3 Stages of Empath Awakening – How It Will Help Your Spiritual Growth

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3 Stages of Empath Awakening// How to navigate the developmental stages of becoming a mature Empath on a spiritual path of awakening.

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Navigating the spiritual path can be a challenge but it can be particularly challenging if you find yourself to be an Empath without a lot of tools and guidance of how to deal with your sensitive abilities. In this video I hope to shed light to a topic of what the path of an Empath looks like when you begin to mature and develop your gifts.

Watch this video if you want to learn:
-The 3 stages of Empath Awakening
-How to navigate the difficulties of being an awakened Empath in a world that feels asleep
-What the final stage of awakening is really about, it might surprise you.
-Want to join a community of like-minded souls!

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Need one on one guidance?
Personal Empowerment Coaching (Life Coach, EFT Tapping, NLP, and Hypnotherapy)

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website: kristinvergara.com
Instagram: @kristin.vergara
Facebook: Kristin Vergara


Have burning questions, let me know! If you have questions about your personal growth, or want to request a video on Tapping and Meditation (and anything really!) please feel free to comment below.

DOWNLOAD: The Manifest Anything Ultimate Checklist and Cheat Sheet here: http://eepurl.com/ddq4L9

Checkout this video for more advice for Empaths:


50 thoughts on “3 Stages of Empath Awakening – How It Will Help Your Spiritual Growth”

  1. I liked your point about x-ray vision. It's like when people say "picture everyone naked" for confidence. Sometimes that does harm depending on what you're picturing. It's like cheating in a way.

  2. So ultimately, the message from what is happening to me is to be fluid, certainly dnt hold any qualities regular folk would define as a personality.. Which is kinda intrinsically flawed based on the modern world. This planet stinks of ego.. get me off it

  3. Ugh, when this happens to you and you keep the worst company. Maybe this is my punishment for various points in my life. But I've never known such arragant fony fools, and what's worse it comes through as who I am.. So I'm subject to their ridicule for their short comings. Its enough to send me on a killing spree tbh. I appreciate that's not the right attitude but most people caught up in modern culture are truely odious. I saw this coming too, since the hype of the mayan calendar.. so I'm accepting life for what it is. I believe since the 1960s planet earth has not seen a generation like ours for thousands of years. Its tough stuff..

  4. I became aware of my empath abilities about 2 years ago when I accidentally tapped into my best friends emotions and found out she was going to kill herself that night. And I had talked her down from it. That traumatized me so much I was in stage 1 and being very protective and kinda trying to block it out. I've only recently started getting into stage 2 so here I am

  5. Thank you for posting this video.
    I find your energy comforting.
    I agree with others who state that wisdom, discernment and compassion are crucial.
    I've got into trouble on many occasions by trying to be helpful and honest!

  6. I am an intj empath I went through all these stages before puberty. After being severely traumatized with PTSD on multiple occasions with the final being the hardest on me, which caused me to snap and retaliate without fear of consequences with no regard to anything . I can not turn it off anymore. I cannot put my mental armor on or put up my walls .I no longer fear anything my filters are broken non-existent never ask me a question you don't want the answer to. I cannot lie to someone even to spare their feelings when I know I should. I can't even lie to save myself . I have dealt and understand my trauma. I have accepted it.
    I cannot stop helping those in Dyer need even at great sacrifice to myself and have many times . I used to be able to walk into large crowds and be able to block it out but now I have totally lost the ability . I have moved out of the city and away from major population areas which does help a little. I cannot leave the Solitude of my home without having a complete stranger dump their life problems on me. They are always completely shocked and apologetic. I tell them there is no reason to apologize happens to me everywhere I go .anytime I interact with anyone it is as if they cannot stop themselves. It's almost as if my mere presence has removed their filters. the lady who works at the convenience store told me she's pregnant by not her husband , the manager of my bank told me he was stealing money from the bank and then freaked out after saying it inow Bank online only and pay at the pump This frightens normal people and believe me I do not always get a positive reaction. The only people who have positive reactions to this are truly honest higher thinkers. Who think it's cool. It is not! My friends that did not ostracize me thought it was funny to throw me in a situation with certain individuals and watch the fireworks. They are no longer my friends and are not in my life any more!
    Animals both domesticated and Wild have a strange reaction to me. For instance Last Summer I patted a Wild bear on the butt, he just stopped looked at me and then turned and walked away . I just had to know what its fur felt like, it's not soft more like a Brillo pad. It was a uncontrollable compulsion. I have hummingbirds land on my hand and not even a trained attack dog even when ordered to attack , they will not be aggressive towards me they just walk up and sit down next to me. he would not return to his Handler until I ordered him to. you should have seen the look on the officers face Priceless. In the morning I have coffee with the cutest little owl , who comes to see me every morning.
    I would love to share what little life I have left with someone, unfortunately I do truly scare people and to be honest I don't blame them!

