If You Experience These 10 Signs, You Are A Highly Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy

If You Experience These 10 Signs, You Are A Highly Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy
Probably you have heard the term empath? But do you understand what it means? Have you ever wondered if you are an empath yourself? Do you want to find out? You should know that empaths are highly sensitive when it comes to emotions.

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As a matter of fact, they feel everything and most of the times they might feel to the extreme. They are good listeners, naturally giving and spiritually attuned.

Through thick and thin, empaths always have your back; it is like that since they are world-class nurturers.

Can you relate to this? Well, you should know that there are also empaths who don’t feel only for others, but in fact, they are in tune with their intuition as well.

These empaths are known as highly intuitive empaths. If you want to know if you belong to this group you must know the signs which prove you are.

10 Signs You Are a Highly Intuitive Empath.

1. You Can Predict Things Before They Happen.
Usually, you can predict the outcome of a certain event or a situation in your head before it plays out.

2. You Have a Constant Need to Recharge.
You often feel the need to be alone after you have spent the day with many people cause that for you means different energies and emotions. People might find you anti-social, but you’re actually a highly intuitive empath.

3. You Simply Connect to Certain People.
When you are out with people, you instinctively feel drawn to some people because you can sense some things about them. For some, you might feel a bad vibe, but certain people attract you right away.

4. Dreaming About Events and Situations Before They Happen.
Have you had a dream of a specific event which later actually happened? To you, it may seem like a coincidence, but most likely it isn’t. Probably what you are experiencing is your intuition.

5. A Silent Room Might Seem Noisy To You.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation, where you are in a room with people, and it is quiet, but still to you everything is loud? If you have experienced this, don’t worry.

It is like that since you are able to feel what the other people in the room are feeling and this might become overwhelming.

6. Usually You End Up Getting What You Want.
Most people struggle to get what they want or get something done. But you feel like your achieving your dreams and goals with easiness.

7. Having a Bad Feeling About a Situation and Being Right.
It is quite normal to get a bad feeling in the gut from time to time, but mostly people don’t trust it or just neglect it. However, in case this keeps happening to you and in case at the end it turns up that you have been right about it all along, then you are a highly intuitive empath.

8. You Simply Know When Someone Is Full of It.
You can easily know whether someone is honest, and you don’t even need to know them in order to realize that.

9. You Can’t Stand the Suffering of Others.
You should know that empathic individuals are not able to witness any type of violence and suffering. As a matter of fact, some empaths can’t even watch violent films. Also, they cannot bear when people laugh at the misfortunes of others.

10. You Don’t Feel Comfortable in Big Groups.
An empath sees big groups as anxiety-creating and exhausting thing. It is like that due to the diversity and intensity of different situations which involve a significant number of people.

As a matter of fact, it is common for empaths to prefer to be with a small group of people or maybe alone. In case they need to be in social situations which involve big groups, often they feel the need to withdraw early in order to recharge their batteries.

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41 thoughts on “If You Experience These 10 Signs, You Are A Highly Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy”

  1. In your 10 signs . I have 9. Only in alone room i don't hear anysound. Just i want to know that if iam so then its good or bad ? Normal or abnormal . From my intution 3 people died unnaturally and many naturally. I feel very bad when my heart beat goes high without any reason because I know after that something goes wrong. And after all happened then it automatically goes normal. Many time i warn people. But many don't believe n Incidence happened. May I concern to doctor. Please reply.

  2. I have everything except getting everything I want 😹 but on a serious note, I keep having premonition dreams since I was a kid everything from mundane to dates with future people. They always happen but I do not know the timeline of it. The time ranges from weeks to years. However, I keep getting this dream of a asteroid ☄️ or comet impacting a city I have never been to before and I’m helplessly watching the impact of the comet ☄️ of said city. I looked at many skylines and the ONLY skyline that matches is Miami….god I hope 🤞 I’m not right. It makes me nauseous and gives me anxiety cause I’ve never been to Miami and never knew what the skyline looked like until I looked up a picture of it….

  3. iv olwys tot mayb its bettr if i dnt knw how othrs feel, coz i dnt knw wat to do wen i feel sum1 dnt like me n prtnds to like me & i have to be & deal wth them. i usualy dstnce myslf to those pipol i get a bad vib. but now iv realyz tht its actualy a gift n its bettr to knw d truth thn to live n lies. i want to embrce it now n control it wth complte awarenes. i had a lot of dreams tht hapens in realty, sumtyms even wen im awake. but its like i knda los it, i dnt knw if its coz im goin tru sumthng, not havn a peace of mind. i feel lyk sumthng was los, now i tend to absorb othrs emotions. i felt b4 i unconscously protct myslf frm absorbn othrs emotions but now lyk i los it,

  4. 💯all of these are me. The violent movie thing is the only thing I’ve gotten over with because I’ve learned the fact that it’s all Hollywood imagination. Violent movies make me laugh.

  5. I'm 100% a highly intuitive empath. I was able to warn a Facebook friend is well as guide them. I've never met this person and I barely know them. I was right to the t

  6. Being an empath is a big responsibility . For years I suffered not knowing wth was wrong with me , now I am starting to understand . Everything she states happens to me . Intuition is always there with me . I feel everything . I always wondered why when I went to parties I felt so anxious and overwhelmed, my ex gf thought it was weird I cause I would always have to leave and go to a quit space for a few or if it was at her house I would go into her room to sleep beacuAse I just couldn’t deal with anything anymore .

  7. I ignored my intuition for forty years to my detriment
    I now listen intently and have followed my gut since and my life has a 360 degree turn around it’s amazing 😉

  8. I didn't grow up in the best neighborhood. My friends always got in trouble. I managed to always miss the cops, car wrecks, fights, and drama by minutes. I just get up in leave. As an adult narcissists and user seen me as easy target when all I did was help them. Divorced single and love my peaceful home.

  9. I hate feeling everything…I cry a lot. Depression…don't trust my husband…there is something not right but I don't know what it is. He will hold my hand at night in bed and I can't stand it! I physically feel something…not good…my intuition is usually spot on…dreams…its overwhelming

  10. I am! And I see too many spirits everywhere also. They also use my batteries up all the time, I have cordless lights all around the house & they suck all the energy from them.So we both need charging lol…

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