Signs You Are An Empath

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Do you think you’re an empath? Do you oftentimes feel as though you’re an extremely sensitive person? It’s time to get your questions answered. Here are some signs to know if you truly are an empath.

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Kirk & Kim Duncan

Kirk Duncan – President/Founder of 3 Key Elements, provides contemporary training and a greater perspective for fine-tuning personal, family, and business communications. He trains you how to implement these techniques, and experience improved relationships, increased awareness, and more productivity and effectiveness in your life.

Kim Duncan – Vice President of 3 Key Elements, loves to teach others about the abundant power that a woman has when she embraces her feminine energy—in the home, in the workplace, in the community, and in the world.

The Art of Mentoring:
Master Your Influence:
Present Yourself:
Queen of the Kinddom:
Royalty & Romance:
The Body Language Show:

Building a Mind of Steel:
Audio Training:


Video by:
Nate Woodbury – YouTube Producer


29 thoughts on “Signs You Are An Empath”

  1. Ty for creating this content & putting it out there!! Nothing better to an empath, personally I think, then someone who understands! 🙏🙌😇💞

  2. This is me. On top of this I am very extroverted and even other HSPs/empaths are not quite sure what to do with me.I have met a few other extroverted HSPs now and we are discussing this and have had similar issues. Not only do we get told we are too sensitive, we are told we are overwhelming and need to calm down.

    Some of us get diagnosed with ADHD or other such labels

  3. Surrounded by narcissist, I’m away from just today , I hear what god is telling me , I love ❤️ the lord , but I feel so alone , I’m peace inside , but this world is ugly , I’m tried of toxic and being alone , I’m human , I’m a prisoner of Jesus Christ , , locked up knowing he has the key , wishing he would trade for my cup

  4. I need to master this, as I frequently get triggered when people invade my space, as they do on a regular occurence and especially when you can tell someone is either unconscious or has deliberately done this but then blatantly denies it and laughs it off and pushes the energy back onto you? And you're thinking, " I KNOW what your intent was!" The thing about mornings make sense too. I think I'm still on the negative side of handling empath things while i am upbeat and spiritual in most other areas of my life…Always feel better after journalling, in fact when I havent written for a few days I notice the difference

  5. I can really relate with this video,I love people esp girls but I was verbally and physically abused when I was a child by my mother,I was 6 years old when this all happened she did some horrific acts to me that a mother would not have done to there children. I was beaten by a leather belt until blood came out of my skin and pushed down a flight of stairs because I did not get my ABCS right I use to put my head underneath a dresser only to see the darkness to be invisible from the next punishment that I was going to receive from her,but at 6 years old how do you deal with this.My mind was not able to absorb all this at that age. this continued for many years. I felt so helpless and abandoned my father did not know what was going on because my mother said if I said anything to him my punishment would be worse.They ended up getting a divorce because they both were cheating on each other. As I got older in my 20's I started seeing things and felling things,Spiritual things I did not understand it but I knew that these things were not to harm me.And then I started knowing things like clear knowing,as I grew older I found out what my spiritual gift was and started to understand what it is,(God showed me that I was an (Infj-Empath-Claircognizant-Clairsentient)The severe trauma from my child hood not knowing that God had a plan for all this,as my years growing up he was taking care of me to ware no more harm will be done to me.I'm so thankful and content that there is something higher then me who loves me and will never forsake me.(All I wanted in life was to be LOVED )

  6. Every human on earth is an empath. I'm a far righ winger and non of my family members would think I'm an empath, but after watching your videos I learnt what happened was that at a younger age I was empath and could detect things, even as adult but I've been able to block these messages so much that now I may be considered a non-empath. But the truth is I and everyone on earth is an empath, just some of us have been able to block these messages. Maybe its more of how to re-open these forcefields. I notice I prefer hanging out among trees and rivers away from humans, simply because I could feel Gaia hurting. Well just there I just desribed empath nature.

  7. But all the information you receive can be wrong. So don't believe everything you perceive. Much is true, but often not. You have to have a great ability to know when it is real, when it is yours or the other person. All this is very difficult, and sometimes you feel that you are crazy, or at least that happens to me 🙁 what is difficult is to talk to someone about this, because not everyone has knowledge of this. A lot of time in my life I have tried to block it, but it gets worse. So I'm trying to deal with. I wanted to ask if empaths are also usually very expressive (facial and body expressions?

  8. I know I am an empath. But I get to knw only the feelings of those people with whom i talk. Yes i do meditate and sometimes i do journal may be that's why m not burdened. Please share ur thoughts on it

  9. I'm so unsure because I don't always wake up feeling heavy like that. Sometimes I do wake up with a headache from having the same thoughts racing through my mind over and over. I do however absorb the feelings of others. My mood very easily changes around people. I detect subtle body language and tell when people are feeding me a bs story. I'm super sensitive and have no feeling of superiority to anyone. I feel very humble to the point where even if someone had an attitude toward me, I would try to understand why and turn that negative into a friendly outcome rather than snap back or instantly defend myself.

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