7 Indicators You Are A Heyoka, The Most Highly effective Empath

7 Indicators You Are A Heyoka, The Most Highly effective Empath.

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13 Indicators You are An INFJ, The Rarest Persona Sort In The World

You are Positively An INFJ If You Have These 8 Indicators.


Empaths are extremely delicate beings; they’re generally usually perceived to be mystique. That is because of the qualities they possess that transcend bizarre human attributes. They’re extremely inclined people with the innate capability to discern what folks round them really feel and undergo.

Empaths usually have a tough time to filter out their emotions from these of others; they’re so buried into no matter state of affairs or circumstance that’s round them. In different phrases, when the surroundings or state of affairs is enjoyable, they’re so into it, when it turns unhealthy, they can not simply escape being moody and depressed. In essence, for people who find themselves empaths, neither their happiness nor unhealthy instances are entire. It has a sense of bittersweet.

Probably the most salient level to notice about empaths is their drive of exhibiting empathy in the direction of folks. Nonetheless, each human being in a method or one other can empathize with each other, however probably the most valued and the one on the apex of all of it is the “Heyoka”. Nonetheless, It’s just a few out of many which can be thought-about Heyoka empaths.

In Native America, the time period “Heyoka” means a sacred clown. Additionally it is used to consult with people who’re like emotional mirrors to the folks round them.

A Heyoka empath possesses the power to soak up and dispose of detrimental energies round her or him. Additionally they might be described as one who acts in a manner opposite or completely different from the best way everybody else does.

A Heyoka empath views issues very otherwise in comparison with the paradigm of different folks. Anyway, guys, listed here are some indicators that present you is likely to be a Heyoka empath.


35 thoughts on “7 Indicators You Are A Heyoka, The Most Highly effective Empath”

  1. IM telling you now, NEVER GET involved with a narcissist!! Especially if you're an empath. Its been 12 years. I've suffered ENOUGH!! I hurt and he laughs. I cry and he says oh poor me, when he's the one who caused it. I've had no freedom and no rights. He doesn't even look at me, but he wont let me leave him. But I've been working on myself and he knows IM ready. IM not gonna do this anymore!! I love myself, and hopefully I'll find my soulmate. Just gotta get outta here, and take at least a year to work on myself. Wish me luck. Love to all.

  2. Well I've always known I was an empath and just these last few years I found how to keep from becoming too full of other people's emotions that in itself has really helped me to still help people but you're also not stress myself out

  3. I didn’t want to listen to this… I don’t like being like this all the time. Sometimes it cripples my daily life and most of the time I feel very lonely no matter what I do or who I try to cheer up. I feel sleepy all the time and very concerned about my friends emotional health. I cherish hugs and even cuddles more than anything, and I enjoy the restful satisfaction of whomever I’m doing that with, even if sometimes causes me insomnia. It’s a pretty silent life after everything one does and you kinda always hope someone will suddenly and selflessly appear to help you find peace. I’m always longing… it’s pretty heartbreaking. 😞

  4. Not me trying to make everyone in my surroundings happy because I'm so used to internalising everyone's energy that I can't focus on myself, so the only way to be happy is to have everyone else around me happy. Sometimes I wish I could put up a wall and not let anyone affect me, but I can't stop myself from feeling everyone's emotions.

  5. Everyone's a Heyoka empath now, looks like it's not so rare after all. I fit all 7 of these traits and concider myself just another human who is able to pick up on subtle cues and body language.

  6. We have to survive, yes? The toxic people, often close to us. You come away and you feel baaad. Rerun the scene in your head. So much negative stuff, lies and veiled attacks. You feel sick and heavy, and confused. And then you see it for what it is. It's not your fault. You have an urgent need to rebalance with positivity. You cuddle your cat, you do some Yoga, prepare a simple meal and most of all I love to sit outside listening to the wind in the trees. My spirit soars again, the wind swells and the leaves chuckle and celebrate their seasonal life.

  7. Honestly, we heyokas may be able to read and feel others emotions. If someones emotionally exhausted? We feel emotionally exhausted. Yet it is RARE we feel overwhelmed. Idrk if this is every heyoka, but me? It doesn't matter what hardship I may face, I will come back swinging. I am proud of this fact, nothing can happen to me that I cannot handle

  8. This fits me exactly. I would adore people to test me! and see that I truly am one. Because the only way to tell and see if someone is what they say they are, well, is to test them!
    Test everything!
    Question everything.
    Be it God or the devil… and this is important, you gotta find out whether who's who. Because the devil can often seem like an angel of light.

  9. I can relate to this a lot. I can often feel a person's strong emotions eminating from them. I try to pray fully help. I try to treat everyone with respect, and when it's not reciprocated it often hurts me deeply.

  10. Most of these also sound neurodivergent too. Like adhd and autism. And yes autistics do so have empathy. Autistics can be empaths, more so emotional empathy vs the cognitive kind. I bet there is a correlation with empaths and NDs.

  11. Wow! You hit every nail on the head. I just thought I was a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. My family says I march to a different Drummer. It took me years to figure out that I was an empath and years more to block most of the emotional bombardment around me. Actually, still working on that one. The difficulty lies in knowing what is yours and what is coming from outside influence.

    #1 rule, trust your instincts. Listen to those gut feelings. If you feel someone's intentionally lying, they are, etc.

