Why Empaths Are Rich?

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Are you an empath? If yes, then you are rich. What makes emapths so different and special?
Let me share that with you in this video.

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Watch and Enjoy!
Kirk & Kim Duncan

Kirk Duncan – President/Founder of 3 Key Elements, provides contemporary training and a greater perspective for fine-tuning personal, family, and business communications. He trains you how to implement these techniques, and experience improved relationships, increased awareness, and more productivity and effectiveness in your life.

Kim Duncan – Vice President of 3 Key Elements, loves to teach others about the abundant power that a woman has when she embraces her feminine energy—in the home, in the workplace, in the community, and in the world.

The Art of Mentoring: http://www.3keyelements.com/trainings/art-of-mentoring/
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Building a Mind of Steel: http://www.3keyelements.com/trainings/building-a-mind-of-steel/
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Video by:
Nate Woodbury – YouTube Producer


33 thoughts on “Why Empaths Are Rich?”

  1. I actually helped someone from commiting suicide. I didn't even know I had capabilities at that time. I just looked at her and she looked at me, we locked eyes. I just blurted out, it could not possibly be that bad. whatever it is, just think about it. you can live to see another day. I moved close to her, and she said she was sitting there actually contemplating suicide. it blew my mind. I gave her a hug she said I saved her life, because someone cares and no longer wanted to die. Yup we cried 😭😭

  2. I would love nothing more then to be able to attend, but I do not have money like that. However, if you offered installments I could definitely work it out. Like 3-4 payments. Or just next time. People have always told me I should be a mentorlife coach or public speaker because I really know how to get through the people but my issue is I don't have the funds right now but I'm sure I can find a way

  3. I am still working on coming out as an empath. Thnk you for all your videos, I'm working on it. I still feel like I'm going crazy. When others are mad I tend to lash out. After I do I feel like I don't even made me mad because it wasn't my own emotions. I'm still working on controlling it.

  4. I'm an empath and I suck with money. I know I"m rich on the inside, and I have a lot to give. But as far as money goes, I have trouble living non communally, as an individual without the love and support of a larger community. Money is very foreign to my energy. The idea of needing to earn to survive, to sell one's services, to sell one's creativity, to put a monetary price on the soul.. all very foreign to me. Maybe I"m just not open to receive because I'm very giving oriented. I don't resonate with the idea of needing something in exchange for something. I just give freely because I know I am wealthy within. The idea of selling my talents is very bizarre to me. Empaths also should know when to make boundaries. We know we have a lot to give, and often give to the wrong people without knowing our value. For an empath giving IS the compensation. We are giving and service oriented unconditionally, money is foreign to this paradigm. But I do agree that it's time for empaths to take leadership roles, if we don't step up then who gets there by default; a bunch of raving lunatic narcissistic sociopaths.

  5. My senses go into hyper drive when I'm in a room with even just 4 or 5 people, not the same kind of hyper drive that most people would think, you explained it perfectly Kirk, I become way too nervous because of all the input pouring into my brain, it actually gets quite painful.

  6. Loving your videos. I Am such a sensitive Empath. I serve the Universe everyday. Today I am hosyting a writing group, last night a pot luck dinner for lonely people,weekly, Monday night a Spiritual Life group. I cant help but help. I so need to get paid now, Im ready, inside of me is ready. What do I call myself. How do i attract people to pay. What goes on my business card. Please help. I now i can help the world so i can help myself be real & true. xxx Help

  7. it is not to say that i won't be in a large group again, the things that i said is my biggest strength that others don't have or can relate. it's good that experiences come out and clear itself thru, it's all good to experience what was hidden or forgotten.

  8. u know, it's frustrating to be in class when I have to discuss what's in me to other people, and then later, they will reject me, or stay clear and far away from me. this is extremely hurtful to dump all that feelings onto another person when they have no idea that things happened to u to an extend that they can't understand or relate. is a deficit in me out on the open, and this is why I largely avoid group discussions or being in crowds. bec these people judge me, and I prefer keeping things to myself, but it helps in the method this way, to learn about human interactions, caus we can always learn from others, things that I had never been experienced before, like the child in me, is totally darken, or black. no memories, no referral to itself. to hear that others have better than me. but it really hurts.

  9. ❤ I knew you weren't talking about money ❤ I just figured out I am an empath but I always new I am rich I have many people who love me more than ones who don't I have spent my whole life helping people because I get great joy from helping others I have never needed much money I don't have my own home or car but I am not lacking in anything ❤

  10. I haven't learned how to tell my emotions from those of the people around me yet so when my boss or coworker is overwhelmed, I feel drained even if I came in to work energized. Even proximal contact with people who are experiencing very strong emotions can flip my mood & my reaction/response interactions.

  11. Draw nearer the Lord and the LORD will draw nearer you and your confidence will increase . And the LORD will raise up a peculiar people to himself Deuteronomy 14 : 2 king James version – this is you .

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