Can An Empath Be A Christian?

Are you concerned whether or not an empath can be a Christian? I think empathy is a spiritual gift and in this video, I share with you the advantages of being one and how to deal with empathy.

Watch and Enjoy!
Kirk & Kim Duncan

Kirk Duncan – President/Founder of 3 Key Elements, provides contemporary training and a greater perspective for fine-tuning personal, family, and business communications. He trains you how to implement these techniques, and experience improved relationships, increased awareness, and more productivity and effectiveness in your life.

Kim Duncan – Vice President of 3 Key Elements, loves to teach others about the abundant power that a woman has when she embraces her feminine energy—in the home, in the workplace, in the community, and in the world.

The Art of Mentoring:
Master Your Influence:
Present Yourself:
Queen of the Kinddom:
Royalty & Romance:
The Body Language Show:

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Audio Training:


Video by:
Nate Woodbury – YouTube Producer


30 thoughts on “Can An Empath Be A Christian?”

  1. You seem to be confusing being empathetic with being empathic.

    Being empathic means that you are very sensitive to the energy around you, whether negative or positive. You easily take on the emotions or energy of others and may have difficulty distinguishing between your own emotions and the emotions of another.

    Being empathetic, on the otherhand, is the ability to put yourself into the shoes of another person, to feel compassion towards others.

    These are not interchangeable terms, nor can someone become an empath — it is a personality trait that we are born with. Having said this, somebody can most certainly learn empathy and how to become more empathetic. And, an individual can most certainly be both empathic and empathetic.

    *Important to clarify

  2. I have just recently found out I was an empath. I am also a Christian. I have never felt like I was a savior to anyone. Ive felt like a weirdo MY ENTIRE LIFE because I did not know why I was so different from other people. Thank you for the video

  3. It is of my belief that Christ was probably the greatest empath that has ever existed. Kinda goes hand in hand. I am grateful and feel blessed that he has shared this part of himself with me.

  4. Thank you!!!!! It is sooooo overwhelming.g sometimes. I just break down and cry. I am an emotional wreck. Lol. I want to learn how to use this gift to help people without getting overwhelmed. Than you Jesus for this gift. Please, help me learn how to use it to help people through You. Amen. ❤

  5. So glad for this video & info! I recently learned about being an empath & it soooo fits me! I typed in CAN A CHRISTIAN BE AN EMPATH? …. Because….while watching a few videos it seems the empath world is intertwined with new age religion of sorts. Im definitely Christian & just trying to understand. Thank you

  6. Most Christians are demons. Demons love to masquerade as "Christians". In my whole life i've never met one that has true empathy and many are narcs, even in the pulpits. Sympathy is not empathy either. Beware of anyone professing to be a Christian. I've met atheists who are far kinder, more mentally stable, and rational. Narcs love to play church.

  7. I think we are instruments, our empathy is what draws people, the broken ones, and Christ uses us to get to them. And I truly believe it’s our life long mission to keep getting to those broken people and bring them to Christ 🙂 lmk what u think

  8. An interesting question, what if you are an empath of birth, always helping others and giving all of yourself..losing all..and at later age just seeing you were following the path of can I if never heard about Jezus? Jezus was an empath..I believe in God and Jezus, but I do not need heart listened to God from 6 years of it is that you can see fake christians fast..

  9. Just learning about being an empath. I am a Christian. I was told twice by two different Christians that I was a prayer warrior. It's true. My Grandmother and one of my sons are also prayer warriors. My son and I walk into a store, or someone's home and we both can feel and then descern what's going on, we call it the spiritual realm. I truly believe God gives us gifts. When we are weighted down, we take it to God for He says in His word that we should take His yoke, for it is lighter. He also says He is there for the broken hearted and to pray about everything and not worry about anything. I trust Christ for everything in my life. I rest in Him. ❤ immediately He gives me His peace, the kind of peace that passes all understanding. I pray and release everything to Him. He is the One who casted the star into existence! So in awe of Him and grateful that I am His child.

  10. I believe that we feel like others might not understand our gift, and will think we are doing something against God… such as; Witches, or anything demonic.
    I have always kept my mouth shut about my gift from my church.

  11. Being a divorced attractive male I was really affected by the negative energy from other males in my church. I have been able to get a handle on this recently by understanding my empathetic and using my power positively. Thank you Kirk and 3 Key Elements for the encouraging words and education.

  12. Im sorry,but if your a true empath you know your gift comes from christ.And that every thing you feel or experience you feel because of christ..No real empath walks with the idea of being this super human that can heal others.Real empaths are humble and knows that we are humans, and also full of sins..Its hard being an empath with all types of emotions that you cant explaine, its hard

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