Empath training series III : Buddhist diagnostics preview

dragongatesanctuary@gmail .com
…there are so many inquiries, calls, msgs, email from sincere individuals that need genuine help, tempering, guidance, etc in their chosen practice.

my answer….
No Matter What kind of cool things you learn.. after you eat it, assimilate and make it part of you. Really do the work. Be true to yourself… Your responsibility is loyalty to yourself and your heart foremost. Manifest mastery in the body. that is the point of manifesting. The body, this world. The place you wake up, the place you feel pain, the place you always come back to… this is the place or alter of manifesting. Knowing inside that you are a master is not enough. Do the work and wield it in this world. Actions speak louder. You will respect yourself the way that you wish.. In this way, you transform the body by engaging and avoiding nothing.

another story….
after mastering the reflection of the moon on the water and gaining rank and recognition,
after seeing the real moon and realizing that ‘truth’ resonates with the heart
what looked like, sounded like, and positioned as the moon, was not really the moon at all, but merely a reflection on every drop of water.
now, to decide…. abandon the reflection and accept the moon, with that , abandoning attachment to the rank and recognition brought on by the reflection
turn eyes away, go back to sleep and pretend you never saw it….
either way, its too late. your heart has already felt the truth and will never be the same..

after catharsis and bliss, chomp wisdom, carry skill

knowledge is not knowing, professing is not skill
wisdom and skill bring enlightenment
know what you want, make decisions and choices that is your vehicle. Temper the body, make skill.
know what you are going to do with it, prove to your heart that you can wield it.. and your heart will let you have it.
Mastery from the heart and mind to your hands wields mastery

laoxie christopher lee matsuo
Wudang pai & Kunlun pai
Inquire about personal ‘closed door’ training and guidance with the grandmaster of dragon gate sanctuary. Doors are open for a moment…..


6 thoughts on “Empath training series III : Buddhist diagnostics preview”

  1. @richnwood2000 only so in an active sense – as it's not so much cylical as it is paradoxical – all resistance is in fact an exercise in futility which only perpetuates the pattern – focus is still a function of the mind – the cup must be empty – trying requires your participation – being does not

  2. @ourmarketingmatrix – thinking is the barrier – the basic principle is non-attachment and or identification – the process is to clear and flow with no mind hence pure and empty both limitless and formlessness – the difference between selflessness and omnipresence is awareness – time and space is the greatest illusion

  3. Sweet, sweet lesson in this short video.

    ~I am but temporarily and individual drop…

    Let's hope I don't get stuck on thinking too much about my own importance.

    I am sure tomorrow, when I listen again, the lesson will have changed.
    (timeless) mahalo~

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