How Empaths Get Taken Advantage Of

Empathic people can sometimes be mistreated because their emotions can be mistaken as weakness but that’s not the fact! As an empath, you’ve got to learn how to protect yourself and this video will help you do that by learning how empaths get taken advantage of and what you can do about it.

Watch and Enjoy!
Kirk & Kim Duncan

Kirk Duncan โ€“ President/Founder of 3 Key Elements, provides contemporary training and a greater perspective for fine-tuning personal, family, and business communications. He trains you how to implement these techniques, and experience improved relationships, increased awareness, and more productivity and effectiveness in your life.

Kim Duncan โ€“ Vice President of 3 Key Elements, loves to teach others about the abundant power that a woman has when she embraces her feminine energyโ€”in the home, in the workplace, in the community, and in the world.

The Art of Mentoring:
Master Your Influence:
Present Yourself:
Queen of the Kinddom:
Royalty & Romance:
The Body Language Show:

Building a Mind of Steel:
Audio Training:


Video by:
Nate Woodbury – YouTube Producer


38 thoughts on “How Empaths Get Taken Advantage Of”

  1. Eat less, move more, take cold showers, meditate, elevate, navigate your escape,
    stay dedicated to ascension, speak life
    Donโ€™t let them knock you off your pivot
    Blessings to all the magically valuable indigos ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ™

  2. Never let others define who you are, what you have, and what you can do. You set the boundaries of your life, not the rest of the world. I love being "weird"!! I love your videos Kirk!! Thanks!!

  3. Empath operating on agna chakra, the material matter/universe has become irrelevant my existence is sharing my light with the world even just walking into a run people feel it(iam sure iam not the only one)

  4. You are my blessing. Divine timing is a thing and youโ€™ve proved this to me. Iโ€™m ready to take on my mission and youโ€™ve significantly helped me. โค๏ธ

  5. Wow so spot on, everything you say is right thankyou so much.
    So hard having to act different/fake in society, not my true self.
    …yes iv shut down big time now, I'm alone

  6. I can't help but wonder if this inexplicable situation that occurs to me on a regular basis has something to do with people needing help. It doesn't seem to matter where I go but people consistently make an effort to initiate conversation with me and we end up having long and sometimes emotional discussions and I don't even know these people. Is there something about me that you can define that would cause them to be drawn to me – to talk to a total stranger and provide personal information?

  7. This information could save the world. It has changed my world. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฏโ˜ฎ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿฆ„

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