Heyoka Empath: 5 Signs You Are The Most Powerful Empath

Heyoka Empath: 5 Signs You Are The Most Powerful Empath
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Heyoka Empath: 5 Signs You Are The Most Powerful Empath

The most salient think to know about all empaths, is their interest in showing empathy towards people i.e. they have the innate capacity to discern what people around them feel and go through.
Though all empaths possess this beautiful trait that discern them from all other humans, yet, the most valued and the one at the apex of them all is the “Heyoka.”
However, those considered Heyoka empaths are extremely few among the empaths.
They view things very differently compared to others.


29 thoughts on “Heyoka Empath: 5 Signs You Are The Most Powerful Empath”

  1. I liked the video until "The level of quality they sense to possess does not really exist" was said.

    We are not only human, that's called having limited beliefs, and it also comes from someone who's only aware of the 3D reality.

    We are clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairaudient, clairsentient, extremely intuitive, natural born healers, leaders, lovers, and best of all, different from everyone else.

  2. This is so me. I always interrupt very important conversations. I hate doing this, but I cant help it. It feels so good to see theres others like me…. and it has a name. I also feel the sickness of people in my body….. I hate this. How can I stop all this symptoms ??????? Please help

  3. …oh and I have also ticked the box to get my free trial of…the med that will get rid of ..anxiety,pain and sleeplessness..cool…even thou I don’t actually have those things.HEYOKA..but thanks for your concern..I like things that are free..I LIKE to BE FREE..no strings..no lies or manipulation or HIDDEN agendas attached…ah ..yes..any hoo.onwards

  4. …I match all the qualities mentioned…I will soon be conducting Lakota nation medicine ceremonies full time..some how..some where…I have given notice at my job..and things are kind of shaky now with my family,etc…but I know all will be cool cause this post and others like it on y tube have convinced me..that not only am I a very special person..AN EMPATH…but even a extra special person..A HEYOKA…my path is finally clear

  5. you know what. im cryin right now. i thought i have maybe some mental issues but always then something happen in my life with witness next to me, that many that i need to have no doubts in this what happen, but it sounds unbelievable, but i dont care what other things, i know what i am feeling, its not an accidentally info for me cause you have my fav melody on this video, i m sure its a sign for me, that finally i know, im not the one with life seeing and ambitions and born with a mission i couldnt name for sure, now im cryin of happiness and feeling so rising up, i can take a huge deep breath now, and believe again. thanks for this video, do what u do cause i have the beginning to cross my path through the darkness with a little piece of light more than before and chains are gone

  6. I definitely struggle with trying not to interrupt others,and I find that I have to rein in my imagination at times,and I certainly have found myself involved with people the way you described.

  7. At first I thought this concept was fascinating but the more I learn the more it seems to just be an explanation of Empath with ADHD traits. I identify as an empath and i am diagnosed ADHD and this Heyoka idea really seems to fit the brain differences in both ADHD and HSP/empaths (while some people say not all Empaths are HSPs I find it hard to quantify Empath without acknowledging the very real data on HSP brains)

  8. I'm an empath I believe I may be A heyoka empath I'm a nerd for ppl who need A smile im every bit that u say is a heyoka I'm even left hAnded I have Dyslexia I'm far from A regular empah but I want to know n to grow. How ?

  9. I have turned my back on my empathic abilities. They do nothing but attract the most crazy, draining narcos. Took me 2 years to get away from a narrsisist, single for 5 years, then along came another sicko. I'm over these ridiculous abilities. And when I told my narc mom I could feel colors with my finger tips, this bitch told me your a little dumb ass. I was seven. This has brought me nothing but misery and isolation. Fuck off

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