7 Bizarre Issues Empaths Do this Solely Real Empaths Will Perceive

7 Bizarre Issues Empaths Do this Solely Real Empaths Will Perceive.

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Empaths are items to society, and their significance cannot simply get overemphasized. They play important roles within the lives of each different individual round them. Empaths are paragons of selflessness and caregivers.

Many individuals within the society understand empaths to be irregular folks, or weirds whatever the vibes and constructive impacts they create within the nation. Their skills to; Learn folks’s feelings, tackle the energies of others, heal from robust conditions, and quite a lot of others makes folks suppose they’re eccentric and even possessed by some religious beings.

Some individuals who really feel they’re empaths discover it difficult to simply accept and to slot in as a result of they do not need others to suppose they’re bizarre. Nevertheless, it takes somebody who understands the persona of an empath to understand her or him.

Empaths simply spot their varieties as a result of they’re on the identical prepare and line of feeling. Even and not using a fellow empath act, Empaths can spot out considered one of their sorts. On this video, let me share with you some bizarre issues that empaths do this simply genuine/real empaths will perceive.

?? We wish to thank our beneficiant Patreon supporters who make Empaths Refuge potential:
– Patti Harada

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“Introvert Energy: Why Your Inside Life Is Your Hidden Energy” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

“Quiet: The Energy of Introverts in a World That Can’t Cease Speaking” by Susan Cain :


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7 Indicators You Are A Heyoka, The Most Highly effective Empath

You are Undoubtedly An INFJ If You Have These 8 Indicators.

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46 thoughts on “7 Bizarre Issues Empaths Do this Solely Real Empaths Will Perceive”

  1. I had to stop visiting someone who would properly be my boyfriend by now cause they had their dog chained day in day out. I saw how sad the dog was, I raised this everytime I visited. I asked him to release it. Seeing that dog took so much energy from me, my mood will change from happy to sad. I called it a quit. He didn't understand but I couldn't anymore. I would later learn that the dog died. Didn't I cry, cause I saw it before it happened. I thought I was crazy. 😪😪😪

    Well maybe I am.

  2. Having been an empath all my life, I knew all these things. I am very glad you made a video because it will help those who don't know what they are. Thank you soooo much for you time.

  3. when two empaths fall in love it is like heaven on earth, even if things can be sometimes a bit complicated.☺and we usually do not let others know how we struggle inside – simply to protect them. I never say to my mom when I struggle, because I know it would hurt her. Instead of this I make others laugh or make things look easier.

  4. I have to part disagree with something you said on 5 about we can't be selfish and love ourselves but thought my own YouTube self diagnose so not sure if better or not then google said so diagnose and I could wrong

    Butttt….. on mbti im a istp so happy with who I am empath I believe and been told im a narcissist so covert narcissist and theose 3 traits sort tell me I do care but some stuff I don't and if I help it answers with logic not feeling and I put you b4 me but doesn't mean I dobt myself unfortunately if I dobt myself it's because I need self improvement but because I discovered it. .. as I said I could be wrong im try to work how the 3 connect

  5. I've always known I was an empath, I've always felt my close family and friends. When covid hit I went into a deep depression and even turned to drugs cause I felt all these emotions that weren't mine. I realized I couldn't run from those new feelings so I practiced mindful meditation and learned how to separate others emotions from mine. After 3 years I'm finally back to my happy and loving self. ❤

  6. This was spot on! I literally ran out of a crowded mall once, shortly after going in. And I’m totally about the animals! The other things resonated as well! I’ve attracted SO many broken people! 😂

  7. Hi I'm Nick thank you for sharing your video. Sometimes it helps to listen to certain videos to learn more about yourself and how to become stronger and your weaker areas take care

  8. These Videos Are Extremely Biblical Psychology Really Could Learn Tons Of More Accurately Information Also Save Alot More Time Money And Energy On So-called Mental Health Research And Medications, As Well As Possibly Help With Decreasing Suicides.

