10 thoughts on “How do I do know if I’m an empath? -Christian Empath”

  1. I ended up getting diagnosed with ADHD As a kid… being who I am now. I understand theirs no such thing as mental issues, It's demons…. so that alone showed how sensitive my spirit is..

  2. At the same time tho. I always had this strong connection to Christ. I just didn't understand why I believed in him.. I automatically new Jesus was the lord in flesh..

  3. I just learned a few weeks ago thats what I am.. and it makes sense. Because my body always trembles when there's any kind of agression.. Plus, when I was young. When ppl would stand behind me, I would feel them strongly, I never understood what I was feeling. But now I think about it, it felt like almost a high.

  4. This ressonate so much with me and I struggle to find guidance outside in this topic also as a Christian besides the bibel. I truely believe Jesus was an empath too. ❤️ Thank you and may God bless you and your path. 🌹

  5. I’m just being awakened that I’m an empath and it’s feels great. I always feel so different. However, where do I go from here? As I reflect on my past, the tell tale signs are coming back,

  6. I feel like you're saying everything I've said a million times. I felt like no one understood me. I'm still not sure if I'm an empath but so much rings true. Thank you God bless.

  7. Hi, My name is Tab and I have just discovered that I am an empath. I always felt different. Now at the age of 39 I have literally isolated myself no friends (real friends) Spent 15 years between two relationships with men with narrasitic traits and what's crazy I don't think neither one even have an idea if they are and I can say that because I feel it. This is how I even dicovered I was an empath after discovering what narrasitism is. Now that I no I have not stopped trying to learn more and more. I am a Christian and now that I no my gift I have an overwhelming feeling to help others to what a narrasiss its on my heart heavy. I understand I have to heal and thats the process I'm now. Thanks for the video and God Bless you for helping me on this journey

  8. Hello. My name is Darren, Im 55, I've been a Christian since I was 5. I have struggled many many years with the feelings of other people (It scared me because I thought that EVERYONE could feel my feeling too, So I have lived a VERY sheltered life in order to not have to feel other people's pain). 5 Years ago a friend of my suggested that I might be an HSP. So I followed his advice and took the test.. https://hsperson.com/test/highly-sensitive-test/ I hit every one. This lead me to dig into the other aspect of being an HSP which are empathic and and I also tested very high for being an INFP. Now the way I confirmed that I am an empath was by accident. One day I was at the employment office waiting in line. There was no one behind me, only a lady about 20 feet in front of me at the agents window. I felt ok, a good day, no anxious feeling.. Well all of a sudden I felt a wave of sadness and fear come over me. I almost started crying. In fact I was going to bolt and come back another time.. But I decided to take a couple step forward pass the "wait here" line on the floor. And to my surprise the lady at the window was softy crying and explaining to the agent about her ill husband who could not come into the office and she was afraid they were going to be kicked of employment insurance. I FELT her BEFORE I heard her. This was VERY powerful for me.. I just took a couple steps back and held on and waited until she left and the feeling subsided… Since that day I have been tring to find my place in this crazy world.

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