The Differences between Clairsentience and being an Empath

Clairsentience (clear feeling) One of the most under-estimated psychic abilities, this is the ability to feel strongly and sense the emotions and feelings of people, animals, spirits, and places around them. You can feel emotions of others both in your heart and in your body; you can likely feel spirits around you. Versus Empaths who are naturally giving, spiritually open, and good listeners. … But they can easily have their feelings hurt, too: Empaths are often told that they are “too sensitive” and need to “toughen up.” 2. Empaths absorb other people’s emotions. Empaths are highly attuned to other people’s moods, good and bad.


39 thoughts on “The Differences between Clairsentience and being an Empath”

  1. I came here because I was in a conversation with someone about empaths. It all started with a question about wanting people to feel their feelings both for them and for me. She is of the mindset that you either want them to raise vibrations for them or for you and there is not a both. She went on to talk about if you feel it, it's yours to heal. She seems very disconnected, like how you describe walking through an energy field. I know if I think it's mine, I have it in me to heal, it's just amplified. If I feel it and I know that it's not mine but it still overwhelms me, it's not mine to heal in me but support others in healing. I don't know how to explain that, I just know how it feels different. I don't really want to feel it and I want them to be happier. It's not a black and white intention like she thinks. I encourage feeling their emotions for both of us.

    The thing that really got me was her constant use of the word clairsentience. I didn't think I was and she seems to think empath means clairsentiece. I wanted to remind myself of the difference so I found this video. From your video, I'm an empath and I think she is clairsentience.

    I do have clair abilities. I have some vision but mostly I have a mix of claircognizant and clairaudience. My daughter has the smell one and seems she might have both clairsentience and empath, is that possible?

    I am also a house empath. Interestingly, I don't always feel the energy in a home, just like when my mom was dying in the hospital I couldn't tell where she hurt or what she felt. I seem to feel it when I can change it or add a warning.

    I have only felt physical pain where someone does a couple of times and it wasn't when I walked through their field. It was always when talking about or to them. When my mom was in the hospital for knee surgery is the only clear example. Interestingly, I also get headaches around people but it's when they aren't grounded or they are drawing in my energy. I know to open the channels and flow healing to them when it happens. Usually, I just know what feeling they have not where it is held.

    Sorry about this way long comment. I think I needed to talk it out. 😊

  2. I am an empath. Have been my whole life. But I also have several of the clairs. Sometimes it is muted. And other times, comes in loud and clear. They merge. I can always sense when something is off and to be warned. I can hear voices. I recieve messages. And I feel emotions, energies off other people. I always bring kindness and good vibes to people. Uplift them. But also been on the opposite end when it feels like a person is a vampire. And energetic vampire. They drain you. Sometimes they realize it and most the time not. That's my take on it. Which is somewhat similar to yours.

  3. When you happen to be an empath and have no idea why you’re suddenly crying. I remember being in a Ministry office in my province and suddenly was very overwhelmed. I liken it to having a panic attack. I’m always fighting my feelings and thoughts. I can also sense death, surrounding a person or people. And I’m not sure how someone would categorize that.

  4. My middle son is 110% empathic
    I am the 2nd one.Others energy doesn't effect me I feel it strongly but emotionally it doesn't upset me now my son he's 32 feels it all he always has. I can call him in a great mood and hell get serious and say what's going on mom? Tell me don't lie to me haha

  5. SLOAN – you are my new favourite person to watch!! Fantastic celebrity readings you give, you have done many of the greats! I really look forward to many more in the near future! I would love you to do the late, great Donna Summer please 🙂

  6. It's terrible. I feel anger more than I've ever have… It's not me. I'm trying to turn it around to the best of my ability. Thank you God for this beautiful spiritual teacher. Ms.Sloan 🙏🏼

  7. I’m an Empath. Strangers walk up to me acting like we’ve been best friends forever. I am like magnetic and I don’t say that in an arrogant way. It just seems like everyone is attracted my energy and then once they get close enough they view me as their counselor. I’m drained constantly. I feel like my energy decreases while I naturally make room for other people’s energies. I literally put my head down when I go places or else I’m bombarded by communication from others. I’m shy and introverted so it’s tough even if I feel the need to help others.

