Empath Education: 8 Exercises to Develop Empath Gifts

Empath Education: 8 Exercises to Develop Empath Gifts

In this video, I share 8 exercises that you can do to open up your empathic skills and abilities. Whether you are new to the journey or a seasoned empath, these tips may be fun to add to your spiritual practice and keep your skills tuned. Thank you truly for your likes, shares, and subscribes!! … Read more

Connect to your Tribe with The Empath Academy

Connect to your Tribe with The Empath Academy

http://www.empathconnection.com/empath-academy Participants from a recent online Empath Academy with counselor & intuitive Dr. Michael R. Smith of Empath Connection spontaneously share their results at the end of a recent class. This class for empaths has been running for 10 years because it is a proven training that leads to quick empath empowerment and transformation over … Read more

High Vibe Tribe Interview with Wendy DeRosa: How to Develop Empath Psychic Abilities

High Vibe Tribe Interview with Wendy DeRosa: How to Develop Empath Psychic Abilities

ATTENTION Empath People, Highly Sensitive Persons and Intuitive Healers: What if you could learn how to open to ALL of your intuitive gifts and empath psychic abilities — clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance — and fully empower yourself as a highly sensitive person, intuitive energy healer, holistic healer or empath? Experience your chakras as portals to … Read more

The Empath Misconception 2 Webinar

The Empath Misconception 2 Webinar

Are you tired of being ‘taken out’ by your sensitivities? Are you over the victim mentality that pervades a lot of training for empaths? Are you exhausted of trying to put up shields, escape from toxic people and protect yourself? Do you just want to live in the world, thrive and be of high service? … Read more

EVOLVE OR REVOLVE! FIND YOUR ESSENCE – Empath Weekly (31) with Jona Bryndis

EVOLVE OR REVOLVE! FIND YOUR ESSENCE - Empath Weekly (31) with Jona Bryndis

28th July – 3rd August 2019 ENERGY UPDATE (Week 31): FINDING OUR ESSENCE – EVOLVE OR REVOLVE! #EnergyUpdate #EmpathTraining #EnergyHealing #transcodes #JonaBryndis #EmpathWeekly by/with jona bryndis, www.transcodes.com Sign up for written reports, articles and email notifications: https://transcodes.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=63f7ce22be3360c889d5194c9&id=fa52a2c605 Keywords Week 31: EVOLVE OR REVOLVE HEALING IN MOTION REBUILDING RECAPITALIZING & RESTARTING RESURRECTION OF WHAT MATTERS MANIFESTATION … Read more

Astral Etiquette for Massive Abundance (Empath Entrepreneurs)

Astral Etiquette for Massive Abundance (Empath Entrepreneurs)

#empathentrepreneurs Want to join the next round of the 6 Week Abundance Training? https://abundancematrix.org/6-week-abundance-training-for-empaths/ ***If you’ve ever taken a previous version of this class, you get this one FOR FREE. Email me (amanda@amandaflaker.com) to be added to the list. We start on Wednesday (August 6th) but you can go through the content at your own … Read more

6 Steps to Start Intuitive an Business (Empath Entrepreneurs)

6 Steps to Start Intuitive an Business (Empath Entrepreneurs)

#empathentrepreneurs This video is the intro to my 6 Week Abundance Training. I hope it helps you get started wherever you are in your intuitive business journey. So many people have expressed interest, so I’ve extended registration until Sunday, August 11th). We start Monday, August 12th. All class content will be emailed to you. You … Read more