Are You An Empath? This Is What Happens In Your Energy Body

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In this video, energy healer, teacher, and author Wendy De Rosa explains the signs of an empath through her own experiences. She also explains how the energy body of an empath can tend to operate if you’re an over-sensitive empath.

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44 thoughts on “Are You An Empath? This Is What Happens In Your Energy Body”

  1. Loved your video !!! Finally someone explained grounding to me in a way that can help. Everyone says to ground yourself, but don't tell how. I don't think they know. lol Thank you!

  2. You can shield yourself from people and their energies for an extended period of time, however take it from me that that will do you far more harm than good.
    I made that horrible decision a while ago.
    I protected myself a few years back and managed to maintain my shield for a few years. It became cracked, clouded and even toxic to me, I refused my gift. I lowered my barrier a few weeks ago and everything slammed into and suffocated me, I had no control over any of it. Not only had I been ignoring my surroundings energy, I neglected my own and so I was suffocated by even my own emotions. Now I’m paying the price.

    Don’t do as I did. Nurture your gift and learn how to use/handle it.

  3. I feel empowered but often misunderstood even by FAMILY. I'm happy and comfortable in my own skin, I guess that's the catalyst that disturbs, freaks or intimidates others among us empathic souls. Blessings to ALL… AMEN🤔🤔❤️🤔🤔

  4. My pores raised suddenly while you were speaking about the guy who approached you. I often feel as if I'm meant to do something extraordinary and often I feel emotionally exhausted. Many times as well I get feelings about certain things,people and situations and I tend to stay away from it. People sometimes say I'm too emotional but I know it's not just that I'm very sensitive but it's scary at times because I don't know how to control this . And I feel a calling to travel the world. My spirit has always yearned for this and I don't know where it stems from? Does any of this makes sense. I feel a bit trapped at times like my spirit is yearning for more.

  5. Iam an empath… Samething I went through. Iam absorbing negative or positive energy from other people and I can feel their bad intention, when they talk about me, when their bullying me and I know when they talk about me. Whenever their is an aggression I feel it to the core. I know who is genuine and people lies..

  6. The first video that has calmed me down all evening. Im a manicurist and anytime I take my gloves off whilst doing clients im restless when I get home in the evening. It would be block it out or protect myself from it.

  7. OMGOSH… thank you so much. I especially appreciated your explaining about when the empath is under developed. I hope I put that succinctly. This was so helpful to me. I am at an emerging place in my life where al my anxiety is shifting away or transforming and I am becoming my true self. I wish I could say it better. I will keep watching.

  8. I was curious about the "Catholic spirituality book" until you mentioned the angel, Arius. Catholics aren't permitted to deal with angels except Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, as well as our guardian angels. One of our Popes wrote it into law, to avoid angelology. Whatever book they read was not Catholic at all. That's not to say Arius doesn't exist, but be careful in what you're dealing with.

  9. Highly recommend the book The Empath Survival Guide to anyone who relates to this!

    May we all be healthy. May we all be safe. May we all find peace. May we all feel the enormous love we have for others, for ourselves as well 🙏🏼💕

  10. I’m an empath and it’s a curse.
    It makes my life miserable and feel pain 24/7 cause people’s pain is hell no matter how good your own life is or might be.
    Example: a neighbor’s son just committed suicide 3 weeks ago and I’ve been going through hell and I don’t even know her, the mother. That is the hell I live on a daily basis with other’s pain.
    I can’t understand how someone can call it a gift. That is what it is to be an empath, you can’t stop feeling deeply everyone’s vibe even from distance. You literally feel what others feel and you rarely find happy people in this world.

  11. I actually heard this from my friend who is also an empath and she thinks if someone is not over sensitive, they’re not an empath. She’s over sensitive, but I’m able to have boundaries and to not take on a lot. I think I am an empath and I like to think I’m growing and getting stronger, but she thinks I’m not sensitive enough.

  12. I'm a infp,hsp,full empath, with adhd I hyperfocus everyday all day I have hyperthymesia and I grew up in a narcissistic cult. It took me 25 years before I found out who I truly was

  13. Wow. Very helpful. That was a very powerful message.
    So basically, we need to work on healing our chakras (especially the root) in order to balance everything inside of us and reflect that in our reality. All we really have to do is work on ourselves.

  14. I am an empath . This is a bit dreadful. I must try to block shit out . It is hard when you are the eldest child . I am the eldest child. My husband is the eldest child . Omg . All you say resonates.

  15. Wow, Thank you for that great video! I have always been a very sensitive, tender hearted kind of person. I've also felt that I was a bit empathic as well. Very sensory sensitive. I learned a great grounding exercise in yoga, (which also helps me feel good/ balanced). Standing in Mountain pose, (arms dwn, palms forward) ground your feet & imagine roots coming out of them & into the ground. Checking in w/ your body, take a few deep breaths, & also into any tense areas you are feeling, & release/ relax with the exhales.
    I take it a step further & go through each chakara, picturing a glow of light, in the designated chakara color & area, breathing a few breaths into it, doing this at each one, working my way up. This helps when you really need to take a few minutes to try to rebalance & ground yourself. I just did this a few days ago when I was upset about a few things & had an emotional cry, because it all bubbled up to the surface, & I was very upset. After a good cry, I went outside, put my feet in the grass, & my face to the sun & did this exercise.

  16. You are yet another MORON on youtube–most of you on here ARE morons! No such thing as an EMPATH. Normal people feel empathy. If someone does not feel empathy this is a sign they are a PSYCHOPATH. Self-educate on Carl Jung's personality types and stop making a fool of yourself in front of the world!!!

  17. I just found out what I am a few years ago. A friend of mine told me the feelings I've always had may be because I'm an Empath. I've been watching tons of videos and reading lots of articles and books and trying to figure out the "why me" thing lol. I was sexually abused by my step dad from approx age 2 up until around age 14 when my narcissist Mom found out. She let him stay bc he threatened suicide pretty much daily. So it kept happening just not as often. I think what she says here about my survival mechanisms is EXACTLY what happened with me. I had to escape my reality almost nightly and it was almost as if I was literally floating above my physical body when my step dad would unlock my door and come into my room … I didn't want to be there! 🤬😭 But as a child, you can't just go get in your car and leave! My Mom worked at night. I was trapped. I just had to survive each time he did it. I had nobody to talk to. He threatened to kill me if I told so what is a child to do? Live with it that's what! So now I'm in my 40s .. he did complete suicide in 2004… I wish I could have an angel come and sing me a song lol about what to do with my life. I need guidance and I have nobody except my narcissist Mom who is always so negative and it's all about her, ALWAYS! She's told me she will NEVER apologize for what happened to me. It wasn't her fault he was sick! That's how she sees it. This I why I have severe trust issues and I won't let any man near my kids. I know how my step dad wore a mask all those years and my mom still does! I know the REAL people behind those masks and it's easy for me to see people's true feelings even if I don't even know them personally I pick up on their true feelings without even trying now. Can someone please tell me what to read to help guide me? Thanks for any info!

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