  8. Ohmygawd this gives me goosebumps. Empaths – thats our job? Awe yay!!!! Ive been doing it. I didnt know we had a "job" to do. I just naturally draw toward the sad, hurt, lonely…

    I love seeing them smile more than anything.

    Awe Ive been doing my job – and I didnt even know I had one lol

  9. Hi Sloan,
    I have a question for you. When I was little girl, I use to see spirits of family members that recent past. It use to scare me a lot. I pray to god not to see them anymore. Now, I can feel when someone is about to die in my family. I don’t know what is my gift. I have many dreams about the world ending. In one of my dream I heard the fighting outside and I told my kids it’s a spiritual battle but don’t worry the good side will win, and I woke up. Can you tell me what is my gift and how to control it.

  10. Very well explained , this ol lady right here, I am a beacon of light and love …I have understood this was my job since I was very young. I have had so many tell me , I just lift them up and I am so thankful I can do that.

  11. The worst part of being an empath for me is when I KNOW something is up/ something is going on w a person but I'm not sure what…& they deny it 100% & call me crazy or whatever… only to unleash that 'something' within the following few days. It sucks when your intuition is so accurate & you can't shake the feeling but the other person refuses to address it. It can make you feel crazy for sure. (At least until everything blows up/ falls apart/ comes tumbling down) & people don't like when you 'know' things they don't want you to know.

  12. I feel left over energy as well as current energy. I also seem to be everyone's therapist without asking. I am always so tired and don't have many friends. I feel like an oddball.

  13. Sloan, do you know about why women are so empathic as opposed to men who are usually very narcissistic? There’s a very obvious, very noticeable difference between the two sexes. I’d REALLY like to know more about this. It’s a horrible burden that’s been placed upon us women throughout history. What, in your opinion, is going on in the spiritual realm regarding this? Yes, I’ll say it….it seems like good vs. evil to me.

  14. Can you be both? The reason I ask is I am always aware that I am here to help shift the vibration and raise it. But I also read and feel a room, and other people energetically. I absolutely walk into other people's "stuff" all the time.

  15. Thank you so much this video explained it perfectly.i have watched so many videos and read so much stuff to the point I didn't see the difference between the two but now I do. thank you so much. This was very helpful I completely understand now why I would have people come to me and just tell me there problem. And then never speak to me again aftwards until they had a problem. I use to hate it and cry about it. I felt like a trash can but thought I wasn't good enough to. Be anything else. People would tell me stuff they wouldnt even tell family or close friends and I would listen to it even though I didn't want to in away because i knew they wouldnt talk to me afterwards. But now i know why thank you so much this really healed me. So much knowing this.

  16. Idk what I am then, I feel people’s emotions and I have to be like stop Sabrina stop think about something else. And I am able to. I feel so much empathy for people. I have a huge heart and forgive when I shouldn’t. I forgave my molester…. and I felt bad for another one of my molesters after I heard he got his head bashed in. When people come to me I try to give good advice but I’m bad at it. I have to fight constantly in my head. also if I can’t plan out like let’s say a drive before I go and I think of every possible way something could go wrong then I freak out because I’m trying to think of all the ways I could have done it different or what I can do at that moment and it’s overwhelming. I also watch the golden buzzer videos and think about the crowd and I start tearing up like I get a high from it or something. I think I need to see a therapist I sound crazy.

  17. So I am an empath, but I pull completely away from narcissists because it's never ending and they fight for the lower energies as hard as I do the higher. Sigh. I feel like I help less nowadays. But I still do, especially randomly. So I switch back and forth? Lol

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