Is Being An Empath A Gift Or A Curse?

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If you’re an empath, at some point in your life, you may have felt that being an empath has many downsides and that feeling many things is a curse. But just as much as there are challenges, there are advantages to it too; that’s what I’m here to talk about.

Watch and Enjoy!
Kirk & Kim Duncan

Kirk Duncan – President/Founder of 3 Key Elements, provides contemporary training and a greater perspective for fine-tuning personal, family, and business communications. He trains you how to implement these techniques, and experience improved relationships, increased awareness, and more productivity and effectiveness in your life.

Kim Duncan – Vice President of 3 Key Elements, loves to teach others about the abundant power that a woman has when she embraces her feminine energy—in the home, in the workplace, in the community, and in the world.

The Art of Mentoring:
Master Your Influence:
Present Yourself:
Queen of the Kinddom:
Royalty & Romance:
The Body Language Show:

Building a Mind of Steel:
Audio Training:


Video by:
Nate Woodbury – YouTube Producer


42 thoughts on “Is Being An Empath A Gift Or A Curse?”

  1. Even Isolated we perceive people and you dream about them it’s so much more than just feeling it may not be a curse But sometimes you feel like you’re invading their privacy even though you’re the only one that knows it’s a comfortable

  2. Mmm 🤔 okay now I’m starting to understand because it feels like I am attractive hurt n pain all da time but then again people tend to get open when I’m n their area

  3. It is a curse ,and you remain silent there is a lot more to being an empath that most people relaize, and only some empaths have discovered the truth,a few of you out there will know what I mean….make of it what you will……

  4. I m am tired empath, i want to know how to stop absorbing ppls energy ? I m at a level where i m like matastatic cancer, not able to heal the earlier wounds n cancer keeps spreading. I took depression medications, anxiety medication have had panic attaks n what not.

  5. Ian 39 years old from India, I just realised that Iam an Empath. Really soothing to heart that it’s just not me but lot of people like me.Hatsoff to all for the love and kindness in your hearts

  6. I really don't know if the good outweighs the bad, if i had a choice of who i read it would be ok but getting to know someone just by a look in their eyes gets old, especially if what the other person is thinking is something in the range of funny to disgusting. I've also caught onto alot of people the way they talk to eachother. I have a buddy that i go fishing with alot and i can tell what my other buddies are thinking when he starts to talk about it. I keep getting the feeling of wishing he would just shut up or the feeling of wanting to avoid the conversation but yet they still drudge through another two hour long fishing story. Lol

  7. Ooooooohh Yeeeah ! All truth ! Unlackylly , I learned all that on "My skin " all alone ( in all this Years….almost 30… : ))
    , so glad to find You ! & I am so happy to have hellped MANY PEOPLE ALL AROUND THE Europe…

  8. I said the same words just months ago in a recording, a recording that was for me, some type of therapy an a way to express what I so wanted to say in person! Sad thing no one wanted to listen not to what I wished they would have wanted to hear, instead when they didn't get a proclamation of me saying I'm a drug addict, an I need help, and so on! Not saying it's not true, the addict part, just maybe a little insight on why I have done drugs!!!!!!!! It's no answer, I know this now! Just like I knew it when I did it, 14 years ago. But I didn't know why I was so entrapped by it! Key word WHY

  9. When I was younger I thought there was something wrong with me but when I got older I found out what I am. My siblings told my dad and he told me it is a gift and my abilities would get stronger as I age. I am 54 and he is right.

  10. I like being an empath. I enjoyed being just inside our home. I don't like to be in crowded places, gives me headache i feel drained whenever i come home. I only have few friends because i don't like most of the people i meet. It's like i can see who they really are inside and i know that i won't like being with them. I don't judge. I just feel. The struggle is, i feel like no one understands me but i'm working on it.

  11. My strong empath abilities mostly feel like a curse but there are times when it's helped me narrowly avoid pure evil, it's also helped me to help other people emotionally.

  12. After being in a few of your programs I know I can trust you Kirk 100% that there is a valid reason why you do and don't do what you do for your audience. I guess this comment is more for me. I care a LOT about people and what scares me is the people who learn about empaths and then start thinking that NONE of the negitive emotions they feel are because of their OWN way of thinking about things. I just don't want people losing ownership of how they feel because i know some who play victim or dont take ownership and blame or dont try to fix themselves when it is actually them. Empath or not, I feel people would benifit to always try to gain perspective or work with the emotions they feel to become happier… I know you would agree with that to an extent and I'm just still learning how emotions work. I hope to continue it further and further because apparently there is something im not understanding…

  13. Yes and no. It's a gift because you understand how others feel through experiences. A curse because empaths feel alienated and often mistaken for anti social people. They feel drained of energy due to excessive pessimism around them. It's also overwhelming to be in a large crowd. Empaths don't like violence, they are hypersensitive beings. But also they are healers and mentally strong.

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