Methods to Defend Your self as an Empath or HSP! | Stephanie Lyn Teaching

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28 thoughts on “Methods to Defend Your self as an Empath or HSP! | Stephanie Lyn Teaching”

  1. I need to listen to this video EVERY DAY! All if the things she talks about apply to me so deeply it scares me. Thank you for this video, I hope to let it help me change my life for the better.

  2. Over the years, I have become extreeeeeeeeemly discerning of toxic people…….so my alarm bells go off instantly and I disengage myself immediately thankfully…..

  3. This is a good guide. 💚 I found out this year that I am an empath & sensitive. I don't feel alone anymore & weird. My problem is my children. I drank a lot in my younger years, because I was misunderstood by everyone except 1 or 2. I was not a good mother, because I didn't know what a mother entailed. My mother didn't want me, but I sensed my dad did, until I was molested at 6. I felt then nobody wanted me, so basically raised myself with my parents physically there. To make a long story short, my 1 girl/6 boys did not receive the love I should've given them. Now, we are older, they dismiss me when I want to connect with them. Of course it hurts. My question, should I leave my children alone & stop running to them for love, when they don't want to be around me? I am 52, separated from my husband, whom I want to divorce (narcissistic man) & my mother & my children say they love me, but I don't "feel it". I don't feel they will change either. I've tried many times talking but it always blows up in my face. I dont have any friends I can relate to, so I feel like I'm kicking a can, in life. Thnx! 💚

  4. At the age of (almost) 68, this information is sooo enlightening. Amongst me & my 4 sisters, I was always teased as “the crybaby”… it wasn’t something I could easily control. I hated emergency sirens, loud noises or bright lights. I would hide under the piano bench when overwhelming scenes came on tv. I was always an exceptional student; in my only IQ test (at 20) I scored 147. I was a critical care nurse that cried frequently over my patients after I left the hospital & I struggled briefly with destructive coping mechanisms (drinking, etc). People have approached me since I was a child & shared deep, personal information—especially older folks, children, dogs, & cats totally unsolicited. On the Myers-Briggs evaluation, I am an INFJ, but I’m also pretty sure that I’m an HSP. I love nothing better than to be outdoors with my dogs. This info has helped me tremendously. It puts everything into a logical perspective for me. Thank you. 🙏🏻🔆

  5. There is nothing wrong with you
    Empath and HSP is a personality trait and a gift.
    Read, study, and learn about this. Learn how to ground, block, and use your gift.
    We are here for a reason. We aren't victims. We balance out the negativity and benefit ourselves and others.

  6. Throughout the video, I was saying, "Yes, this is me. This is what I do." Thank you so much. I was in a narcissistic relationship and I gave chance after chance, always wanting to believe what I was being told. When I was just being told what I wanted to hear at the time. I have my own faults because no one is perfect, but I think some of my reactions were just because of the relationship I was in. Since my divorce, most of my relationships have all been with a narcissist and I have since decided to take this time to just be myself. I seem to draw those narcissists to me like a moth to a flame and I just don't have the energy to deal with that sort of relationship any longer.

  7. 1:10 in
    I have a really simple question for you. I'm a person that has studied all my life and I really like the field of psychology. However this concept of empaths and highly sensitive people is a little strange to me. I say this because there's something called healthy boundaries and we all need to learn that. I for one overshared many times and didn't need to share personal things to other people. Another thing is learning how not to take things personally. And it has been a struggle for me. I'm 47 years old and I'm finally starting to wake up. I knew in my 30s that what people said to me was not about me it was all about them and their relationship to themselves and how they see the world. It had absolutely nothing to do with me. But unfortunately I took a lot of things personally in my 30s and in my early 40s. Sometimes it's still hard to realize this truth. So if somebody has really good healthy boundaries and learns how to say no I can't do that today I'm sorry I could take a rain check and I can help you some other day but this day I have to take care of me. And if that person says that with confidence and owns it because it's their truth and they don't feel bad about saying no to helping someone else then does that person mean they're not an empath and they're not a highly sensitive person? Because I think the key is having really good boundaries and speaking up for yourself. I am working on the third chakra and my throat chakra because they both work together. And I've been told that spiritual work is exhausting. And I am more aware now in my late 40s then I was just 6 years ago. I would like clarification on this

  8. Not seeing who they are based on what they are showing us! You are right, Stephanie. ONCE I stopped listening to the words and started watching my donkey's actions, is when I FINALLY got it. Not hard to spot once you examine the red flags and stop making excuses for them.

  9. I know that there are evil people out their. I've dealt with a Pyscho Narsissist, barely escaped that one. Healing for me is a priority in my life and will be for quite some time I think. It is getting much better day by day. Thank you for your videos.

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