Emotional Empath

This video is about emotional empaths. Take a look at the Empowered Empath Course at https://empath.assist/empowered-empath/ If you wish to study emotional abilities, enroll at https://dougnoll.com/lp/listen-others-into-existence

Be part of us at https://empath.assist.

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24 thoughts on “Emotional Empath”

  1. Imagine..being able to focus attention on my own non-wavering inner joy, never affected or distracted by external viewpoints, thoughts, opinions, or the perspectives of others whom I respectfully share the world with.

  2. Yes video was political at first, but please understand, the creator of this video is entitled to their opinions. And if they feel an emotional connection between being empathic and the covid crisis and politics, then they are validated. The experience of being an emotional empath is the main part and best part of this video and is worth listening to the first half.

  3. Could have been a good video had you left out your political bias. You did not even state facts even though you believe you did. Empaths are able to see through lies so how is it you obviously fell for the BIg Lie???

  4. Hi just started.watching you on here , you have explained so well why I feel the way I do , the empathy I have helps me with my job I'm doing now which is a carer to adults with autism and other special needs , feel this is now why I'm here . To listen to you talking now has made me realize I'm not to sensitive and why I feel I have to help where I can to the point there is never enough time for me , I suffer with high anxiety at times and can not handle crowds as it ends up making me have panic attacks , sometimes they can take a few days to feel normal again , sorry for the war and peace but really just wanted to explain a bit so you can know just how much you are helping me , thankyou

  5. I definitely will visit website, for the first time, almost everything you've described has struck a huge impact deep inside i am constantly woried in my daily life why i am so misunderstood. As i have been searching for awhile on my journey of self – discovery and self-help awareness, i go between personality disorders, depression, bpd, and just not knowing how to control any of my emotions. Physicians, psychiatrist,and counselors have all been "Lets try this" or " i think you may be #&? " All have helped me on my journey but now I'm going to learn WHO I AM.

  6. Your Covid info is completely political and one-sided I was listening until you can't tell The TRUTH about reality! You will be retracting your lies soon! Sorry you did not do your own research and find out the real TRUTH

  7. Im constantly gaslit
    Or so i think
    I feel people have tried to " train " me but do it in a way i nearly went bonkers. I think they were covert narcissists. How do i overcome the mind games empaths are subjected to

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