Five Types of Empaths

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You can go to the site to get your free chakra clearing meditation and PDF.

Also, there are some great resources for Empaths there, too.

Here are a few videos you might like if you enjoyed this one:

Whose Energy Is It:

The Science Behind Being an Empath:

Is It a Psychic Headache or a Sinus Headache?:

How to Keep Other People’s Energy Out As An Empath:


33 thoughts on “Five Types of Empaths”

  1. I feel as if I have certain aspects of the empaths you described but I am a mix between an extrovert and an introvert which can make understanding what an empath is a million times harder although I feel more in tune with the animal empath

  2. I realized I was an animal & global empath but didn’t realize i was an emotional empath because I’m not considered an emotional person. This was very eye opening

  3. I never realized why I avoid Black Friday and other events my friends enjoy. I also have a great deal of difficulty around caged animals in shelters & pet stores. It’s too painful not to take all of them to a good home right away. But I love large events such as concerts and other gatherings where people are happy. In spite of being crowded, I become incredibly happy and energized (without drugs & alcohol- some people have thought I was “high” when I’m completely sober). But I’m normally more of an introvert & not very emotionally expressive. Now all this makes some sense!

  4. I'm not saying that people dont feel other people I'm not….cause I see the tones of the voice and words they sing to see and feel an emotion(inner kingdoms) and of my own….But here's the thing do you guys thinks it's all in our heads…

  5. I worked at a company called Hypertherm North America for 9 years. I came into work one day and my coworker was upset. I asked her if she was ok. She didn't want to talk. 6 hours later my boss assigned her to work with me. I asked her if she was feeling better. She freaked out and started yelling at me. It ended up going to Hr. I was accused of pressuring her into revealing how she feels. Because I asked her 2 times In 1 eight hour day if she was ok. I was fired for this. Equal opportunity employment ?

  6. So, animals very much so. Challenge d people I get mad and block because..Not Fair!!! Malls don't bother me because I block and think of bettering myself, but in a room full of people I know….I pick up on energy especially negative and I get smart and cause more trouble not realizing untill I walk away and repeat it in my mind and they just hate me more and I think? Omg! How did I come up with that or who did? Lol thanks great info.

  7. Maybe these are our superpowers as humans….i often wonder what is special to humans apart from intelligence… eagles vision and aim and dolphins communication. Something on this level feels damiliar to me…but not sure if im just or also anxious

  8. I am all five types. I probably born with and raised by narcissistic father, and I have developed by my own as an artist and practice some Buddhism.
    I have suffered a lot and I also have enjoyed a lot from people, places, and nature. Well, I just knew the word, empath…Great to know my personality trait and how to heal myself and get positive energy from. We often feel saviors’s or victims’s mindset. We are happy to help people. Other people’s happiness can be ours…well…we need to heal ourselves and fill our cup first then we can be a happy empaths. 🙏

  9. I had a friend who would say something like:OK who has a headache because i'm picking up on it! I always thought he was full of himself but now that kind of makes sense. I understand about going out on black friday or having to go out on a holiday because there's just too many different types of people. Same with airports, makes traveling a nightmare because there's so many different people, If there's a sudden change in my environment I pick up on it and feel paranoid.

  10. I'm definately an emotional empath and an animal empath… Ugh… I hate it… It sucks to feel so many emotions all the time, I've been this way my whole life, my family says I'm too sensitive…. I can't help it… I can tell when people are lying, I just know, and yet they still lie to my face… It's hard for me to have a job because if they aren't having a bad day I will start feel like they are and it effects my mood so bad… Idk what to do about it, I've struggled with it my whole life…I'll never forget the first time I seen a dog who was suffering and I could feel wgst he was, it was horrible, my mother was with me and I broke down, bad😭 I tried everything I could do to help him, it effected me for days, and I still think about that dog and how I could feel it's hurt… Yeah being an empath is hard… I believe it's a gift FROM God… Izekial was an empath, I just need to know how to use it and keep it stable…

  11. I identify as an emotional empath primarily. However I have definitely had experiences with all of the other types. Through another one of your videos, I came to identify that I am also dominantly claircognizant. I have experienced something which I have been unable to identify through all of my research. I have an ability to connect with something that I can only describe as intuitive GPS. I can be driving in an area where I have never been, and if I tell myself that I have the time to just explore the area, I will allow myself to relax and just drive. I make whatever turn I "feel" is calling to me. I don't question it with logic, because if I do, it will shut down or get clouded by me second-guessing it. The intuitive GPS usually takes me where I need to go, back to a path which I recognize, somewhere beautiful, or somewhere that feels really good energetically. It's a cool thing that I love to do when I'm just driving by myself. I'm curious as to what it might be connected to, stemming from, or what umbrella it may fall under? Is there another term for it? Thanks Erin-Ashley 🙂

  12. Being an empath on any level is not easy.
    We will not be defeated.
    You have to learn to put a white tube around your self for protection and emotions. Then walk around with blinders ( like they do horses) on stay focused on what u r there for.
    It takes practice but u can do it
    I do this all the time .

  13. THANK YOU👄
    I did put this link in my HSP group app. And i think a am a earth and animale enpath. Selfreflection is a beautiful gift in life. The people who make fun of this information are Just the 80% who Don 't make a differends. 🍀🙏💕🔆T👄

  14. The feeling other people emotions is a very hard one for me..sometimes it feels like….why am i not even sad. Why am i crying now….10 min later the ambulance is pulling up for my elderly neighbour with heart problems…oh thats why I'm feeling this 😟…… Im new so learning to protect myself has been a challenge. The worst emotion i have felt from another person was envy towards another…i don't like that feeling. Its a sketchy..weird feeling. Hate is takes soooooo much energy to hate someone..i hate feeling that in others to.

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