How to Read People: 30+ Non-Verbal Body Language Signals You Can Easily Interpret (Empath Training)

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How to Read People: 30+ Non-Verbal Body Language Signals You Can Easily Interpret (Empath Training)

What is the secret to reading people better? I have always found psychology and sociology incredibly fascinating, and when it comes to the ability to read someone’s body language, I’ve found it a really valuable skill.

Reading body language seems to come naturally to a lot of empaths, but once we’ve been abused by narcissists, we can sort of lose our ability to catch the signs. See, when you’ve been controlled by a narc or anyone with a cluster b personality disorder, you begin to doubt your own thoughts.

In this video, I’m offering 30+ body language signals that are easy to read and that will help you navigate through your social and personal interactions with people in your life.

We will also discuss body language context and grouping
. The mistake that many people will make when reading body language is to look at these individual signs in isolation and to forget the context.

So, you might think that someone who has their arms crossed is ‘closed’ and uninterested in what you have to say but if it is cold they may in fact just be doing it to stay warm.

On the other hand, if they are holding a glass of wine, this can prevent them from crossing their arms though they may also be creating a barrier with that arm by holding it in front of themselves.
Successful reading of body language then requires you to observe clusters of signals and to consider the context.

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19 thoughts on “How to Read People: 30+ Non-Verbal Body Language Signals You Can Easily Interpret (Empath Training)”

  1. Great video…my step-son would sit at the breakfast counter and spread his legs and arms over 1/2 of the counter, taking up a lot of space. This shows who owns the place and who is in control. I didn't shrink and told him to occupy one space or move to the dinner table.

  2. Would you be able to do a video on how to deal with a narcissistic 21 year old daughter? My ex husband is a narc and I sort of learned how to deal with him, but my own daughter is an entirely different situation. I'm extremely overwhelmed….

  3. Interesting – but I have some concerns about this list-type approach as I understand it can lead to serious reading errors. Wouldn't more emphasis on the cluster context of individual characteristics within a scan of what may be 'normal ' for that individual be more useful? A lot more complicated, for sure. But ultimately more accurate?

  4. I was watching a video where a guy vlogged in public for the first time, a lot of interesting body language there. Then he ran out of things to say but didn't acknowledge it right away, and I could tell the moment it happened.

  5. Also if someone is lying they can't look you straight in the eyes. Maybe a narc can ,but there's always some other body language that goes with it that gives it away. They can't hold the eye contact. There was another​ one, something about turning away ,shoot can't remember it. I am going to look it up. Also they try to change the subject….

  6. I would love to learn more about body language, it's fascinating! Maybe if you could give some examples of how empaths can use our own body language to protect ourselves when we are in situations with toxic people. Or body language to avoid that makes us seem available to them, if that makes sense? Thanks Angie

  7. I'm using the same cup today! Lol!
    I know a guy who, when the chair allows, will always sit straddled facing the back with arms on top. He's obese & claims its uncomfortable to sit forward, but I know that putting things between themselves and the other is a clue that they want distance or are uncomfortable with the topic of conversation. Also, he steeples his fingers but points them forward, not upward. Hmm? He's super passive aggressive, covertly manipulative, and actively avoids personal responsibility.
    Loving the body language hacks! Big hugs!

  8. As you touched on in a previous video, I prefer a cumulation of actions before passing judgement on someone's body language. I would like to learn more of this subject as I find that it helps me in my daily interactions.

    Big hugs and love Angie and everyone and I look forward to seeing you for another video soon.

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