need to clear their energy, ground into their bodies and tune into themselves on a daily basis, this keeps them in their own energy and prevents the Empath overload.

This recording has some interference from spirit at the end, some have gotten used to it, but for some it is disrupting, I have created another version with no audio interference at the end, feel free to check it out on my channel.

The music is by Marina Raye

Meditation by Melanie Robinson




26 thoughts on “Empath Daily Meditation”

  1. Hi I just found out that I'm empath. I'm getting so overwhelm with it. I'm so relieved that I found this site.
    now I can control it and clear my head. I thought I had depression. Thank u Melanie. Is there anything else I should be doing? can u let me know. I work with over 200 ppl. My moods swing so bad when I get home
    my husband don't even want to talk to me half the time…..So if u don't mind if u can advise me on this.

  2. I truly love this meditation but there is a video add right in the middle and it scares the shit out of me! I think for a meditation video this is distracting to say the least. Thank you the wonderful meditation though ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Hi Melanie 💕
    This is my favorite meditation to listen to in the morning before I go out for the day. I teach at a university and interact with well over 100+ students on a daily basis. For as long as I can remember, I have had a tendency to take on the negative emotions of others as my own. As a child, I remember telling my mom that I absorbed other people's feelings like a sponge. As I grew up, I became more and more disconnected to my spirit yet I continued to be influenced by the energy of people around me. I could no longer see the separation between my feeling vs theirs and began to accept depression, anxiety, and low self esteem as who I was. After years of doing this and years of boundary-less relationships with people who took advantage of my sensitivity and vulnerability, my world fell out from underneath me. My finance who was also my very best friend and the man who helped me remember who I really am, passed away very suddenly. It was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. But every storm cloud has a silver lining and his death triggered a massive spiritual awakening in me. I could still feel him all around me, I was frequently receiving strange signs and synchronicities that were just too much of a coincidence to remain a coincidence. I wondered if I was going crazy but our cats were reacting to the energy as well and I knew it wasn’t all in my head. At that point I had never even heard the term “empath” but once I did, years of not understanding why I was so sensitive finally made sense. I don’t think that the day will come when I don’t wish my fiancé were still here. But I know that our connection and love lives on and he has helped me heal and grow in so many ways since his transition. I’m beyond grateful for that and I am no longer identifying with the feelings of those around me. Your meditation a daily must in my life and I want to thank you for sharing your gift with the world. It has had a great impact on my life.

  4. I'm doing the Empath daily morning meditation every day. For the first time I'm able to do the meditation with complete focus, feeling calm and safe. Thank you for this gift. Sending you love and blessings.

  5. It doesn't relax me at all,just seems to be running with the guidance..I'm more focused on trying to catch the words than meditation.Not for me,but the idea is cool.So thinking of trying it in my own pace.Thanks for the video

  6. Sorry if this was late, I'm just kinda confused if you will.

    I'm a teenager, and I'm confused as to what meditating is. I mean, I know the overall concept is to talk with someone inside you or find inner peace, but I don't know what it feels like or likes look. Should I feel separated from everything around me? Should I fall asleep? I don't know how to do this because it's one of my first times doing so.

    In my experience doing this exact meditation for the very first time, I felt excluded from everything around me and focused on your voice and the music. At times when random thoughts came into my head such as "what am I doing tomorrow?" I felt an uncontrolled sshhh come from inside me, coming in the same form as I would think anything. The random thought I had then rushed away from me.
    I don't know if I was talking to my inner self or spirit guide when I was doing so, because the responses that came seemed… Controlled. Controlled by me, like how I would think what to make for a snack was how the responses came when I asked the question. It said I needed to be awakened in order for it to give me answers. But I don't know how.
    The images that I visioned was one of myself looking up half way to the sky, golden light falling down on me. Another I had was myself standing upright with my arms crossed, and a white diamond surrounding me as people shaded in red pointing and yelling at me. I had more, but they were along those lines.

    I also am confused as to if I'm an empath. At times during my day, when I'm alone with someone, I can feel the feelings in my chest rise or fall. When I feel my feelings fall, I ask them if they're okay and if they need someone to talk to, and every time my feelings fall and I ask them this, they always explain their issue to me, sometimes reluctant at first.
    The falling feeling is like when I vision someone close to my dying, and the rising feeling when I find out I'm going on a vacation to a place I love.

    Sorry if this was vague, I just feel really unaware of what I'm feeling during this meditation and why all of a sudden I'm having these thoughts nearly everyday. If someone could give me a guide or response to what I wrote, it'd really help me.

    Thank you.

  7. I really enjoy this meditation and am doing it daily, but should we not be closing down our chakras after opening and clearing them? Please advise! Thanks!

  8. Absolutely Beautiful! The flute always resonates deeply with me. Your voice is melodic and soothing. (& I had no issue with the "interference" towards the end. ;oD) I Thank You So Very Much for creating and sharing this Amazing healing! Blessed Be!!! :O)

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