What is an Empath? Video 1/3 Through The Eyes of An Empath Info Series

Empath Info Series Video #1 WHAT is an Empath? This video is for you is if you aren’t sure you are an empath, but think your over sensitivity to others means you are going crazy. You are NOT crazy! You are a highly sensitive person, a psychiatric term referring to people who feel, sense, know things about others that may affect their own health, mental wellbeing, and identity. In this video, you will learn that an empath is a human energy field that both broadcasts your own energy out into the world and absorbs others’ energies as well. You’ll learn about tools you were born with to protect yourself, and you’ll give yourself permission, through validation, to accept you are gifted, not cursed, with talents others may not have. What is an Empath? is presented by Courageous Path Empath Support. Empath Trainer Sue Rumack shares what empaths need to hear in order to feel whole and emotionally healthy. Video #1 What is an Empath? Coming soon, Video #2 WHO is an Empath? Video #3 Solutions for Empath Challenges Contact: Support@CourageousPath.com website: www.CourageousPath.com
