5 Danger Zones for Empaths – Safety Training

My Life Coach live monthly webinar: https://3ke.to/wuP8hq

Watch and Enjoy!
Kirk & Kim Duncan

Kirk Duncan – President/Founder of 3 Key Elements, provides contemporary training and a greater perspective for fine-tuning personal, family, and business communications. He trains you how to implement these techniques, and experience improved relationships, increased awareness, and more productivity and effectiveness in your life.

Kim Duncan – Vice President of 3 Key Elements, loves to teach others about the abundant power that a woman has when she embraces her feminine energy—in the home, in the workplace, in the community, and in the world.

The Art of Mentoring: http://www.3keyelements.com/trainings/art-of-mentoring/
Master Your Influence: http://www.3keyelements.com/trainings/master-your-influence/
Present Yourself: http://www.3keyelements.com/trainings/present-yourself/
Queen of the Kinddom: http://www.3keyelements.com/trainings/queen-of-the-kingdom/
Royalty & Romance: http://www.3keyelements.com/trainings/royalty-romance/
The Body Language Show: http://www.3keyelements.com/trainings/body-language-show/

Building a Mind of Steel: http://www.3keyelements.com/trainings/building-a-mind-of-steel/
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26 thoughts on “5 Danger Zones for Empaths – Safety Training”

  1. I am very good at reading the atmosphere. Right now in the united States I have great sadness for the amount of negativity that is increasing every day. There is something going on.

  2. Sometimes it's like I'm an Empath but plenty of times it's not. I don't want to make claims just because my ego wants to feel special. I want to stay humble. This is a very hard thing to understand.

  3. 3:56. Yes, but, I do this because I think that the other person is out of control and I am not, bc I am centered. Then I discover I fell like I don't know anything or feel anything, bc the other person is not centered but I am.

  4. I suffer from each and every word you just said sir. Plz tell me how I train my mind. As if I tell my mind to limit, it tells me you are being selfish. My mind says You must honour this and help others, when I start pulling away their soul starts crying and tugging on me and I feel the pain and the need to be compassionate and it all gets really messed up

  5. I was unaware until I mentally exploded 1.5 years ago. I counted 16 voices before I couldn’t distinguish any more.
    Earlier this evening, seemingly randomly, I was imagining this personal space protection as setting my organic material in Invisible epoxy. 😂 Thank you.

  6. Phew! I have a sense of relief now that I feel validated that I was feeling and seeing individuals from distances away. In some instances states away if I had a family member or friend in close proximity. I didn't realize I needed to concentrate on keeping my boundaries set more to the energies closest to me. 5ft will be a challenge for me, but I'm willing, ready, and able to acknowledge what's best to keep me healthy. Thank you. Seriously, thank you so much!

  7. Thank you!
    This was so informative; I have experienced all of this at one time or another. I have learned to reign in other's emotion. Quiet time is imperative for me and I thank Archangel Michael for assisting me on a daily basis. Happy Holidays!

  8. TY, TY. TY!!!! Always the words this empath needs to hear. Ever since I came across you and your lovely wife, everything has been clear for me. You two are my guides to help me thru this crazy life. TY for keeping me level. Blessings to all! #HumanRace 🙏

  9. Now everything make sense. Like a kid I though I am chameleon, I picked up emotions of everyone at my school. I wish I watch this video a very long time ago

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