Empath Training 201: A Deeper Dive

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Watch and Enjoy!
Kirk & Kim Duncan

Kirk Duncan – President/Founder of 3 Key Elements, provides contemporary training and a greater perspective for fine-tuning personal, family, and business communications. He trains you how to implement these techniques, and experience improved relationships, increased awareness, and more productivity and effectiveness in your life.

Kim Duncan – Vice President of 3 Key Elements, loves to teach others about the abundant power that a woman has when she embraces her feminine energy—in the home, in the workplace, in the community, and in the world.

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Building a Mind of Steel: http://www.3keyelements.com/trainings/building-a-mind-of-steel/
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33 thoughts on “Empath Training 201: A Deeper Dive”

  1. The "blocking" technique is really helpful for me, because I get overwhelmed by crowds(all of the energy being spread feels like I am being enrgeticaly "stabbed" In my second chakra(to be technical, just under my first rib).

  2. Getting organised is so difficult, I'm trying to organise my home so it can be a reflection of who I am rather than who I am being a reflection of my home I'm not sure that makes sense

  3. I love you!
    Previously people have told me "you need to put up a wall" and that sort of thing. I refused it because I already have issues with hyper-vigilance and plus when I tried it just didn't seem effective which was a frustrating experience.
    You know what you're talking about, and have lived it and have confidence. These are valuable offerings. Thank you!

  4. I'm so happy that I found you! I understand some of your points. And to tell you the truth I have always been frightened of being able to read other's. Because I never known ways to block unhealthy thoughts or feelings. But you're right when you say we're here to help! And yes body language says so much. And that's what has opened the door for me to speak to others in need. Look forward to more of your lectures. Love and light!

  5. "When the student is ready the teacher appears." So grateful for this video and the knowledge you are sharing. I Appreciate you and wish you all the best.

  6. What I don't like is everyone wanting to do everything via email, cell phones, etc. It's 24/7 never ends. I have boundaries and they still cross it because they don't or won't understand me when I say I'm DRAINED! Even though I've explained, even in kindergarten terms a thousand times.

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