Empath Test for Psychic, Intuitive, & Claircognizant Empaths

This Empath Test, tests the accuracy of your empathic abilities so you can improve them.

There are three types of empaths:
+ Psychic Empaths
+ Intuitive Empaths
+ Claircognizant Empaths

While many Introverts are empathic, but empathic abilities cause introversion, not the other way around.

The most accurate empath test reveals what you know but don’t trust because fear and delusion block your psychic knowing.

Your accuracy as an empath improves by learning to discern and experience the differences between our intuitions and Claircognizance.

At Spirit360 Fellowship, we believe all Mediums are Psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.

Claircognizance is mediumship or spirit communication.
Our gut feelings, intuitions, and precognitions are ESP phenomenon derived from connecting with our own spirit-self or higher self.

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38 thoughts on “Empath Test for Psychic, Intuitive, & Claircognizant Empaths”

  1. What has really helped me master my abilities is being in solitude and really just knowing myself (of course purifying my field also).. Everything became so clear.. My mediumship/channeling abilities are extremely developed, I would say the clairsentience and claircognizance definitely go hand in hand and basically just telepathic. The crazy thing is I have some resistance around clairvoyance which I am understanding wants some attention lol. Hmmm very interesting, I would love to expand my abilities and open myself up to this gift. Thank you so much for sharing this video brother! Much Love & Blessings <3

    Edit: Fellow INFP here 🙂

  2. Im a psychic and intuitive Empath, wish I was a perfect medium, maybe one day, this video really has been something I've needed for the past few years

  3. Damn. This is hard to do eh. Guess I ain't an empath then. Just HSP? And yes I do have fears. I have the fear of being targeted energetically by entities and living people.
    Wonder how long it would take me to start to know for real which card it's going to be…

  4. I am Clairecognizant 🙃 I know what you mean. My knowing comes and it’s random, but quite often. Sometimes I feel awkward, I can’t explain why I “know” things but I feel it in my bones. It’s hard because in tell myself not to get too caught up in it. I feel afraid when I say that to myself, I am clairecognizent, like people will say I am crazy. It’s a scary thing, and I appreciate your lesson of being fearless, and to accept the X factor and be grateful for it. Thank you! I am going to try with an old card deck that I know well. Its not regular card deck but I feel bonded to it. I’m sure with meditation and practice, I will be able to do this. Thank you! ❤️

  5. I’m an intuitive and it’s destroyed me so many times. I used drugs most of my adult life to dull my abilities, because it becomes too much for me very easily.
    This is the first time I’ve ever admitted this.

  6. I just learned that I'm an Empath and a Clairsentient with a little bit of hearing and knowing mixed in. All my life I never knew what was going on and now it makes sense. I'm now working on learning about my gifts.

  7. A Spiritual church sounds inviting. I tried Catholic and Lutheran. I never left feeling connected to anything or anyone.

  8. omg are you serious your describing my entire life omg i knew i wasnt crazy . Your are legit arent you? Im an extremely skeptical person but your not lying I can tell. Someone else could say the words your saying and they might be lying but i know you aren't. your either crazy and bipolar like i think i might be or your not just another spiritual hustler.

  9. I have a sharp intuition. I really know when something is wrong and when someone is telling a lie. It was challenging for me before to follow my intuition and resist my feelings- I was fooling myself for someone I love. I realized that my intuition is protecting me at all cost.

  10. Thanks brother for the surprise no b.s. video. It wasn't what I was expecting, or maybe really looking for; it was something better – what I needed and forgot to keep looking for it. Faded as a "real" concern since decades of Psych Dr's shrugging and frowning offered me nothing but bogus diagnosis, a new pill & that damn missunderstood feeling that he took my rambling and clumsy attempts at describing a thing going on in me that words just wouldn't stick to and sum up in its shifting abstractions and varying but constant waves of anxiety. A big fear of mine; the indescribable culprit at my throat and the helpless frustration of being missunderstood. I'm an INFP intuitive w/some modifiers, I'd like to know about. Everything. Other stuff too, I'm Irish/Cherokee, #7(#of the"mystic"), one foot in the "other world" one foot on a 'nanna peel, and looking for some insight into whatevers coming together in different directions and all coming together nicely with the same corroborating theme, motif, words, momentum. Intuitive, spiritual, IQ: 180! didn't do so great on another. 2nd most rare! Phooey! What about me! What can I do? I mean I was a real close 2nd, but do we INFPs get any time or info w/ some videos for us, yeah, with a drawing of some tortured but powerful 2nd place empath like me glaring at you knowingly from under a babushka or something, saying something like "Watch out for the 2nd most rare Empath – They'll Care For You!" Boy, next time I see one of you INFJ guys strutting around all great and start acting all Professor X with me I'm gonna perceive my fist on your nose and judge the pain o'that! (Then run away real fast before my still cool empathy soaks up too much woe from some righteous empathic Irish crow servin') then maybe go isolate, for a few days. Thanks again, something's good for me here, hope for more, Please – I'll be back, Stay Safe!

  11. I’m not sure what kind of empath I am… I was a massage therapist and I felt people’s physical pain and feelings. And I do struggle with fear. It’s caused me to depend heavily on food for comfort since I was little. I prayed to my guides last night and here I am this morning 😁😁

  12. Very interesting video! I've only recently learned what the term empath was and ever since I looked up the meaning, I realized it resonated with something I'd been trying to ignore since I was younger, mostly because I wasn't able to explain it. I'm excited to learn more about it and watch your videos on the topic. The card test you showed is really interesting. I wanted to clarify, was that just to test for the psychic type of empaths?

  13. Great information. I spent many years developing my intuitive abilities. And my kids and I play the “knowing” things like cards all the time for fun. 🙏🏻

  14. Super interesting Terry! Man I feel like I've been living under a rock, this is a topic I'm completely clueless on. Thanks for sharing this. I learned something new. Cheers!

  15. I've always been super intuitive with basically everything in life. Always knew who to be friends with and who I straight up didn't want near me nor in my life. I've given the benefit of the doubt only two times in my entire life, those two people are my worst experiences. But thanks to them, I know my intuition is always right. I can read people so easily, even just by looking at a picture of someone.. crazy but I love it

  16. That's exactly what is happening to me now. I keep getting thoughts feelings and information coming all over the place and don't know how to distinguish or filter it. I needed to see this today. Thank you 💞

  17. Thank you for sharing this. Resonates deeply. I had a reiki session yesterday and he told me that I always knew things about people but let logic kick in when I have no proof and need to listen to it more.

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