How To Become A Stronger Empath

More than the overwhelming experiences of an empath, empathy is a gift and a skill that can be developed for the benefit of yourself and others around you. In this episode, you’re about to learn 4 steps to become a stronger empath.

Watch and Enjoy!
Kirk & Kim Duncan

Kirk Duncan – President/Founder of 3 Key Elements, provides contemporary training and a greater perspective for fine-tuning personal, family, and business communications. He trains you how to implement these techniques, and experience improved relationships, increased awareness, and more productivity and effectiveness in your life.

Kim Duncan – Vice President of 3 Key Elements, loves to teach others about the abundant power that a woman has when she embraces her feminine energy—in the home, in the workplace, in the community, and in the world.

The Art of Mentoring:
Master Your Influence:
Present Yourself:
Queen of the Kinddom:
Royalty & Romance:
The Body Language Show:

Building a Mind of Steel:
Audio Training:


Video by:
Nate Woodbury – YouTube Producer


50 thoughts on “How To Become A Stronger Empath”

  1. Is it true empaths normally are very passive? Personally I find it hard to speak up for myself because I dont want to hurt people's feelings but end up letting people to work all over me?

  2. One very important thing to remember is you are not always rite in reading and translating a persons emotions you can be wrong.Enpaths are not perfect we make mistakes Please always keep that in mind and it will make you better.This is experience talking years of it.And who ever is asking this question and you know who you are I have told only one person what I am.

  3. Empaths may not be here to fix people and I know because I am a empath you can do more then gied you can help as well and sometimes reliezing you are not the right person to help that person you should look for the wright person and guide that person to the one that you know needs help.

  4. Being damaged by a narcissist causes an empath to develop a more cautious and judgmental perspective. “Stepping into caring” before discerning potential danger is no longer an option.
    Have you addressed this in a video?

  5. what if you as an empath, are tired of feeling others feelings ? want to shut down, it crazies the brain, avoid dreaming if possible, mostly to turn off the dang thing, it is wide open and rest is needed. Good nightmares that one has to wake themselves from….overloaded with the emotions of others ??? asking for a

  6. Oh my god this hit me like a ton of bricks!!! I have been walking through life for 40 yrs and #1 2 & 4 hit me dead on. I always been very intuitive on many levels I'm a very strong Empath and clairvoyance. When I brought it up to my mother about how I was feeling and seeing she just said usually it happens to the females in our family…..(I'm a guy) so I felt a little awkward….i still don't know how to tame these gifts and really would like any feedback on what literature , or anything I can get some knowledge on how to draw in my intuitiveness.
    Thanks in advance

  7. I hope this helps me. Just started watching the vid. I have always been an empath and it drives me nuts cuz I feel everybodies emotions and it effects me badly a lot and when I know something is wrong etc.. it dives me nuts cuz I don't know what is wrong and I can't help. Idk how to explain it. But I have trouble being around others and get very short tempered a lot cuz I never know what is me and what isn't and it hurts me a lot feeling every bodies crap. Also random people have always come up to me for no reason and start telling me all there troublema and asking for advice. And they always say they don't know why they r telling me there issues. And then there crap starts to effect me and can make me physically sick also etc… I need to learn how the gel to control this. When I was with my x fiancé, I was sorta doing better cuz he was helping me figure things out, but he passed away through suiside and I knew something was wrong when it happens but didn't know what it to whom and swore I heard his voice trying to get my attention and saying my name, I even heard footsteps, and I even remember answering and saying what, who is there, etc.. and then about 10min later I got the call saying he hung himself. And ever since that phone call. I have been lost and feel like iv lost all control and am starting to loose my mind. Idk what to do and I want my happiness back and to b able to function again. And to control this. And it's funny how u mention fixing people thing, cuz I am always trying to do that, especially with men. My mother even, a few months ago, even told me to stop trying to fix people.

  8. Being an empath, not a fan. People can use you if your not careful. Love and everything is intensified. You wonder what's your feelings.

    When someone tells me something bad I can imagine the pain on my body and mind. Holding back tears is hard. Makes me feel weak.

    But if you love someone and they love you back it's wonderful energy that gets bounce around back and forth.

  9. Serious question …. How can I learn to selectively tune out individuals that FEEL to be stuck or trapped within themselves but are not aware so I can stay friends with them without having to feel the stale / heavy air and overwhelming feeling of frustration and sometimes even anger. ( the anger is the worst because it doesn’t feel like my type of anger ever ) i recently I have been getting really sick when I am within their presence. To be specific it’s people that have had childhood trauma which caused them to hide a part of themselves in order to protect themselves from the negative feeling brought on them the first time they experienced that negative feedback and so they have forgotten about themselves and so they say they’re one way but everything they’re saying feels wrong to me… it’s hard to concentrate… this type of person feels so uncomfortable to me … they feel like heavy air or maybe a better example is if you had a gravity blanket but instead of the security you it’s replaced with frustration and if you’ve ever had a night where you can not find a comfortable spot then that feeling …. this is insane but if it gets really bad I see slow static coming off them ( that only happens if they’re at laying down) if they’re angry it’s like jolts of fast heat … I’m sorry this probably all sounds insane but I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t feel it was a real concern … I don’t want to keep pulling back bc of this but I don’t know how to shut it down sometimes … I recently had to be on 51 day’s of antibiotics because my digestive system suffered and infection due to vomiting because it gets that bad for me… it’s like when I bump into a person like this I have to see what it is they’re hiding but it’s a scary type of curiosity … but i always get upset at myself later when I have an extremely difficult time giving up on them when I know it’s not good for me ? Pretty much … how can I learn to monitor my thoughts and perception so I can learn to regulate that effect ? So I don’t have to feel and carry it ? Is there a way ? If so I would be extremely grateful for the response . I’m sure I’ll come to it one day but having a cheat sheet would really help me out. Thank you for reading this

  10. It's pretty interesting how when I was younger with less knowledge, I did things instinctively and was right most of the time but always got criticized for being myself. This was even before I knew about being an empath. It hurt my feelings and I hated the criticism so I tried to do things differently like other people would want me to but I hurt myself even more because I was trying to act like who I wasn't. Now, I'm more conscious with my actions and trying to tune right back in and I realize everyday that I'm just trying to be who I used to be once again. I'm learning to make my present conscious mental state to act like my previous subconscious mental state. It's a bit difficult and quite confusing. They told me something was wrong with me, I never believed but after so many years, I began to believe "maybe something is actually wrong with me" (in turn trying to change myself) then I find out that I'm not the only one like this and I'm perfectly normal, just different. Then I want to revert back to my default self, feels like a loop, a bit confusing and has affected my mental state. Like, I'm going back and forth and it's a bit frustrating and quite annoying.

  11. I do want to add something here, you still need to judge in order to sense danger to protect yourself, such as when encountering the dark triad – the narcissist, the Machiavelianist, and the psychopath, judgement is genetically wired to all animals for survival, including empaths.

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