ATTENTION Empaths: This Is How You Become Powerful! [Actionable Tips]

Learn how empaths can use their hypersensitivities to their advantage and become highly powerful Beings.

There are a lot of beliefs out there that empaths and highly sensitive people (HSP) are fragile and not able to cope with a harsh world because of their sensitivities. But I’ve had enough of those disempowering beliefs!

The truth is, empaths are resilient and powerful and in this video, you’ll learn exactly how to stop feeling weak and embrace your power as a sensitive person.

This video is the 2nd one in a 2-part series that I started with this video:

Make sure to watch the 1st video in the series before you watch this one.

I’ve divided this video in 2 parts:

💥 How do I know if I’m stuck in the 4 protection mechanisms?
💥 How to heal trauma in empaths?

LINKS TO BOOKS (mentioned in video)

Shaman, Healer, Sage:
Soul Retrieval:


💥 Head over to the full blog post for comments, questions, and to download the audio version of this video.




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💥 Did you know that many of life’s biggest challenges are caused by a blocked heart? Take my 5-min Heart Quiz to find out if your heart is blocked and learn what you can do today to start living a life filled with joy, happy relationships, financial freedom, and deep purpose.


💥 Every month, I release 4 actionable and practical videos to help you accelerate your personal growth and overcome your biggest challenges.


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32 thoughts on “ATTENTION Empaths: This Is How You Become Powerful! [Actionable Tips]”

  1. Right?!? Regarding the disempowerment!!! I think they’re BS too- society’s messed up encouragement of narcissistic behavior doesn’t change THE TRUTH💚

  2. I didn't think I would have all the signs but I do. My childhood was a bit difficult. I didn't suffer from sexual abuse. So I didn't think my childhood was as bad as those who suffer sexual abuse. But now I know, it did hurt me. I want to change all this. Thank your for your videos.

  3. Christina, I love your videos. You know what would make them even more satisfying to my ear? A sum up or a kind of conclusion between the tips and the final line!

  4. Okay number to feeling uncomfortable in your own body is me. Number 3 being controlling of any type just only certain parts of my life. Number for emotional immaturity the inner child diskin disconnecting is me scared constantly have been rejected that's me and dealing with codependency . This is hard for me to say. This takes a lot of Courage for me to say this but I really want to get over all this I can get on with my intuitiveness in my empathic Powers because they're still growing even though my heart chakra feels closed

  5. Okay for number one problems with romantic relationships. One fear of rejection. Fear of intimacy issues. Fear of abandonment. Fear of receiving love. I have all those issues. So this is why my heart chakra is blocked. Please help me unlock them

  6. I just finished watching your first video about emapths. The first sign that I'm still stuck in the childhood protection mechanism, is 3 marriages and 3 divorces. I seem to attract narcissistic people to my life since my mother was/is narcissist. I just don't know how to get out of this circle. I'm also very controlling. Things should be my way or I go ballistic. I guess that's how I try to protect myself because I can't trust anyone.

  7. This is what it means to let go of things that no longer serve you… I finally put it together 🙌🏽 thank you, I am truly grateful for you! Sending you so much love and light ✨✨

  8. Beautiful and Majestic video, I feel the 4 protections still. Uncomfortable in my skin, lack of self love and acceptance, so will a lot of grounding, so I can start soul retrieval meditation. My yoga has helped immensely with my heart. But lastly will work in my inner child. I truly appreciate this road map you have give us Christina…. Just discovered you and I’m extremely grateful to the universe to run into your videos 🙏💜💐👑

  9. Thank you so much for these 2 videos. I feel like almost all of the information is so accurate to how I have acted and felt for the last 25 years. I am just starting on my spiritual awakening so I have a lot of work to do to heal these blockages. But I feel it will be a lot easier now. So again, thank you.

  10. I feel so happy to find so many empaths here!!!! It's like we don't hurt a single soul… It's beautiful and after empowering self we will be able to protect ourself from getting hurt and difficult situation as well…. Grt😍

  11. I need to work on disconnection and being uncomfortable in my own skin. I grew up with mental, emotional and physical abuse from the time I was 5 years old until I was 18 years old and I moved away from home. The abuse was so bad that I learned to project myself out of my body to where I was just present physically. I also developed multiple personalities that took over whenever little Jenny was scared and couldn't stand up for herself. I became very protective as I got older but I also found myself at times fighting to not be the bully that I grew up with. My childhood scarred me so bad that I am still hurt today and I have problems letting go and healing myself. I have PTSD to this day and I have flashbacks to I am 5 years old again and I relive the trauma over again. The abuse followed me as an adult. Just about every relationship I have been in has been mentally, emotionally and physically abusive. It's lime I am a magnet and I draw the negativity to me. I have attempted suicide numerous times in my life because the pain hurt and still does. Everything has been so bad that I started to believe what was being said to me. My self esteem is gone even now. I battle every day with myself. One good thing is that I no longer try suicide anymore because I finally realize that is not the way that I am supposed to leave this world. I to this day want and keep thinking about electro shock therapy. I've done research in it. I was told by my husband that I shouldn't get that done because he believes that I would literally die from a broken heart. That I wouldn't know what to do if I lost everyone in my head and my head got quiet. That I would feel so lost and empty that my heart would break. That is the biggest reason I haven't had that done yet. It's not like I get to pick and choose what stays in my head.

  12. You made me realise I am too sensitive to others emotions and numb to my own.. that's why I feel the need to make others happy and feel sad within.. my heart is crying realizing this truth..lots of love to you 🙏

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