Are you Empath, Sensitive and Clairsentient? ~What to know and some tools

Are you discovering that you are an empathic, sensitive or clairsentient being and want to know what to do about it? My experience with tips and tools to navigate…cleanse and strengthen your field, transmute the energies, and find support from nature.
Check out the other empath videos on my channel!

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Deep healing for physical, emotional, spiritual
Clearing Chakras, old patterns, negatives beliefs, mindset
Meditation, focus, clarity
Enhanced Creativity
Sleep Deeply
Un-stress, anxiety, trauma relief
Heal your friends, family, pets, plants and the planet!!!


3 thoughts on “Are you Empath, Sensitive and Clairsentient? ~What to know and some tools”

  1. Oh my gosh. This resonated with me so much. For years I drank away the discomfort from absorbing and feeling different energies. Thank you for posting. I am a highly sensitive empath that just gets a deep knowing about places and people sometimes, and it affects me physically and emotionally. Thank you again. When I was a kid, and still today even, I had to sleep with a light on, bc I sensed there were things around me, and there was a tension and a feeling of a presence in the room.

  2. Hi i wanted some advice. Im 24 now but since i was a kid i have heard voices calling me outside my house , i thought it was my neighbour kid who were my friend at the time i use to see shadows not frequently but in between the years .at age 15 i started sensing spiritual presense and at one time i literally lay down to relax with my eyes close in the living room suddenly i couldnt move and at that moment i was fully aware of my surroundings , i just couldnt open my eyes, talk or move . Pots use to move in the kitchen but it was weird that i was the only one affected by whatever was in the apartment. Another incident i was star gazing on the roof and i started to like lots of sparkly orbs ? Infront my face for some few seconds then it disappear. As life passing by i ended up alone scared to be by myself . Feeling depression and other ppl pain and all sort of messed up emotion sometimes i dont even think its my emotion. Last night i went to the kitchen and i sense something was behind me and when i look around i saw nothing but instantly i got so frighten like i think my heart could of pound out my chest but anyways i ignored it and went on sit on the chair to have dinner the door was slightly opened and i saw a dark shadowy figure passed from the corner of my eye . So i wanted to in stopping all this i hate seeing, hearing anf sensing stuff.

  3. At 1 minute I froze that's me too but I am new to excepting this which has been with me since I can remember as a very very young child like 3 or 4 but my mother says younger… all if the things the last 2 years I have started to pay attention and had just asked for guidance well further guidance
    Your amazing
    I have to go to nature or somewhere there is people having fun. .

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