Empath Education 101 – Infinite Bliss Podcast Episode 12

Empath Education 101. Infinite Bliss Podcast, Episode 12

The normative definition of empaths is “ noun; (chiefly in science fiction) a person with the paranormal ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual.”

Let’s unpack this a bit more in this week’s episode. As an empath, I of course take umbrage at the fact that empathy is seen as a bogus or imagined trait constructed for the embellishment of science fiction storylines. Mainstream ignorance can be harmful at the best of times, but when this definition is promoted, how can there be any true education for empaths?

This podcast is not an episode raving about empath injustice, but rather starts from the presumption that, contrary to popular belief, empathy is a real phenomenon.

Many empaths I have met are struggling with establishing healthy boundaries, not only in relationships but also within themselves. There are a few key skills to learn as an empath in order to be effective in the world, and that starts with accepting the fact that you ARE an empath (if you are one) or that empaths are real and experience the world differently.

Just as the mental sphere offers us information on which to experience life and base decisions, the emotional sphere does likewise. To a greater or lesser degree, all humans access their emotions to discern how they feel about a situation, person, place or thing. Empaths also access the emotions of others in this way. It can happen that it is easier to feel the emotions of a person if the relationship is closer or more intimate. This happens with empaths and non-empaths alike.

The things that sets empaths apart is that they know how you are feeling because THEY can feel it themselves – they experience the emotions of somebody else. Think of it as an extreme version of “putting yourself in somebody else’s shoes.” This is not usually a conscious process, it comes as naturally as hearing a sound or smelling a smell. The trouble comes when an empath cannot distinguish their own emotions from those of other people.

There is also sometimes a feeling of “taking on someone else’s energies” – like catching an energetic cold. This feeling is compounded by the fact that an empath may feel helpless against other people’s emotions or energy, as if there is nothing they can do to stop being affected by those around them. Empaths are easily overwhelmed, highly sensitive, and often completely clueless as to how to turn their sensitivity into strength.

So let’s dive in!


3 thoughts on “Empath Education 101 – Infinite Bliss Podcast Episode 12”

  1. I needed this so much. I have a lot of toxic people in my life. Some good people too but they are not empathy and continuously dismiss this sense I have about people. I’ve had this since I was a child and have been dismissed by so many that I started to think I was crazy. The toxic people I have in my life regularly dismiss and ignore me then turn right around and copy my thoughts and my ideas as if they were their own. Does anyone else experience this? How do you deal with it?

  2. Please never stop this podcast! You completely nailed exactly what has been happening with me and I thought I was just dysfunctional! I thought everyone was like me but treated different

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