  12. Heyoka empaths do grow. I do believe people need to master their heyoka. Or you will just get swallowed up by other peoples feelings and such. Usually being younger like 13-25years is the roughest time being a heyoka. heyoka's are able too change the moods/vibes/happiness/sadness real quick for the good or bad. We make lots of mistakes by accident because we like jumping into stuff real quick. Being young as a heyoka can be rough. The older we get the wiser we become. I honestly believe with time and experiences it helps you're heyoka empath grow! Don't let it take control over you . If you know what i mean. I'm 31 and still learning, but one thing is for sure I do not let emotions or other feelings get to me no more.

  13. I wonder if this Dream Solution is what I do: I keep dream journals, decrypt the symbolism, and then use it to answer questions, find out stuff, get directions, confirm something, et cetera.
    I do interrupt people sometimes but only because I already know what they're going to say so just trying to advance the conversation while simultaneously thinking about diverging possibilities and the source, lol. The other reason is stated: a thought that can't wait – an intuit – an intuition doesn't sound right – I like to think of it more like channelling: a thought I got that didn't necessarily come from my head, lol – such thoughts need to be recorded or stated, – they are not held internally because they come from a continuous stream, like sitting watching a river full of fish swimming by; you pluck a fish out and, shortly after, it dissolves. There are infinite fish, in an infinite stream, eternally flowing but the moment you take something from that flow and focus on it, you are freezing a part of the constant which continues outside of your focus. This is why the thoughts can't always be remembered: because the focus is on the flow, not the dissecting of the flow into individual frozen parts.
    Personally, I find free writing an excellent way to, ahem, "channel," lol.
    These are also symptomatic of claircognizance and precognizance.

    Hope some peeps can relate to this.

  14. 1. You can feel the emotions of other people. You might as well be a Heyoka if you can feel other people's emotion and decode their mood or how they feel almost all the time. Heyoka do not just show people their faults, but they can go the extra mile of providing a concrete solution to the given error or problem.
    2. You're always interrupting people, but it is not deliberate or intentional – Heyokas just can't wait for their turn. This is not necessarily because of pride or the desire to break protocol. Rather, it is innate (only natural with one who is a Heyoka). They might want to do the thing that comes to their mind instantaneously because a further delay can cause them to forget. Many times, a lot of stuff runs through their mind, and it might not be so easy to recall whatever has escaped their memory.
    3. Sleep solution effect – Even while asleep, a Heyoka's mind continually thinks, sometimes in very insightful ways. They get answers to some problems while they sleep.
    4. A Heyoka is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited abilities. They think of themselves as possessive of power, brilliance, beauty, and so much more which is virtual. The level of quality they sense they possess does not really exist. Sometimes, the fantasy tends to be so real to them that they try to demonstrate magical powers. Failed attempts would make them realize they are a mere human.
    5. Often a muse to others – A Heyoka often passes healthy inspiration to others when they get into in-depth discussions, because they are insightful. They can put you through whatever situation you are going through, and advise you when you find yourself at a crossroads in any form of conditions. They often take other people's problems even more seriously than theirs. They do not want to see people unhappy and moody, so they deplore all they have to inspire people once they are given the privilege to do so.
    6. Heyokas go the opposite or an unusual direction than every person does. They act like they are in a different world altogether. Their paradigm and orientation seem to be totally different from that of every other person. This makes them quite unique, but on the other hand, it makes it quite difficult for them to flow with / relate to others easily. Sometimes, when they try to relate to others who have different views or beliefs, they can be a little harsh. It's because they think differently than others, so they often end up not have secure conclusions about things, because they spend more time in aggressive arguments.
    7. You are creative. Heyokas are not far from being TOO creative. They engage their minds in whatever they are into, coming up with innovations and things that are different from the status quo. They just want to see new developments, innovations, and ideas that are different from what was already achieved before they came into the system. This is why Heyokas cannot just be pocketed anywhere they are found. Even when they do not want to be in the picture, they drop suggestions or ideas that get them into the limelight. This is why in organizations where creativity and innovation are needed, they are always the frontliners and their employees go to any extent to help them. However, often when they have made up their own minds to drop a job or task, it's almost impossible to hinder that no matter what you offer. What motivates them is beyond physical, and it is a drive that comes from within.

  15. I can talk to anyone understand animals and their language I can understand everyone even if I was to get hit I'll see through to their childhood I'm 22 years old and these comments are all I push

  16. I do feel other people emotions 😭I haven't seen anyone like me nd it's weird,I am waiting for my soulmate,I hope he is ..I am definitely a heyoka..all this signs are mine 😭😭😂💔 lord

  17. Can not unplug it…Can not turn it off… Can not ignore it, drink it away, shut it up, nor escape it… Where does one go for complete solitude? How does someone get inside the box? YES! I want inside the box! It's gotta be more quiet and calm inside the box right!??😐😐😐

  18. For years I felt like a failure. I would cry watching TV commercials about famine & disasters like it was my fault. I have worked across all the sectors quickly earning promotions from hospitality, finance, construction, admin and so many other positions but never an expert at one.
    I always move house, town, city and country starting from the bottom everytime.
    I recently found out I am an INFJ. I also have 2 8's in my birth date, Leo in tarot, sheep in Chinese horoscope and recently found out I am an empath through Myers Briggs.
    My family say I'm like Nanny McPhee, "I'm here when you need me & gone when you want me."
    I always step up to the plate & have no problem defending others when I feel it's right and, I push people forward who deserve it but overall, I prefer to be a mushroom and live in the dark. I think the world is too noisy 😕
    I don't feel like I belong anywhere, with anyone & I don't believe I'm anyone special but I sure as hell know I'm worth it….now. 😌
    Do I meet this personality as well?

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