7 Tips To Thrive As An Empath Without Getting Overwhelmed And Drained

7 Tips To Thrive and Survive As An Empath Without Getting Overwhelmed And Drained.


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“Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Canโ€™t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :


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6 Unusual Things That Happen Only to Spiritually Gifted People:

8 Habits of Empaths That Make Them Hard to Love:


Hello again, guys, welcome to the channel. In today’s video, let’s talk more about empaths, guys.

As we know, empaths are people who really sensitive to other people’s energy and emotions to the point that they take those emotions as their own. Sometimes, everything just feels a little bit too much for empaths, and they end up feeling overwhelmed and drained.

So, is it bad being an empath? Nope. Being an empath is good, beyond anything, in fact. But, only if you know how to make the most use of your ability, of course. Without proper training and learning some basic shielding techniques, processing everything deeply from someone else’s emotions to the environment around you can lead you becoming emotionally drained.

Anyway, in this video, we have compiled for you 7 tips to make the most of your empathic nature without becoming worn down by the emotions of others. Before moving on to these lists, if you find this information is helpful to you, don’t forget to like and share this video, guys!!

Please watch the rest of the video to see all lists …


27 thoughts on “7 Tips To Thrive As An Empath Without Getting Overwhelmed And Drained”

  1. Thank you for explaining i need to attend to me some time too. I don't know why i always feel like i am not allowed to address my crap until i get everybody taken care of accomplished first. Thanks for the get out of jail card lol

  2. No more people pleasing from me unless they genuinely deserve it I think I have a good grasp at filtering out the people that just take advantage now and feel so much better that I've set boundaries i look back on my past and can not believe how much of a mess I was this awakening has been a hard challenging journey but I'm now starting to actually appreciate and love life it's been a long time since I've felt this way

  3. When I have a stressful event happen in my life, I like to write about it or even talk about it out loud by myself before I tell other people. This way, I can get it out of my jumbled thoughts and decide how I feel about it before taking on other people's opinions and feelings. It's less confusing, and more empowering.

  4. Excellent tips. Thank you once again what us empaths plus need to do in our day by day, moment by moment time in life.
    For me, it's gotten to where when I can help, be around people etc to the point my protection (force field) comes up automatically. That is when I know it's time for me to be alone a recharge alittle. Now added to my other gifts of supernatural, it has made my life to where at this moment easy and laid back but never underestimated by those who might think twice taking away any of my energies. For I will know and read you out of who a person really is behind the masks they might put out there.
    Much love to everyone and always stay strong๐Ÿ’–

  5. Do you know how many empaths are diagnosed with an illness or chemical imbalance because they have no idea what is going on with themselves! You know bi polar symptions is very simular to the symptoms of an empath! Many others like anxiety, depression and a slew of other labels to describe! Not one time have I ever been asked if I was an empath! This is not common sense to most! And it would be crucial to add this to the list because I had no idea there was a name for what I have experienced my whole life! When I was younger this ability was so strong if only I knew about it I could have built it up to something stronger and in more control! Instead over the years I believe it was suppressed, I was desensitized by life's circumstances! I knew before anything when I came across a bad spirit or bad Ora in a person! My mom met this man who was, I mean the devil himself, she was tangled in his web for years! I knew exactly what he was I told my mom several times but she was unable to stay away! When she left him I was relieved and allowed myself to feel my feelings but when she would go back to him I had to put those feelings aside to get along the best I could faking it all the way! I faked it so much and btw I'm not good at doing it, so it caused me to be desensitized. Throughout my life I realized it started to get stronger again, but I still didn't have a label so I still couldn't connect the dots! I am 46 years old and I can only hope the younger generation that ends up with this can master it in time and be a benefit to the world instead of confused or misdiagnosed with something you definitely do not have! Stay sober and vigilant and you will sky rocket with you special ability! Wishing your all a blessed journey many blessing!

  6. Rodney maxwell
    You know it is hard as it is this life, this journey, understanding everything we need to know! Doing everything we can to get it all! To assume we are all struggling because we do not let the spirit flow and instead let our egos thrive! There is a fine line to life's up and downs because of lack of boundaries let's say, than to life's up and downs that we experience to blame it all in our egos is just a bit broad of an assumption! I am not saying the ego doesn't get in the way sometimes but to assume it is all the time is too far! Wishing all empaths many blessings to learning all about you and what makes you so special! Learning how to be your best self while learning to protect yourself with better boundaries so you can thrive in more situations! The people you will come across will be so blessed to be in your presence also! So many blessings and yes learn to let the spirit flow through you! Lots of love!

  7. Empaths need to focus on boundaries making sure they know what they can do and what they cannot do. They must know when they have limits and when they reached the edge of their limits. They need to stay on their guard and live in the way thatโ€™s most healthy but understanding that there are some narcs out there who might want to take advantage of that.

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