  7. Very Accurate information, in my experience. WHERE are These Tribe-Vibes out in society??? I've become a hermit because I'm just Exhausted by dealing with people, and all the toxic-garbage involved. Apparently I've been a (Cluster-B magnet) all my life, and I've just started to put it all together, about 5- years ago. What a Long Strange Trip it's been, indeed. Thank You <3

  8. My mom actually told me that I'm an empath before I really understood most of this stuff. She's really into crystals & chakras & reiki. Never really questioned it because i always seen it makes her happy, now I see why. It's all really cool shit!!

  9. The way I found out was I can read some people’s mind sometimes…and feel their feelings by looking at them and start feeling their feelings … I can tell they know because of our eye contact …..it’s hard to explain but I try to mind my own business but always compassionate .

  10. Thank you, just recently found out about empaths and being one, just thought I couldn't handle life. Your take on it was very easy to understand and thank you for sharing. I feel like I can live and better myself without labeling as an empath and stressing over things. Gonna try to not get into others energy unless its really needed. Stay happy 😊

  11. for 2 month I been feeling nonstop sadness and pain in my chest I could feel my ex emotions from 1hour and a half away I could feel he was see someone else and that he really like her broke my heart.feeling his emotions put up red flags. I got scared and I ran broke it off with him. I dont know if it empath or something else I dont have anyone to talk to about this

  12. My bubble got burst a few months ago…. And it's been re burst as people keep telling me YOU'RE A STRONG EMPATH! USE IT and explore it. So here I am…. You're great BTW ❤️

  13. After vacation I found out I was an empath but because of some reason I’m doubting it. Long story short sometimes I think I am sometimes I think I’m not never heard of this ability before, but sense discovery I have come obsessed with thinking constantly that I’m one.

  14. I feeled how it feels to be a empath (I bon't really knew what I should call it)
    When I was 3 years old but I wasn't as strong as it is now because when my father come in and out of my life each time breaking my heart,I keep blocking everyone and everything out until 2 years ago when I open myself comply
    Witch I regret now because everything fall apart and I have to block out every thing again but it's a lot harder because
    I knew that it'll hurt but I'll get even more hurt if I bon't.

  15. I am learning to get out of uncomfortable environments. I spend alot of time alone. Last month, however, I stepped out to help the homeless and became I'll with overwhelment. I am working on my chakras for clearung.

  16. Great that you said don't get stuck in these stages. Not only people have feelings, realize we connect with everything great and small, empathy is ment to help the health of this tiny cell we call earth in the greater body of the creator. Empaths help connect and level the electrical shockwaves caused by bitterness, hatred and discontent

  17. Hmmmm thanks this makes so much sense now. Ive always wondered why i was so good at reading people and feeling tension and i also can feel like someone is going to call me sometimes more often than not i know who it is before i look at my phone. I dont know what stage I’m at I’m thing 3 now that i watched this.

  18. Hi. I am just now coming to the realization that I am an Empath. I am also bipolar. So as you can imagine life has been one crazy ride for me at times. I have very intuitive healing abilities. I can give a deep muscle massage and not even consciously think about what I'm doing. My hands automatically know where to go and what to do and I have completely blowing people away with what I do while I'm not even thinking about it. I have so many skills in so many areas that are probably related to being Empathic. As I learn about it, I can understand myself better. I can look at the past and understand why things were they way they were. I hope to learn to harness the abilities if not for any other reason than to protect myself and keep from being to exhausted all the time.

