Beginner Tips to Become a Powerful Empath

Expert Level Tutorial Available via Vimeo Subscription. Email me for rate (or scholarship request) at From there you can submit payment and you will receive a link to my whole catalogue of training videos for developing spiritual gifts like divination, empath empowerment, psychic and mediumship abilities.

This video is the beginner video for learning how to use your power as an Empath to protect your energy and change the vibration of your surroundings and people in it.

I offer psychic readings, medium readings, and divination readings (gemstones/crystals, tarot, coins, etc.) go here to check out my services and rates:

or email me at

I offer training to empaths, psychics, mediums, healers and other readers on an individual case-by-case basis.

Sending love and power your way.


6 thoughts on “Beginner Tips to Become a Powerful Empath”

  1. Thanks for the message !! I can totally relate 🙂 As introverts we tend to be empaths as well, which means we absorb the emotions of other people that leads to us being even more drained of energy. This then result in us needing even more time to be alone 🙂

  2. Idk why I got really emotional when you said “empaths aren’t sent here to suffer”. That was reassuring to hear as a major empath that feels literally everything and suffers in silence a lot. Great video and great tips!

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