Empath Awareness & Living With Empath Abilities

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Do you ever wonder if you are an Empath? If you think you are an Empath, do you ever wonder if you will be able to “feel normal”? Or do things like everyone else? In today’s show I will be discussing these topics and more such as:

*6 Signs you are an Empath

*Empath awareness

*Negative people and Empaths

*Empath health

Many Empaths think they can continue to live their life like they are regular people, and that’s just not the case…if you wish to feel good. So I will be discussing exactly why this is, as well as some tips to help you live more comfortably with Empathic Ability’s.


21 thoughts on “Empath Awareness & Living With Empath Abilities”

  1. Hi Jennifer,
    I discovered the word 'Empath' just a couple of days ago.
    My American friend pointed out to me that I'm an empath.
    Since it's December 2019 it's my retreat time of the year, looking inside.
    Many videos I watched and yours is (just) one on my list.
    Of course I write here since 'just' does not cover it all.
    At about 28 minutes you mention that empaths can not deal with negative people.
    My wife and I put a dot o the horizon last summer.
    We live in the most crowded country on the planet, The Netherlands.
    The town we live in is little cohesive; people are not friendly, try to damage others without a reason and have no positive encounters in there lives; it's numb.
    After our summer holiday we felt tired being in our home again.
    I told my wife we'll have a new home with July 2020.
    We found a 2nd home in September 2019 and still experience being sick and tired at our first home.
    Others told us unasked the place we live (our 1st home) is not good.
    Our 2nd home is in the forest.
    Simple, silent, squirrels around us, no human interference, just living as a tramp in harmony with our family.
    Our daughter thrives; she's born after 2000 you know what this means. ♥️.
    We tend to say low energy is measurable.
    Thank you. 🎼😎💃♥️

  2. I think the knowledge of intention is the most valuable part most worth developing. Although there may be nothing you can do with their intentions and it may be good to remain quiet about what disturbs you.

  3. I am reading your book right now, and I have thrown up, it's also true once we accept who we are it's no going back our lives are now different, 100%, my location is changing, I'm dropping negativity from family to friends, we do have a gift and I had to realize someone is going to appreciate all that we have to offer, I know for me, I'm being called to move on, my mom was like you are really giving it all up, I said yes, I'm not happy and I have to he happy and love myself today

  4. I can tell when people are lying to me. I have had a heavy feeling when walking into a room or being in a room. I went to the post office and i was fine before i went in there and when i came out i had some really dark thoughts out of no where i didn’t understand i didn’t want to feel that way but i was. I been trying to find answers i know im different and i feel things and dream things that happen Am i an empath? I spend a lot of time alone. I cant stand negative people or negative thoughts. When i travel being in an airplane makes me feel sick i get headaches and feel nauseous.

  5. I am thankful for your attention to this subject,that is grossly misunderstood.Perhaps a very young or a new empath may have these problems with the energy of others,but you will adapt as there is no way you can overload yourself like that for a life time. There are some disciplines that can be learned to speed things along.Nei Kung is the ability to manipulate internal energy. This means you can actually change it before releasing it. Dark to light, tense to relaxed,sick to well, it is simple.Basically,first match your energy frequency to that of the subject.Then take control ,by intention ,and bring your frequency to the desired level.The subjects frequency will stay with yours. You can control the frequency of others. This is also how to heal and how to remote view.My first time here…………………………………………..lolly

  6. Walmart is tough, but for me, so is Starbucks, too artificial. Time to get the Golden Bubble of Protection activated. Yes! Animals reflect their owners perfectly! Empaths love being alone….and smart ones drive themselves to events so they can leave when they want.

  7. I have bipolar disorder and am an empath. This makes navigating my ability even more of a challenge. I just discovered your videos and found truth to your words.

  8. Ive become really reclusive especially over the last 2 years. especially since 2016 when I felt a massive spiritual shift! I find it difficult to block out the things I get or wonder if I'm just being paranoid, at times I get very vivid dreams. its like I know things about people . feel things. sometimes when I'm around an individual my system just crashes and I go really cold in my body where I need blankets! help please!

  9. Being an empath can be extremely overwhelming at times….since going through spiritual awakening I have finally come to understand the gift I had all of my life. I also have a soul bond to another person, twin soul, twin flame, whatever label people give it. At the beginning of our energetic connection I went to extreme anxiety, sadness, anger, etc…I have now learned to separate his emotions from mine…it’s been a long journey..i have an amazing job but unfortunately I’m surrounded by many people all the time, needless to say the attention i often get is very uncomfortable for me.

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