Three steps to grow to be an excellent empath – The Heyoka Empath

Wish to totally step into your energy and grow to be the Tremendous Empath?

In case you freeze like a deer within the headlights round aggressive folks, uninterested in being a doormat or really feel like your reward of empathy is extra of a curse than a blessing this video is for you.

Im going to offer you three primary stuff you would want to know and even inform you find out how to develop some issues to empower you whenever you’re feeling drained.

Know your true energy and find out how to use it as an alternative of getting it hinder your life.

๐Ÿ’ช The web class I speak about within the video “The Empaths Survival Information” is right here:

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22 thoughts on “Three steps to grow to be an excellent empath – The Heyoka Empath”

  1. Yes girl!! Took me many years to get here my sister was a sociopath/malignant narcissist. Itโ€™s been hell but I did lots of self love and healing after years of abuse. Iโ€™ve taken care of her children and damn it can take a toll but we are warriors and I love your videos. Your awesome. Spot on. You know when others have been thru similar things. Peace and love rise up itโ€™s not selfish to take care of u. Was one of the hardest for me to learn. Instead of selfish I replaced it with empowerment and deserving. My peace is the most important now. If they donโ€™t bring good energy u out. LOL There is too many good souls out here getting hit because the bad donโ€™t care (never will) so we need to stop feeding the bad and feed the good. Your a freaking warrior girl! Keep up awesome Videos! Peace and love.

  2. Hi judi , love you love your vids I seen you from empath uprising. I see spirits around me sometimes but I don't know what is really happening, why ? And sometimes I can see and feel ppl far away I really don't know what to with it it just happens…lol

  3. I'm definitely not at super empath level but I am on the path. I recently became involved with a narcissist and my gut told me they were a bad idea a week in but fell into the old patterns of maybe it's just a wounded soul I can help. Took a few months of allowing myself to be swayed (though it was much more difficult to do this time) but I did recognize the pattern I was in acting and put a stop to it. When they reached back out with love bombing I recognized it immediately and didn't let it sway me again. I'm greateful for the experience it was a break through that help me see so many patterns of my past behavior and pinpoint that exact moment I choose to give my power away. It also showed me how much I have grown and that going backwards is not an option I want to take. I think I needed to test myself against another narcissist to prove to myself I could go head to head without breaking. It is not selfish to recognize a lost cause and let it go! That is the lesson I need to perfect because I knew it much sooner that I acted on it. But months rather than years is progress.

  4. Namaste bella butterfly! ๐Ÿฆ‹I will give you a shoutout on my channel. Repel the douchebag…omg ur my frigen twin soul sista from another frigen mista๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ

  5. Hey Judi, I have to say I love your style.
    The way you bring what an empath is, the challenges involved with being an empath….
    itโ€™s insightful and down to earth.
    The biggest gift of being an empath really is an innate ability to see the world as it truly is.
    Your videos ( now that Iโ€™m over the PNSD ) have been a catalyst for me to re-own who I was meant to be.
    Thank You

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