7 Ways To Become A Stronger Empath

7 Ways To Become A Stronger Empath.

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“Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :


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7 Signs You Are A Heyoka, The Most Powerful Empath

You’re Definitely An INFJ If You Have These 8 Signs.


Talking about empathy, it has to do with understanding other people’s emotions and feeling. Being an empath is a definite edge for building and maintaining good relationships with people. A good relationship is one where the parties involved are willing not just to talk about their problems, but are eager to share their possessions.

A lot of people view a good relationship as one that never lacks giving. Being an empath, you already have the potentials of making a good relationship because of your ability to feel one’s emotions and readiness to offer help even when it is not convenient for you. Research made it clear that being an empath is partly innate and partly learned.

Therefore, one who is not an empath can learn to become one and even a better empath. Nevertheless, in this video, we are going to consider some ways to become a stronger empath; this makes it clear that one can move from being an empath who is often overwhelmed to becoming a better empath.

Let us look at seven ways to become a stronger empath. If you think this information is helpful to you, please help to like and share this video, guys.


36 thoughts on “7 Ways To Become A Stronger Empath”

  1. I need to find a way to get out of my own head! I over analyze everything and it just causes more stress and pain. Those I am closest to, I feel their pain the most. I don’t know how to block those emotions. I am afraid to let people get close because I don’t know how to handle their emotional pain. I don’t want to be an empath. I just want to be normal!

  2. your so awesome thanks i am a very much empath, animals talk to me, and not all animals are telepathic, my gold is and she is so cute, she found me at Duck Park and i told her "you wanna go home with me, ok my friend is getting a box, so wait here or go out front in front and wait by the tree" She did that immediately, i was there with the box and she was gone, go out front in the driveway and she went past that to the tree, and i looked and she let me get her, i was tickled pink, my friend said "She really needed you, that she was dropped off with Mallards who can fly to protect themselves, and she clearly cant as seen all day out there alone scared. I said "i said "I asked God for a Duck" she is really special really really really special, telepathic and is best friends with a goat named peanut butter, they both eat in grass and walk side by side all around the yard, its so cute. I have Birds that communicate and are so special, i inherited pit bulls and they are very nice and need more attention, i am a rot weiler girl, rotweiler saved my mom as a neighbor girl tryed to get by her medicine, and the rotweiler stepped in between the medicine by moms feet on the couch and the rotweiler growed her right out the front door to protect my mom, i had no idea what was happening i was doing something and i asked her why he was doing that, she said probably because i was gonna take some of your moms pills, stupid…so she tryed to come in the house and he stood up on his hind legs and pushed the door closed and slammed the door, i was laughingm i just really let my rotweiler handle his way he was in charge, and my cat then i had would kiss my mom hair and snuggle her head on my mom head, and Rocky really adored my Mom nobody coiuld do her wrong he was her Knight In Shining Amor for sure, sit right beside her everyday and she shared food benefit to him, i stayed right there to make sure she had her fill and a few bites for Rocky. I knew something wrong but sometimes we pretend or hide knowing to see what people do. or as Rocky the Rotweiler what he would do. Super Man Puppy!

  3. Being an empath I struggled a lot to just not feel drained always by others problems ignoring or not able to spot my own . This video is wonderful.beside this techniques I have a technique of my own to help my self. This is “ stand in front of mirror and treat the image as someone who is seeking help from me… talk to the image as I am helping some one in need…“ empath can never leave helping others… and so use this image as someone else…and remember the word that you say to that image in order to help her/him ( own image in mirror)

  4. Empath refuge: what about combining Schizotypical personality disorder, empathic traits that is confusing to understand when im isolated because my blood family is Jehovah witness cult and im a apostate trying to figure this out but being isolated and worrying into anxiety more and more.

    Im seeing both my doctor that’s meeting my therapist because im trying to get professionals to contact my JW’s blood family for help so they don’t ignore my calls and neglect me believing that im needing to die alone for not following there beliefs and i will never believe in there false claims of truth when JWs destroys my life and my older sister that isolated me from my only nephews is now going after my daughter behind my back. My 3rd eye is blocking me, im permanently disabled and im being discriminated every year not being around family don’t have a no contact no one cares if I live or dies and I’ve been trying to explain to my therapist and doctor how serious I’ve been fighting a deer in my family to stop being selfish and support me and helping me heal from these overwhelmed emotions but mostly to get my daughter back in my life even after everyone drives me into insanity from all this worries and duress is effect my health seriously. Family should be putting there ego aside to help me not encourage abd enjoying there lives but expectations of going to heaven after trashing me isn’t helping or Christian ✝️ and should be emotionally supporting my relationship with my daughter not going behind my back trying to convert my only daughter away from me. This year my daughter turned 21 in 2020 she’ll be 22 and I’ll be 42 or 20 years apart and I cannot stand the fact of livid that my daughter did include me on her 21st birthday as her mom and I’m still fighting these emotions at the spells are killing me in isolation not every empath can handle isolation like this👈🏾😭

  5. I always feel the need to make other people feel good.. It's like my responsibility and I blame my self when am not able to do that. I start worrying about them being sad and that becomes my problem

  6. This video is false you cant learn to become an empath thats only highly sensitive people , you are either born an empath or not its that simple please don’t spread false information. Every true empath knows this

  7. I dont want my empathic powers anymore. So sick of feeling other peoples bs! Isolating! People are seriously irritating. Slept 14 hours last Sunday and still tired.

  8. At first I was like UM STRONGER? I’m already suffering as it is…but these tips are actually going to help me gain control. Thank you

  9. What if I have overcommitted emotionally to a younger person because I was trying to help them through a situation incorrectly- my bias is my age and older physically or atleast mentally is easier to read without confusion on my part and then tending to deal further incorrectly through a power-like social structure. This is worded poorly, but y’all empaths so maybe you’ll get it and if you could help with however you received this id appreciate greatly.:)

  10. Had to learn a lot of those by my mistakes. Or as other say the hard way. The biggest one I have to deal with is avoiding toxic people. I really have zero tolerance of these people. It may seem anti social and selfishness on my part but they are so draining. I see through all their bullshit false chat. Prefer not to engage with them at all. Also Loving oneself was the biggest thing I had to learn when my marriage to narc went sideways. I used to count this as selfish on my part but it is not. Batteries need to be recharged and being and introvert i find it totally so. Super video as always and great advice.

  11. Good Sunday. Another great video. Everything said is so right on. Everyday is always a lesson but at the sametime it definitely turn into wisdom. Doesnt matter how big, small and in between, it makes us more stronger. Everyone stay proud of who you are as well we are✊🏾👍🏾

  12. Yes! This is what happened over 5 times in my life…. & I have SUFFERED HORRIBLY! I am recovering from this and this was the STRAW that Broke the Stallions back! 🙌🏾🔑

  13. Self-love and setting boundaries for other people is what I need, It's just that sometimes it is hard to say no or saying something that's gonna hurt that somebody. Even before you say it you feel how he or she is gonna feel. The truth I guess I have to learn to tell 'em anyway, people always say I should toughen up….

  14. Thanks alot from deep deep of my heart and soul.
    Your advices give me alot of help to understand my self and look inside my soul.
    I enjoy each of your videos.
    God bless you,
    Please keep on.

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