What Is An Empath?

What Is An Empath? Take this check and discover out. Be part of our tribe at https://empath.assist
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Empath Assist Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?record=PL1Q5PGa9D2xMnx0hVC9N5GrNtNYMSD8Si

The Empathic Sensitivity Manifesto https://youtu.be/FRUVjEETFas
Emotional Empath: https://youtu.be/wsEnW3x3rnk
Emotional Varieties https://youtu.be/WpmiTVVPbmo
Reverse of Empath https://youtu.be/Y55eYOE68Fs
What to Do If You Are Caught By a Narcissist https://youtu.be/KKFICUlrvf0
What’s an Empath? https://youtu.be/DS4DUxV41Yg
Are Empaths Actual? https://youtu.be/w_VJ-eJUGt4
Empaths and Relationships https://youtu.be/JtpxrcwyYQI
Empath Healers https://youtu.be/SYbulIAFcLM
Broken Empaths https://youtu.be/xbGnin_fkbg
Empaths and Anxiousness https://youtu.be/v63nIpEUudw


26 thoughts on “What Is An Empath?”

  1. Being honest with myself on this test … 9 was my score …which was surprising to me !
    I have always been highly Empathic and aware of being in the moment …
    My observations of human culture and society have enriched me not diminished me …
    my score should have been 1 or 2 … 
    Between battling or trying to dissuade the efforts of 'remote' viewing as a form of control and disruption …
    Finding and connecting with long suffering Empaths & Rainbow Children … and …
    Maintaining a physical presence in an inconspicuous manner … I have resorted to having limited desire or wishes …

    I am curious ! How many of the followers of this page have seen the original Dutch series of "Professor T" ?

  2. It is curse and blesseding yes the gut feelings save you and warnings of things ahead crazy I thought I was crazy and I am a loaner to the point only me and my dog and my adult children

  3. I scored a 12 I'm definitely an empath, and here is a tip to a young person who is an empath…. do not I repeat do not go into a medical field… I was a nurse at a hospital but when I saw the pain and the suffering by the patients and their family it all just stuck on me like glue and I couldn't shake it, I thought I was just a weak person and I couldn't control my emotions and control what happened at work, now I realize that is just how I am wired I absorb and take in all the energy from my surroundings. So needless to say I didn't even last a year working at the hospital.

  4. An empath is a not accepted reality on the Earth as 90% of the reality is not accepted.I'm real,I'm me but on the Earth I'm just a shadow of some hierarchic powers but it's okay already.I accepted my place on the Earth and I accepted that people are living in dark or in shadow there or they get a position "in the light" with agreeing.That's Earth,it is like that.Even when the light is on we make it on and it's on for us cause darkness and hierarchic systems will always shadow us.I wish I knew it 20 years before,I wouldn't have chased impossible dreams believing that it is possible to being acceptable.Society system is killing the souls and replacing the spirits with the collective spirits.I think an empath shall be it's own leader and doing it's own at least that is possible.They shadow us anyway or they rule us,at least we can having our own even if we cannot be real in their worlds.

  5. Namaskar, and thank you for your work for ALL of us. I do have one observation. The "she" centric statements may be dis-empowering to fragile male empaths. While I do understand that empathy is an in ouch with the feminine aspect, I personally find that gender specific statements tend to dis-empower one gender or the other. As a male who was closed down to his feminine aspect, if I had taken this test three years ago, it would have had a dis-empowering effect on the fragility of my psyche at the time. By sub-consciously suggesting that empaths are "she's", I personally had to struggle to see that the gender specific was not dis-empowering, yet was a generalization in editing that could be changed to they, or she/he statements. By the way, I scored 20 yes's, however, through self-reflection, and videos from others, and yourself, I have been able to empower my gifts, and am now working to fully realize my goal of a Radical Transformational Therapist in order to empower others in overcoming their addictions, and feelings of bot being enough. Thank you again for your dedication, and training, ad please accept the above as an observation, not a blanket criticism of your method, or work. Namaskar Helpful Hawk

  6. … wow, am I glad to be here … to discover this totally amazing, life redemptive level of understanding of self, others, & navigating the emoto waters of life … yes, I've been there; 'free diving' into the human emotional current of Sea Change …. I had a very recent 'all time low' health crisis' a very severe angina attack … which has miraculously propelled me into new plateau's of healing, from the physiology of the emotional, as well as the cognitive & physical need to 'Know Thyself' … Life as Project Management, Earthing ~ Grounding, Briggs Meyer & the 4 Temperments … also revived my Shaolin Qi excercises, now refreshing my snorkelling for restorative body & breathing tone, Think Reliability for Cause Mapping, formal logic & critical thinking … I am someone who has always been highly observant, & analytical, as well as a creative conceptualist, … but, not protecting myself from the onslaughts of the world …this is going to be an amazing journey for me with empath … this will be the cap-stone on a new arch-bridge of self discovery which is imperative to live a complete life of health & happiness … I scored 13, but, did hesitate on the question of leaving a meeting early, due to the reference to a car … I do not have a car … I live in a small coastal community of e-bikes, & golf carts used for local tiny island life transport … so, this test was a good primer of education on myself, which is not an egoistic statement, … self knowledge is the first essential to living in prosperity of body, mind & soul …

  7. Woohoo perfect score! What do I win?

    Also, I think it is interesting that I hesitated on a couple questions regarding elements which I had deemed weaknesses in the past and worked to overcome.

    Naturally, I have a low pain tolerance and would overeat (when there was food) to self soothe. As a child I cried a LOT (not good for a boy).

    So I got involved in activities with a lot of physical contact and constantly disciplined myself to control my eating with things like fasting.

    I still feel pain easily and want to eat way more than I should… I've just trained myself to have more control over these things and never show another tear.

  8. I scored 18/20. I was born very empathic & it just got stronger with age. But I'm untrained & have been searching 4 a long time 4 info like this. I've been thru so much abuse & trauma in my life & hurt repeatedly, that I've been carrying such a HUGE load of incredibly bad emotions. And no1 has ever really came close to understanding me, or be there 4 me. I've also been taken over by extreme pain & MANY chronic illnesses, with terrible medical care, since a terrible car accident @ 14yrs old. I just turned 46 on 5/20/21. The day b4, your video on Damaged Empaths popped up in my watch list. I've been spending quite a lot of time on the steps, especially releasing all my past emotions that I was forced to stuff to survive. It has helped me more than ANYTHING in all this time! I feel SO Much lighter inside & my pain & other usual constant terrible symptoms I've gone thru everyday for yrs have just Stopped! Thank you more than I can ever say! My mom is also a damaged Empath & I'm telling her my experiences & sending her videos too! 🥰

  9. Thank you for sharing this. I have felt I was different and didn't feel that I fit in. Especially with my family. I couldn't figure out at times if having a big heart was a blessing or a curse. Time for me to heal and deal and find some happiness understanding myself as well.

  10. The empaths arch nemesis is the narcissist. They cant stand us simply for existing and will do anything to destroy our light. They know we are here to raise the vibration of the planet. Their job is to stop that. Demons in human flesh. If you took it to court, you wouldn't have enough evidence to classify them as human beings in that they lack all traits which make one human.. love, compassion, empathy, forgiveness etc.

  11. I checked almost every box and am blown away by how spot on it is. All the empathic indicators explain so much about my experience in life so far and have also been a source of many challenges. I wish my community growing up had had this information. I've fought my sensitivities all my life and viewed them as a weakness. I'm excited to delve in and to become an empowered empath!

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