Is Being An Empath A Personality Disorder?

Some people are gifted with empathy and on some occasions, I get asked if being an empath is a personality disorder. Let me share with you my thoughts on that and why being an empath is not normal.

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Kirk & Kim Duncan

Kirk Duncan – President/Founder of 3 Key Elements, provides contemporary training and a greater perspective for fine-tuning personal, family, and business communications. He trains you how to implement these techniques, and experience improved relationships, increased awareness, and more productivity and effectiveness in your life.

Kim Duncan – Vice President of 3 Key Elements, loves to teach others about the abundant power that a woman has when she embraces her feminine energy—in the home, in the workplace, in the community, and in the world.

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32 thoughts on “Is Being An Empath A Personality Disorder?”

  1. Pondering myself as an empath, I see where the personality disorder question comes alight. Were our brains wired to react to situations when we were children to recognize different personalities as a form of self protection? As an early form of anxiety and fear that manifested to empath?

  2. Stop talking about it like its some incredible gift. It isn't fun. Heightened awareness in many cases including my own creates extreme anxiety and often cause antisocial behavior. Sure its great to be able to empathize with people but I myself can not shut it off and it creates a constant feeling of overwhelmed feeling everyone else's emotions at the same time as your own. It isn't a blessing it's a disorder.

  3. Empaths often have a victim and/or savior complex. They also seem to suffer from neuroticism more than the average person because they “absorb” so much of other people’s emotions. I know the argument is that empathy is a positive thing, and it certainly can be, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Just like NPD or ASPD, there are some benefits, but none that come without negative symptoms. They also seem to be unaware of these negatives and are (a lot of the time) delusional, and think they are above people for being this way. I oftentimes see traits of narcissism as well. Bottom line, I think this does actually fit a pathology consistent with personality disorders, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to be the case.

    Something related that may have to do with it is vulnerable narcissism. I have also heard people say that empaths are often vulnerable narcissists in disguise. This could also be why it looks and acts like a personality disorder, because it is one that is hard to observe. Grandiose narcissism is very different from vulnerable narcissism, and most empaths I see tend to fit the characteristics of the latter. The sense of superiority, easily triggered neuroticism, etc. are trademarks of this. They often use their “high empathy” as a way to “one up” others and fuel their egos, keeping that sense of superiority afloat by declaring themselves as well above average emotional intelligence. This is simply not the case, and is oftentimes the opposite, hence why they seem to be delusional in most cases. I really do think it’s either a personality disorder on its own, or a subtype of NPD. Just my opinion though.

  4. Being a hyper-empath is the major problem with most American women and definitely the leftist liberals.

    Hyper-empaths are a psychopath's plaything … Ted Bundy proved that fact.

  5. Hello everyone, bright lights of this dsrk world!✨☯️ Am barely new here. I just found out that all those weird feelings is energy from someone else. No wonder I felt tired most of the time. I didn't even know why. Teacher I have a question regarding the presentation class. I live in Mexico cause I was deported from USA. Six years ago. And I wouldn't have the way to go with you. Also my problem right now is survival. Cause I have no money because of the narcissist that drain me out completely 😞 thanks to our creador now I'm healing. But still don't have all my energy that I had. Thats way is hard for me to work all day. Maybe u can help me a bit of info so I can start learning and searching more about me and all the great things are happening right now.

  6. I came to this video to seek out if there’s something wrong with be being overly empathetic, I’m not going to call myself an empath. Frankly, a lot of these comments paint empathy as some sort of unnatural inherent force or ability that lets you connect more that what reality governs. I just wanna stop crying when people I hate cry, I want to be able to watch a damn video of someone eating spicy without my nose running, I want to be able to hear a story about a friend getting hurt without feeling empathetic pain run up my back. I don’t hear people’s thoughts, or any nonsense like that. I’m just burdened by the fact I’m incapable of being ignorant of others peoples feelings that should be insignificant.

  7. Ok, sounds nice and I like your thesis. So I start to think about it and all empath I know has a need to develop their abilities. Most the time, they had a very difficult relationship with her parents, maybe in the same way borderliners had. Both had chosen different ways to deal with that. The next point is, that these people has the tendency to help other people in a sometimes really devastating way for themselves. So for not emancipate empath it looks like a disorder and I can count the benefits of an ADD but it is a disorder as well. So please give me a good reason, why it is no disorder but a gift? By the way, psychopaths are good manager until they loose there attentions. I am not interessted in flaming, but I like good basements and not just a "NO". Thank you for our video.

  8. I believe it's the ability to notice super subtle patterns in people not reading there thoughts directly but in a way still reading but it ain't supernatural

  9. very good point dude i myself am an empath this guy is right just to add on to this i walk into a room and i can feel the emotions on others its gotten to the point i can look at others and know what their lifestyle is ive kind of made it my habit to read people its so fun and everyone can learn to do this 🙂

  10. I’m in my 60’s and finally understanding myself. Growing up in the 50’s during the “personality” era when extroversion was worshiped, and introversion/ sensitivity was ridiculed and almost feared as a sure sign a child was doomed to failure in life, my empathic traits, were not valued or understood.
    They were seen as a liability. 15 years ago I found Elaine Aron’s wonderful book on highly sensitive people that turned my world around. Now with the emergence of information on empaths, I am starting to see real value in what have always been considered my “weaknesses”. Truly a very liberating awareness.
    I especially like this video as it answers several important questions for me. My puzzle pieces are slowly starting to come together. Thank you!!

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