Overly Sensitive? Maybe You're An Empath

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Do you ever find yourself too sensitive? There’s a difference between an empath and a sensitive person. If you want to know where you lie in, stay tuned because I’m going to dive deep into that topic.

Watch and Enjoy!
Kirk & Kim Duncan

Kirk Duncan – President/Founder of 3 Key Elements, provides contemporary training and a greater perspective for fine-tuning personal, family, and business communications. He trains you how to implement these techniques, and experience improved relationships, increased awareness, and more productivity and effectiveness in your life.

Kim Duncan – Vice President of 3 Key Elements, loves to teach others about the abundant power that a woman has when she embraces her feminine energyβ€”in the home, in the workplace, in the community, and in the world.

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Building a Mind of Steel: http://www.3keyelements.com/trainings/building-a-mind-of-steel/
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Video by:
Nate Woodbury – YouTube Producer


27 thoughts on “Overly Sensitive? Maybe You're An Empath”

  1. Im definitely confused, an empath is sensitive and sometimes absorbing the energies around, while a sensitive person reacts negatively when she/he hears something said he/she does not like.

  2. How about when one said only 2 words and i reacted because i picked up and felt the whole emotions of the person, or she didnt say any but i felt and sensed shes very angry at me πŸ˜„

  3. You explain the empath topic very well. It is hard to find constructive info out here. So much of it just focuses on the idea of it being a mystic quality or superpower. And nothing on the facts and functions. Except yours, so thank you.

  4. Holy moly. For a week I have been a wreck, highly emotional, hyper sensitive and unable to sleep. I have heard of empaths and know that I am an empath without enough knowledge of how to deal and protect myself. This week my cup has overfilled and I quite literally just emotionally dumped on my husband 2 hours ago. This week has led me to start researching my "gift", (which I have felt is such a burden for the most part) in my research I found you. I feel relief and excitement. I'm not a crazy emotional mess of a woman!!!! I have always thrived on helping people but I drain myself so entirely by doing this. THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME!

  5. Love it , learning how to not get so triggered and react so much to things , but rather respond it's possible to be and empath and overly sensitive and that is me. I'm learning also how to use my empath abilities to serve and help others . Very rewarding .

  6. Empaths who use their abilities or gifts to manipulate other people aren’t true empaths, they are narcissists or sociopaths or psychopaths. A true empath is intrinsically good and will always use his/her gift to serve and help others, never to take advantage of others.

  7. I’m 68 and a totally burned out empath. I have multiple autoimmune issues, ME/CFS, and mental exhaustion. Time to pull back and help myself in spite of a powerful life long pattern of always putting others first… messages instilled early in life, greatly fired by my empath insights. . Needing to re learn many misguided thoughts, beliefs, impulses in order to heal body and soul.
    Your videos are very comforting, supportive and helpful. I get my daily dose!🌺

  8. I like how you present information clearly and concisely. This is only the third video I've watched from you but you've peaked my interest. I'm going to try what you presented and see how it goes. Thank you so much…I appreciate you.

  9. Thank you very much, I think I am Empath and also sensitive 😁.A kiss from Italy.I want to learn better about empath.I think that when I have my big problems and more negative informations from others people, I am full and more sensitive.Thanks.

  10. A lot of empaths have trauma (perhaps accumulated frm past lives/ancestral trauma) in their auric field/cellular memory which means there is a resonance with another person's pain in their field.

  11. my husband is a covert narcissist and he really can read my thoughts!! he knows exactly what I am thinking of.. how can I protect my self ? please help me I know soo much but can’t prevent him from reading me ..

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