9 Telling Signs You're An Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy

9 Telling Signs You’re An Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy.

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“Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :


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Empaths are the ones who can understand the emotional states of others and feel it as if it is theirs. While most empaths are highly intuitive as well, not all empaths possess great intuition, especially for untrained empaths. Therefore, developing intuition is a must. When empaths can learn and identify their gift, it will be much easier for them to come up with strategies to cope with their situations.

Highly intuitive empaths are not only capable of understanding the emotions of others, but they also notice when their intuition is trying to tell them something.


11 thoughts on “9 Telling Signs You're An Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy”

  1. I wish I had the focus that I should have I’ve been trying with meditation but I’m trying to find the right type of meditation that will work for me I finally had a connection with my spirit side of me right now I am going since 1 January without my mental health medications to where I am feeling everything from my skin to my mind and everything like a third-degree burn victim

  2. I'm a Precognative Psychic INFJt-Empath <extreme>.
    My Mom was a strong psychic & Geomantic Empath & was attuned to ground energy. Able to predict Earthquakes many days or weeks in advance depending on the intensity of vibrations she felt thru the ground. She couldn't always tell WHERE in the World, but her timing was always right on the mark & "uncanny". Once or twice, those Earthquakes presaged the unexpected eruption of a volcano & she knew about it well in advance. She told me so the moment she felt it & I made it a point to remember. We seldom talked about it, but when she felt something, she always let me know. She knew I was curious. I, of all people, should have been used to it since I grew up witnessing her doing this on a regular basis 😮😦
    I sometimes think she LIKED doing it. Being in tune with the ground beneath her & knowing what it was doing from moment-to-moment. She was curious too…
    Good vid. Right on target for me.
    👍👍👍 🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥 📺


  3. I am a highly sensitive person. Last decade I made a huge mistake of wasting my energy to narcissists. Narcissists are narcissists, they never change. But recently I have been finding my own inner strength as an empath that I never knew I had. I thank the empath community and meditation community for helping me find that inner strength, it's a blessing, it's a gift.

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