  19. For the past 3 years I've been through spiritual healing with Yahweh and I got baptized in the Holy Spirit. Nowadays I isolate but balance out my life around people. I feel energies around me and the energies of people some good some bad. Thank you for this video my Empath Sister Bless You!!

    Edit: I'm at the lonely stage so there's nobody distracting me and I'm also starting to come out of my comfort zone to learn new things. Change is coming soon also also Angel Numbers are in my life and it's driving me absolutely crazy lol but I know they contain messages to my life. I hope you have a good new year and please be safe no matter what.

  20. This makes so much sense especially with everything happening in my life, I'm definitely going to do more research because I've always felt this way and it has to be a sign that I saw this video. This is so crazy to me I had no idea this was what I've been experiencing my whole life

  21. I was a nurse for many years but the past 4 years ive been experiencing an spiritual awakening and experiencing throughout my life signs, synchronicities, seeing energies especially when one expires and intuition experiences. Becoming exhausted from others emotions. I can read a persons state of emotions. I was told recently im an empath still trying to figure it all out. Thank you for your videos❤❤

  22. I recently found out about Empath my freshman year in college. My school was doing psychic readings. The sweet lovely lady did Tarot card reading. After that she told me that I have a lot of good energy and that I myself am a Empath. Ever since then i’ve been able to sense the slightest shift in my friends energy, or just the energy in the room. I’m always able to tell when the energy is off now. I really want to dwell more into being an empath because I like to believe i’m a very spiritual being and if i’m capable to use it in any sort of way I want too. I’m sorry if it doesn’t make sense what I said.

  23. Lots of people ive met told me I was different but in a good way. I didnt understand. People always opened up to me super easily. I would walk into rooms and get strong feelings not knowing why. And i always just chalked it up to I was in my head too much. I didnt realize feeling everything was something that not all people did. One day i saw a psychic with a friend. My friend wanted to do it and I went with. The psychic new nothing about us except our first names. First thing she told me during my reading was i was an empath. I started reading about and it makes a lot of sense now.

  24. The reason I’m watching this video is because I was at the mall today and I suddenly became aware that I could see the emotion that drove the lives of each person I walked past. It hit me like a ton of bricks and it was frightening. In the end I couldn’t look at anyone because I was overwhelmed with information. Very scary.
    I’ve never known much about this sort of thing before. Thank you for your guidance.

  25. Thank you for this video. I recently discovered a vocabulary for what I am and it has empowered me to grow and expand as a person. I use to avoid getting entangled in people's problems but now I accept is a part of who I am. I find myself reaching out to people everywhere I go even in the smallest ways. A kind word in passing can sometimes go a long way for a person. If I see a person who's down I don't always try to address their problem, sometimes I just try to remind them that there are still good people in the world by just being kind and sometimes that's just enough to change a person's mood and perspective.

    I always use to think in terms of saving the world and I always knew that was just unrealistic and it left me frustrated and often feeling very depressed. I would try to focus on more immediate things or distract myself with work or writing but it would never stop bothering me. Now that I am starting to see how many of us are out there all over the world trying to help everywhere I stopped thinking in terms of saving the whole world and started thinking in terms of saving my little part of it because there is an army of us empaths out in the world all doing our little bit where we can.

    Listening to people like you speak and explain things is incredibly helpful to me as I learn and grow. I will surely be exploring your channel more.

