All Empaths Have These 4 Rare Superpowers And Might Not Know It

Have you heard the healing power of the stones? Yes, there they are. We have collected these stones with the energy absorbed from the earth’s mother.
Hope this energy will help you dispel the negative energy in you

With a necklace box set, you will get three necklaces with three stones with extraordinary energy, and the important thing is they are stunning.
Buy now and feel the product about us.
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25 thoughts on “All Empaths Have These 4 Rare Superpowers And Might Not Know It”

  1. Fellow Empaths, you must create boundaries;
    Ask yourselves this: “ why am I feeling so sad, depressed all of the sudden if I was happy a minute ago?” , “is this energy mine?” Then say: I release myself from this energy and I send it back to its source” ( whomever it might be)

  2. I am a empathy I can feel what others feel, I can take in their emotions automatically, I feel like sometime people don't understand me , in large group I feel anxious , people tend to like me easily , I love animals like a lot especially little animals, I don't like when someone gets hurts. Today my sister was upset I automatically felt upset and now I am still upset.

  3. Hi, I have a question. I saw a connection between two people. It looked like two thick blue lines of light or energy. I've never seen that before, and I can't find anything on it online. Help?

  4. Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
    John 14:6 (NKJV)

    Jesus is the only way to heaven.


    Confess and repent of all your sins in prayer
    Believe Jesus died to blot out your sins and that He is your Saviour
    Believe he rose again 3 days later in the flesh by God's hand
    Be baptised fully immersed in water and be baptised in the Holy Spirit
    Repent daily
    By grace you are saved through Faith (belief)
    Live pure and stop sinning
    Follow the spiritual laws:
    Love you neighbour as yourself and love God with all your heart, soul and mind. Believe Jesus is Lord.
    Do fruitful works.

  5. After going NO CONTACT with my Jealous Narcissist mother & cousin's, last Thanksgiving unsuccessful shit show. I can breathe & I feel @ peace without their negative energy, lies, child's play crap. I have more energy then Ever, EXTREMELY BLESSED 🙏🏼❣️

  6. I definitely receive visions and hear things from the other realm. There is a difference between empaths and highly sensitive people. Highly sensitive people don’t receive visions from God nor can they hear things that aren’t there unless they carry some sort of mental illness. Empaths carry mental illness mainly trauma.

  7. Aspergers/autism etc is not a curse. Holy Spirit yes..contains a lot most dont and will never understand and most pple dont care about except for blessings or luck….the benefits or perks…used and taken advantage of. Few actually care and are genuine and want to help. Those are few and far between..the rest are fake. They dont really have faith. Biasely, my dna family with the exception of a few others literally get me and understand which is truly refreshing to say the least. My own gave birth to me and I dont have a choice. 'Voices' have a choice. I hate it when pple pretend to care and are fake, bully etc. Especially beyond the materialistic realm and they give me a good idea on what's going on. Peace with my knowing. Playing games is not for me. Proof is before and current. I hate it also when pple try to tell me something about me and that's absolutely wrong
    Pretty much most are mr. Know it alls….including 'right's ear as shown.

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