9 – Signs You're An "Intuitive Empath" – (Are You REALLY Sensitive?)

Being an empath… or an “intuitive empath” in a world that labels extreme sensitivity as a problem, or at the very least offers no practical means of managing it…. is rough.

Most empaths I talk to HATE how sensitive they are and they see it as a massive curse.

They don’t like this heavy and negative world as it is… and the fact that they can sense and feel it so intensely, makes it that much more of a drag.

Beyond this… empaths typically get misdiagnosed as bipolar, add, or with clinical depression.

Let me just say loud & clear…


Being an empath is a massive BLESSING!

Empathy is what is really needed at this time of transition on the planet and being really sensitive is another way of saying…. really PSYCHIC.

Self aware…

Once you know that you are…

A. NOT alone

B. NOT a weirdo

C. Your empathy is a valuable asset…

You can proceed through life accordingly and DRASTICALLY alter your experience in all ways…

This video provides you with 9 clear signs to help you diagnose yourself 🙂

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31 thoughts on “9 – Signs You're An "Intuitive Empath" – (Are You REALLY Sensitive?)”

  1. Yes, I’m sensitive. I get told I’m too sensitive. People I don’t know walk up to me and tell me personal things that you would not normally tell someone you don’t know. I do like to listen. I have trouble knowing what are my feelings because when I’m around people their energy is strong that I think I’m experiencing it but it doesn’t make sense to me.

  2. After always being the black sheep in my family and even prefered to be alone in school it never bothered me too much. Feeling auras and doing what you want that's, the genuine guide is to what you should feel and be intuned with your awareness. ^-^ I'm conducting an experiment if my aura effects the positive and negative energy affects the growth of my plants. My room mate is a negative gloomy vampire. Haha.

  3. How do you distinguish between someone who is legitimately an intuitive empath, and someone who has gone through childhood trauma and learned to read energies for their survival? Or are intuitive empathic abilities something that can be learned? I grew up with a narcissistic step-parent and I find it difficult to tell if I am truly an empath or if that experience has shaped me into always being aware of the energy around me. You think if I was an empath I would want to surround myself with people who are always happy, so I could feel that happiness too, but I tend to shy away from them (mostly because it often seems like their emotions are fake or exaggerated, but maybe that's just the introvert in me).

  4. Love seeing the energy and orbs around you as you speak, my awakening process has been unbelievable highly emotional, it’s truly an amazing experience to see with your eyes wide open your great grandad for the first time, and when I saw an orb morph into my old mate Brian there’s no words. Keep up the good work I find your vids extremely helpful as this process is a lonely one xx

  5. It's a beautiful disaster…. from feeling crazy… diagnosed multi personality disorder…to just knowing that I see and feel every thing. I nicked named the Jesus effect…I sacrifice myself (not even knowing some times) to suffer slash absorb others pain and be strong enough to handle it and recycle it into something more positive and send it back out….

  6. Dude!!! At 2:19 there is a light Orb in this video!!!!! Omg thank you for helping me with my inner being, inner knowing and inner channeling, psychic energies and signs from spirit. I struggled with depression not knowing I was carrying other people “things”. I’d used drugs and alcohol to numb or mask the sensitivity which turned into a death spiral that I felt trapped in with no way out. Thank god that is behind me, and I trust myself now after my very sobering awakening. I lean into the overwhelming and trust the mystery with confidence, that we can manifest self healing abilities to know the difference, releasing labels and making the choice to follow through with the blessings I receive recognize that I’m this way being (sensitive with body sensations deeper than most people & I feel so lucky, even if I feel the extreme highs or lows of vibrations in people places or things) it’s to be clear open and aware! The mindfulness of protecting my energy protecting for my own health and well-being to not be drained, feeling used or feeling manipulated or taken advantage of. For a while I thought I was weak but I’ve been stepping into my truth and my power feeling safe and protected. Victor your channel has helped me so much sometimes the passion you speak with grabs me and I cry in such a release that I feel LIGHTER & I glow. Thank you so much!! Namaste 🙏🏻♥️🥰🔥⭐️

  7. What a funny story about the psychic person…😂 you could make a vid on just 'story-telling' your expierences since 2017 till now 2020 !! your'e so funny. love-light from Amsterdam

  8. Thank you for saying about the global changings. I have sens it so many times through my life. But never like… put a finger to it. Its like everything connecting, and somethings happning in the big way. So its a empath thing 🙂 its cool to know 😊

  9. Hey Victor I dont know if u noticed but at around 5:14 to 5:16 in your video there is a white orb that floats down past your shoulder on the left of the video. It gives me chills when I see it! Spirit is definitely with you!!!

  10. I always thought everyone had this gift I now realize after a traumatic but valuable life changing lesson this isn't the case sometimes the universe has to make something really bad happen to make you wake up I'm seeing and feeling things so clearly and my intuition is off the charts I know I take on others energy's I have to stay away from negative people they drain me can't handle them I can feel negative a mile of even through text messages its weird thanks for helping me make sense cause at the beginning I honestly thought am I loosing my shit I'm now understanding I think ive always had it but it was being suppressed I know I've had a spiritual awakening which is crazy cause ive never been spiritual now being drawn to meditation crystals and my zodiac sign this was not me at all in my past

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