  26. Hello I'm Winndy.
    I just wanted to say thank you for your video and it's got me out of the closet, if you know what I mean,
    And I've known I was different even at the age of 1 yrs.
    I was born deaf and I can speak and I've got a driver's license and too, ha.
    I was born in Pasadena Tx year 1956
    When I was 3 something different happened to me that day and I still remember the happens that happen to me many times in my life time to get me to where I'm today,
    I just want to say it out loud to you all I'm
    An mepath and it's over do
    I believe in you and all the same thing happened to me and , it's changed me in the knowledge I have is over alot of people mind
    I have been studying everything to find out what happened to me , and why now and me ,
    And thought out my life time and I've seen alot
    You can call it the matrix or the Angels giving me the knowledge of lip and body language right then and there at 3 yrs old
    Things started to come to me and I could see bead people at 4 yrs old
    And I had the ability to levitate objects and thought it was just a game I just didn't know what happened to the times
    I've had Angels come to me when I was in need the most , they are always here for me
    When I cried out loud this last summer they hear my despair and lonely niss and
    Now I can see that even I can get help
    At the same time I would like to help with anything else I'll leave you my

  27. I have felt broken my whole life and I found out now that there are people like me and I’m not batshit crazy. I always felt that I must be imagining these feelings or wanting to feel them somehow. I was able to shut it off for 10 years but now it’s back with a vengeance and I need to figure out how to control it. It’s like waves of hot and cold going through me but emotions.
    Sometimes it feels like complete insanity and I’m nuts. I’m going to learn to control it and I think there is more but I’m not sure if it’s real yet just like the emotions. It’s very hard to distinguish between am I creating this or is it happening to me

  28. Thank u for these informations. Very beneficial indeed. I liked the video felt intimate in comparison to all those montage/animation videos on the subject.
    On a personal note i feel like i am experiencing all of those stages at once. Plus i would like to know more about this hyoka thing if possible.

  29. Nice video, Kristin.
    It was only yesterday (1st. Dec. 2019) that I realised I am possibly an empath, I stumbled across empathic videos while surfing the internet looking for something else. It felt like I was being 'guided'…….as though I was 'ready'. For most of my life I have been aware of something different about myself and often met with those I felt were similar to me. My experiences I kept mostly to myself and shared with only a chosen few for fear of ridicule. I am 72 years old and live in west London, England, I have suffered from Chronic Heart Disease for nearly 20 years and have been told I have healing hands (but cured nobody) — animals bond with me — I have time-traveled — and am a retired animator and have been creative all my life.
    I now feel my next 72 years are a turning point. Thank you for such a nice video as yours.
    PS. I also feel the camera likes you!

  30. I am glad to hear you mention getting permission, and would like to see it stressed further. There are many empaths that experience another's emotions and have a tendency to ascribe those emotions to a particular cause, usually something from the empaths own background. We cannot know the cause without working with that person and having them tell us the cause. Anything else is mere assumption. I believe this is the most difficult aspect of someone that has recently come to understand that they are an empath. Approaching someone about the emotions you have picked up on and assuming the cause of those emotions can cause additional pain for them. When the gift is used in this manner is it truly a "gift"?

  31. What a beautiful empath you are! Thank you for giving us this! I have realized more recently that I have been an empath all these years. It explains things in my life, but it's not easy. Even my relatives confuse being an empath with 'having empathy'. Not the same thing. I hope that by understanding this aspect of myself, that things will get better and better in my life. It's difficult but there is hope. Thank you for sharing with us. It does help.

  32. I m an empath and on a spiritual journey for awakening for almost a year now.. I grow up very fast and things get crazier but clearer each day.. Im 26 and was stucked for some reason and coudlnt move on and thought i ll just keep meditating and be patient and would just wait for some new life quests to keep growing up and becoming the best version of myself as we all want to achieve i guess… I saw ur video and Number 3 gave me this kick in my ass i needed! U said we just have to let go of this identities… I think u are right! I allways identify my self as an empath or as an alien from another galaxy etc… (I m not sure if it matters if we identify ourselfs with more than just one word) but im sure i have to let go of all this identities now! Thanks you! I just have to be more aware… btw… do u mean we dont have to help others if they dont give permission to engage with them? And what about our friends or people we just like to hang with them. if they dont give me permission but i can see they need help and maybe i could help them.. is it a waste if i use my energy to help and and try to cure them? Even if they keep doing mistakes? Or should i just let go and let things flow and waste my energy for me and people who give me this permission to help them..?

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