How To Master Your Empathic Abilities by learning how to read energy

Easy steps to learn how to do more with your empathic abilities …

Empathy is the ability to feel energy at a very personal level … once you learn how to read energy, many things will start to make sense and life gets a bit easier.


27 thoughts on “How To Master Your Empathic Abilities by learning how to read energy”

  1. as i was listening to this someone came through and turned down my volume. i became really relaxed. i said thank you and felt a rush of love pass through my chest.

  2. I realize I possess many gifts I can look at people and tell what they are feeling, I can read lies it's scary sometimes. My shaman told me I am clairsentient, empath and more. I wish to raise my vibrations and use my gifts to help others.

  3. Oh my gosh ! This helped me so much ! I have just recently realized I am an empath. Once I started "checking" what I was feeling I realized just how much negative energies are surrounding me constantly. Its cfc time I make some major changes. I cant thank you enough for this. You may have just saved my life ! No joke!

  4. What can I do when am at the casino and i just cant take all the energy and lights – all my senses go into overload- i can even smell everyone….. I DO love walking in the park and grounding – it helps VERY MUCH;) but what do we do when theres a lot of people? id LOVE to go to a concert like i used to πŸ™ ps- thank GOD I found you!!!! thank you so much for your help!!!!

  5. How do you deal with not being able (or rather, allowed) to speak straight with someone if you're picking up this energy and you can tell they're not being sincere or possibly even unaware

  6. That was so good I thought I was the only one that can do that you have opened my eyes and know i now whit I am and now whit to do thank you..🐎🐎🐎

  7. Thank you so much. Recently I have been spiritually opening up and im really starting to feel peoples energies. Like I could feel peoples emotions in different parts in the body representing different emotions and how they process them.

  8. What about other ablities as telepathy, clairvoyance, pregognicion, retrocognicion etc? There are so many more abilities, I have quite a few of them.. I havent found much Information about it sadly πŸ™ Especially on how to train them but I think really understanding and being able to read energy is the way to manipulate it. But its hard without anyone to talk to about it.

    Also to anyone reading this: im really interested how other empaths who have borderline personality disorder handle this. For anyone who is unaware, Borderline makes your emotions go crazy all day long, so on top of feeling others people's emotions, you have limited control of your own.

  9. Also, for those looking to clear things, I stumbled on something that accidentally cleared my energy and I think is a major contributer into what opened me up to this. It's called eft tapping. Whenever I pick up on a mega source of energy, I get what I've termed the "energy jitters." just a surplus of energy. Eft Tapping allows it to flow out and relax and bring me back to normal. πŸ’― Recommend.

  10. This is so interesting. I was guided to use white light because "darkness dies in the light." But I think a lot of the things I'm picking up are energies that don't stem from humans. I think I'm picking up some people… But also things around people. And just free floating things not attached to anyone. And it can be super difficult to navigate. I've only been experiencing this for about 2 weeks. But wow, it makes me wish hogwarts was real so that I could figure out wtf is going on and how to direct my energy and read what's going on around me. πŸ˜…

  11. Damn, I need to go get a mood ring cause I suck at recognizing I've been energetically compromised.πŸ˜‚ I think my wife should start showering after work. No wonder I'm a hot mess. Interesting advice. I wonder how that works in a crowded room, as to which energy is transferred easiest but even more important is how to rid of it immediately? Do you have any mantras for that?

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