  9. this video describes me with total accuracy. i have only recently become aware that i am a high empath. . i have always been confused as to why i can feel multiple feelings. but now im aware that im not feeling multiple emotions im feeling multiple people. so many things used to be impossible to understand or explain. the more im learning the more lifes events are making sense

  10. genuine huh what freaks,i know everything about life and the earth,so i am genuine 2 do you have 84volts dc in you i do,,you sound like freaks do you know were a lei line is well then your a freak,,you have a gift its called retardness

  11. I had to fill my bra with crystals when I went to the Seaside fair with my friend 😂
    When I feel that there energy is coming into me , I have to become fully aware that it’s not me . Intuitive empath here ❤
    We need healthy boundaries
    No people pleasing

  12. I seem to be a magnet for narcissists! If it's not them, it's the users and the broken people who come to me for help. When they are healed/on their feet, they leave without even a thank you – for living in my home, eating my food, the loans, resources, etc. It is exhausting but I find it difficult to turn a blind eye to any human need. Over time I have learned to put myself first unapologetically

  13. Feeling everything …all the time
    Makes the worse things worser as the curse gets curser
    Shouts fill the pores in my face and the hurt sweaters me every single place….
    I feel the looks at me and at each other i feel moms telling kids stop touching each other
    I feel every thought about one another
    I feel good and envy and hell and love
    I feel bad and the people glad when youre sad…
    I feel harboured emotions i feel scorn i feel glances
    I feel the voids and the nothings noone romances. I feel all the weight the tons the tons
    I feel heavy in the moods that muck up in dust fuck.
    I feel all the horror and the gloomy day dances i feel the murmurs i feel the glances…

  14. I do experience the aforementioned things and a healthy dose of ADHD and a large side of Bipolar II. I’m not going to say I’m an empath but I’m very much sensitive to the things around me.

    That being said, learn to play the GUITAR!
    • It’s the only instrument you watch to learn, cues the body.
    • Keeps you grounded, rhythm.
    • Sensory feedback, we all have that favorite keyboard.
    • Cool stuff on vast levels of budget constraint, instant grad dopamine shot!
    • And number #1, a guitar never made a situation worse for peoples emotions and if it did, it’s because the story needed to be that funny.

  15. This explains so very much of my life… and fills in the blanks for me.. as through the years I have questioned things about myself. Many many times… people I work with and husband have said… “you cannot save the world “… but I just thought I was doing what came naturally. Now I know why… it is natural for me. The need to withdraw and hide out in the bedroom on the weekends after a long week of working with sick people.. and unfortunately toxic intrusive coworkers… explained… finally. May I say.. it’s a joy to read about other empaths… I feel validated and accepted here. Much love ❤️

  16. we hide from the world ok its our protection from rude people like you who dont understand us. we love ourselves and we love hard but exspect honesty and faithfulness

  17. we dont bother people with our problems unless they can understand and help, your wrong again. we love ourselves and love everyone, jerks want us and cant get us

  18. I have met three self-focused, haughty individuals who are high-strung and constantly blame their struggles on others’ incompetence. They always expect others to meet their needs perfectly. Even if they may admit they have faults, they still cannot see from another’s point of view YET they claim they are empaths and easily feel people’s feelings. However, I notice, being an accommodating (often too nice, which can be a fault to an extent) empath myself, I see at once the selfishness they exhibit and the lack of awareness of others’ feelings because of their sharp/insulting language and also a disregard for other people’s time while pouring all their problems or ranting. So…I have now concluded there are different kinds of empaths. Kind of. I feel the self-proclaimed “empaths” are not really genuine empaths, but actually selfish, hypersensitive, and ungrateful individuals. I’ve accommodated these types for years, lending my shoulder because I know what it’s like to need someone to talk to. Instead, it destroyed me. Sometimes, dear genuine empaths who are truly grateful for life and kind, sometimes it’s necessary to say no…nicely but firmly, with discretion to your tone…to protect yourself. Learn the red flags early on so you don’t get sucked into it repeatedly and get used so they can dump on you and leave feeling better while you carry their issues into your own life. And I can assure you, these types rarely thank you, apologize, or check on your well being as a result of their actions. They’ll simply return the next time they need you. I now recognize what a toxic, selfish, one-way friendship is; real friends don’t use you like that; they’re friends with you because they actually care about you, not because they simply need you. When someone overshares on the first meeting, be cautious to not react emphatically too quickly. Or you might be entering an energy-sucking one-way relationship you’ll regret but have a hard time getting out of, regardless of the type of relationship it is.

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